thirty one

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blair's pov
we've been driving for about 13 hours now and we're all exhausted. jack and alex are passed out in the backseat, leaning on one another and i'm close to falling asleep as well. i cant sleep though because someone has to make sure daniel stays awake until we get to the next exit so we can get to a hotel to get some rest. jonah stalked up on coffee earlier so he's wide awake because he refuses to let anyone else drive his truck. i offered to switch with daniel and drive for a little but he insisted that he was fine. that was three hours ago. he's half asleep.

"daniel, do you want to pull over and i'll drive until we get to the hotel?" i ask, hoping he would say yes.

"we're only 20 minutes away from the hotel, i'll be fine," he says as he lazily looks at the road.

"are you sure? you look like you're going to fall asleep," i double check with him.

"i'm positive," he reassures me. i give him a look and he shoots me a small smile. i continue to watch the road as he takes the exit to get off the highway with jonah following . when we reach the intersection that leads to the main road, we get stopped at a red light. i peek over and see that daniel's eyes are closed. if only this boy wasn't so stubborn and let me drive the rest of the way, he'd be able to get some sleep.

"hey, it's a green light," i shake him lightly so he wakes up and can get us to the hotel so we can all pass out. as he presses the gas, i hear a car coming closer to me on my side of the car. i turn to look and see a car coming straight at us.

"daniel hit the gas!" i tell as he turns to me with a confused expression on his face. once he sees the car, his eyes widen. he tries to floor it but it's too late, the car clashes with ours.

i wake up in a white room with a pounding headache, well actually, a pounding everything. i go to raise my arms to wipe the sleep out of my eyes, only to find my right arm in a cast. cute. i use my left hand to rub my eyes and then look around the room. i meet bella's brown eyes.

"oh thank god you're awake," she says as she stands up from her chair.

"how long was i out for?" i ask with a groggy voice.

"like 7 hours," she says as my mouth falls open. "you were really tired and in pain so they knocked you out."

"do you know if this is the only injury i have?" i ask as i lift up my arm.

"the doctor said that you broke your arm, obviously, a few ribs, you have stitches in a few places because the glass cut too deep, and a concussion," i nod my head, which was stupid because she just told me i have a concussion.

"what about everyone else? are they okay?" i try to sit up but i instantly regret it because it killed my side.

"alex just has a concussion, daniel i think broke his wrist and has a lot of scratches and a few stitches on his head from the window breaking, and then jack is pretty much in the same state at you except he broke his lower leg region, not his arm," she answers.

"where's everyone else?" i closed my eyes because the light was hurting my head.

"jonah's with jack, corbyn and zach are with daniel, and eva's with alex," she finishes as the doctor walks in.

"ah, blair, you're awake!" he exclaims as he goes over to check all the machines i'm hooked up to. "everything seems good, how'd you sleep?"

"i slept great," i give him a small smile as he looks at me. "do you know when i'll be able to leave?"

"you should be able to leave in a few hours, we just want to make sure that you're stable enough to leave," he finishes fiddling with the iv and i nod my head.

"can i go see everyone?" i ask, wanting to check up on them and see how they are.

"i wouldn't suggest you walk there because you hit your head pretty badly but if you want i can get you a wheel chair?" he offers and i smile at him. "that would be great, thank you." he exits the room and comes back with a wheel chair shortly after. bella helps me get in, grabs the iv stand, and asks who i want to see first.

"well who do you want to see first?" i question as she rolls me down the hall.

"let's go see how daniel's doing?" she states but it comes out more as a question. i play with my fingers as we enter his room that's only a few doors down. 

"hey blair, how you feeling?" corbyn asks, causing both zach and daniel to turn towards to the door.

"i'm good, in pain, but good," i reply with a light smile. i turn to look at daniel and he gives me a sad face. he really is all scratched up, he has patches of gauze on his neck and a few on his head.

"hey guys, is it okay if i could have a minute with blair?" daniel questions without breaking eye contact with me.

"yeah, yeah of course. we're going to go to the cafe, do you guys want anything?" corbyn ushers zach and bella out and stays in the door way to wait for out answer.

"no i'm good, thank you though," corbyn nods his head and looks at daniel. he just shakes his head causing corbyn to walk out. i sit and wait for him to say whatever he wanted to say.

"i'm sorry," he looks down at the tv remote in his hand as he traces the buttons. i give him a confused face even though he's not looking at me.

"for what? this wasn't your fault. you had the green light, the other guys didn't," i roll over to the side of his bed and reach for one of his hands. he happily intertwines our fingers and rubs my hand soothingly.

"yeah but you're still hurt, if i had just pulled over and let you drive, maybe we could've avoided the situation."

"daniel," he looks up at me, "i'm going to be okay. i'm going to heal. jack is going to heal too, we're all going to heal. okay? please, try to not blame yourself for this." i try to be as reassuring as possible. he gives me a little nod and looks back down at our hands.

"hey we're back, i know you said you guys didn't want anything but uh we got carried away with the snacks," zach says as we both look at the three of them, arms full of chips, drinks, and candy. i let out a laugh and they put it all at the foot of the bed.

"well don't be shy, dig in!" zach grabs a bag of doritos and starts to munch on them.

"you didn't think to grab actual food while you were down there?" i grab a bag of goldfish and start to eat them, kind of wishing they were fries instead.

"nah, the snack bar was too good to think about actual food," corbyn tried to talk as he has lays in his mouth. bella is quietly enjoying her bag of sour patch kids and daniel's drinking some apple juice.

"i bet it was," i say as i steal a sip of apple juice, earning a glare from daniel. i just smile at him as i hand it back.


omg look!!!! and actual update!!!!! and we have over 60k reads on this book!!!! thank you all so much!!!!!! much love<333

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