Naruto is...

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Iruka's POV

Naruto is different. He is no more. He doesn't laugh or smile. He acts and looks like he's not completely there. 

I couldn't blame him. I couldn't get mad or angry or sad. I couldn't yell at him. Who was I to tell him that it's all okay? He went through hell. He went through the impossible. He was strong, just not strong enough. Not strong enough to survive the shinobi world. Not strong enough to take the insults and pain without breaking. Who could blame him?

He would stare out the window. Avoid all contact with anything living. He never utters a peep. He was quite literally like a doll. His once porcelain tanned skin, now a pale silvery white. His once sky blue eyes are barely open. They stare lifelessly at the room around him.  

After uttering that one question... he never said another word. Quietly, he lives on. But, how is he even living? He has no joy, no happiness. He is dull.

He was just there. A small husk of the once beautiful Naruto.

The council was in shambles. The tailed beast container was supposedly not doing his job. He was releasing a demon, apparently. The shinobi side stayed quiet. No words were spoken supporting or against that subject.

I was livid, not at Naruto, but at the village. The Hokage even. She told me I didn't own him. That he wasn't mine. My response was simple, but it easily shut her up. 

"At least I won't neglect him, not like you did."

I wish Naruto would come back. He held the most intense conversations. He understood the world far beyond his own age. HE understood death as if he had experienced it a million times. And... he smiled. He smiled every day like it would be his last. 

How could someone so perfect, be so broken. How could someone so loving, be so loveless. How could Naruto become this?

There is only one thing to bring me reassurance. Though he avoids everyone, he at least sees me. He looks up whenever I enter his room. He would only eat if I feed him. I can brush his hair, and he would be at peace. I still am remembered. That brings me consolance. He will return.

 I will not let him say Goodbye!

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