5. Internet Impressions

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Yesterday was just...weird, really, really weird. Did Grayson Dolan actually follow me? I wonder to myself as I look down at the top of my followers list. Yep. He did. It's one thing for the guy to actually care about following me on Instagram, but it's just a whole step further when Grayson Dolan says he wants to have DM conversations with me.

The boy better not creep on my account.

It makes me so confused when I realize he would rather talk to someone who barely knows them, over a fan who would have known every little detail and fact about him. It's kinda as if he wants to lead a double life- a YouTuber and a normal young male adult. An edgy move, if you ask me.

(Just now) graysondolan sent you an image.
(Just now) graysondolan: hi there!
(Just now) graysondolan: are you free to talk?

"Holy shit, already?" I raise a brow at the three sudden notifications.

Me: I see you're using your free time uselessly.

graysondolan: how?

graysondolan: Hold on...

graysondolan: do you mean me talking to you?

Me: sure

graysondolan: Are you feeling okay?

Me: just a bit tired I guess.

graysondolan: ...

graysondolan: okay...

Me: I'm fine, believe me.

graysondolan: so um, how are you today?

Me: I'm doing great I guess. I've been up since 5:30 am

graysondolan: wtf?! Why?!

graysondolan: teach me your ways?!

Me: maybe

graysondolan: -_-

graysondolan: I never got to know your name by the way...

Me: I didn't throw it dimwit

Me: but it's Alexis by the way

graysondolan: cool name :)

Me: thanks xxx

Me: not to intrude, but how's your brother doing?

graysondolan: Eth?

graysondolan: he's playing Fortnite...again.

Me: you don't seem pleased...

Me: gaming addiction?

graysondolan: mm

graysondolan: I guess? He hasn't hung out with me in the pool for a while

Me: you own a pool?

Me: lucky...

graysondolan: yeah.

graysondolan: I have a gym inside my house too haha

Me: I hate using the gym at my apartment...

Me: you have no idea how unsanitary it is.

Me: I swear there's millions of bacteria multiplying on the treadmills as we speak -_-

graysondolan: ...

graysondolan: uh...cool?

Me: sorry for my weirdness

Me: biology sometimes overtakes my normal side 

graysondolan: you study bio?

Me: well, I'm about to...

Me: UC Berkeley offered me a scholarship in animal biology, and it covers all four years of university...

graysondolan: THAT'S FUCKING AMAZING!!! :D

graysondolan: you must be super smart!!!

graysondolan: I didn't know I was talking to a genius!!!

Me: not really...

Me: just a 3.8 average.

graysondolan: who cares?!

graysondolan: wtf were your grades in biology?!

Me: an average of 98% straight through the semester.

Me: I was the only one getting more than 96% on all the exams

graysondolan: holy shit!

graysondolan: I used to be SOOO bad at bio! My grades were so bad!

graysondolan: teach me your ways!

Me: I think you're too famous to want to learn about cell growth and animal evolution

graysondolan: I don't like to be categorized...like that

graysondolan: it kinda excludes really talented people who don't get a chance in the spotlight

Me: oh, sorry.

graysondolan: it's okay

graysondolan: I gotta go now though

graysondolan: Ethan is yelling at me to vacuum the house again

Me: Oof

Me: I'll let you get to it then haha

graysondolan: alright, see ya

Me: bye xx

Did I really just have a chill and not-as-awkward conversation with a famous guy? My head falls into my hands in pure disbelief as I put my phone face down on my desk. I can't believe that just happened...I lift my head up and stare at my silent phone. Did I just make a new friend?

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