twenty two

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blair's pov
i roll over in the king size bed, feeling the comforter slip off of me a bit. i grab the comforter and bring it up over my shoulder while tucking it under my chin. i lay with my eyes closed for a few to see if i'll fall back a sleep. i open my eyes, clearly realizing i'm not going to be able to go back to bed, and i'm face to face with a sleeping daniel. i smile remembering that he finally asked me out last night. as i look at the brown haired boy, he starts to shift around and his eyes flutter open i quickly close mine so he doesn't know i was staring at him.

"i saw that," he says with a groggy voice. i open my eyes as i let out a laugh, going back to admiring the beautiful human in front of me.

"good morning girlfriend," he says as he scoots closer and snakes his arm around my waist from under the covers, resting his head between my neck and the pillow.

"good morning boyfriend," i say back and enjoy the position i'm currently in.

"hey breakfast is re- oH MY GOODNESS, BOYS COME QUICK," corbyn yells as i hear all the boys stampede to the room.

"aw look at them," jack says as a turn my head the best i can to look at them. daniel sits up and i pout a little bit, missing the extra warmth from him.

"we'll be down in a minute," daniel tells them and they all walk away with a nod. daniel looks down at me with a sleepy smile as he bends down to kiss my forehead. he stands up from his bed and walks over to his closet.

"do we have to go eat," i ask him clearly not wanting to get out of his comfortable bed.

"um yeah, we have to be fueled for our date today," he says while throwing on a hoodie and turning to me.

"date? what date?" i ask him as a sit up, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

"well, i was thinking i could take you out to dinner tonight in celebration of last night," he tells me as he walks over to the side of the bed i'm sitting on. he holds out his hands to help me get up, i gladly take them and unwillingly get out of bed.

"okay, i'm good with that," i say as i yawn. he lets go of my right hand, still holding my left, and we walk downstairs to the kitchen. i take a seat at the island as jonah finishes flipping the french toast.

"who's idea was it to make breakfast?" i ask as i pop a grape in my mouth.

"well zach wanted french toast but he didn't want to physically cook it so he made jonah do it," jack says as he cuts into his french toast.

"what do you mean he made jonah make it?" daniel questions with a confused tone as he sits next to me.

"zach said that if i made them, he'd leave me alone today, so he didn't really make me make them but it was too good of a deal to give up," jonah explains as he sets french toast in front of daniel and i. i thank him with a quick smile as i pull my hair back so i don't get syrup in it and start to dig in.

"oh that makes sense," daniel states as he starts to eat his breakfast as well. we all eat in a comfortable silence and appreciate jonahs cooking. once we're all finished and washed our plates we all plop in the living room and try to find something to watch.

"can we watch sponge bob," zach says as he hangs over the side of the chair.

"zach we aren't 10, how about we watch criminal minds," daniel suggests earning nods from everyone except zach.

"five against one, sorry zachy poo we're not watching sponge bob today," i coo to the boy as corbyn puts on the show. zach playfully rolls his eyes as he sits up to pay attention. we spend almost the whole day watching criminal minds.

"oh come on, i can't believe that guy just hid the body in a river. A RIVER! like how stupid are you?" zach expresses as we turn the tv off.

"zach you've been doing that every episode we watch," corbyn points out, annoyed with the younger boy.

"because they're all stupid, if you're gunna kill someone you might as well be good at hiding it, that's all i'm saying," he reasons while putting his hands up in defense. i let out a laugh as i stand up to stretch. i feel someone hug me from behind, i lean into them knowing it's daniel.

"want me to drive you home so you can be ready for 7?" he asks me while resting his head on my head.

"i drove my car here, remember?" i ask turning around to face him, wrapping my hands around his neck.

"so? you can just stay the night again and drive it home tomorrow," he suggests and makes a valid point.

"then yeah that's fine," i say with a small smile. he returns the smile and pecks my lips before running off to get his keys. i walk over to we're the boys leave their shoes and slip mine on.

"you guys are cute it's gross," jack says as he walks to the kitchen.

"thank you jack avery, i'll tell alex you think affection is gross," i tell the boy as daniel comes back and is ready to go.

"oh no you won't missy," jack says turning around and starts to walk towards me. i open the front door, grabbing daniel, and run to his car before jack can do god knows what. we hop in as jack reaches the front porch, obviously giving up.

"bye avery, see you later!" i yell to him while sticking my head out the window as daniel drives down the street. daniel laughs as i turn to face front and put my seat belt on.

"blair brooks, you are absolutely insane," he observes as he continues driving to my house.

"daniel seavey, you are correct," i say as i turn to him. we make small talk as we take the short ride to my house. after about 15 minutes we pull up and daniel parks the car in front.

"you better be ready by seven or else," he tells me trying to act strict.

"or else what?" i play along, curious to see what his 'consequence' would be.

"or else i won't get you dessert," he shoots back at me.

"oh no! no dessert? what kind of monster are you?" i ask, acting completely heart broken.

"the kind that will get himself dessert and eat it right in front of you," he says inching his face closer to mine.

"i can't believe you would do that!" i exclaim while i mimic his actions and move closer to his face.

"i don't want to so be ready by seven," he reminds me what time to be ready. i lean all the way in and press my lips to his, just sitting there for a few seconds. i pull back only to peck his lips real quick again.

"i'll be outside by seven on the dot," i say as i open the door. i get out of the car and shut the door while turning around to walk to my house. daniel rolls downs the window as i start to walk.

"hey! come back over here," daniel calls causing me to turn back around and poke my head through.

"yes?" i question. daniel leans over the glove compartment and attaches his lips to mine. i let out a giggle causing our lips to vibrate.

"daniel! i have to go get ready!" i laugh as i pull away.

"okay okay, one more?" he asks with a 'pretty please?' facial expression. i roll my eyes and give him one more kiss. i back out from the window and walk to my front porch. i turn around and wave bye to daniel as i unlock my door and go into my house. as i shut the i lean up against it and bite back a smile. gosh i haven't even known this boy two months and he's driving me crazy.

hi this is kind of a filler but it's cute. next chapter will be the dinner! also thank you all so much for 11k reads! it means the absolute work to me you guys like this book, much love<33

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