9. Dolans, Meet Muramoto

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Sunday. Today I meet the Dolan Twins in person again- only this time...maybe as friends and not strangers. Grayson and I seem to be on good terms, but Ethan...erm...maybe not yet. I'm pretty sure that the group conversation drama was because of the truth about my parents.

I haven't spoken to Ethan since that. Grayson and I are still going strong- somehow- and we talk to each other on a pretty regular basis, despite that it's only been just over a week since I've known him. There's just one thing that confuses me.

Why me? There's so many other celebrities he could be friends with, and he chooses to have a friendship with a nobody from the other side of the United States?

I need to ask him that today. I should probably disclose my dilemma with UC Berkeley and everything that happened back at home. There's part of me that's really scared to mess up this meet up with the two guys. Maybe the fact that they might be my first ever friends adds to that pressure.

I drive up to the parking spaces in front of the trampoline park, turning off the engine as soon as I park the truck. The burning heat forces me to get out and wait outside in the sun. Vibrant heat pounds down as I can feel the sweat already starting to drip down my face.

A loud and playful rumble shakes the ground as I look up from my distracting thoughts. I spot a familiar face peeping out from the right side of a hell-ass expensive Porsche. A second person in the driver's seat waves his hand out the window at me and the empty area of the parking lot, then pulling his flashy car into the space to the left of mine.

"Hi!" The twins greet in stereotypical unison.

I awkwardly give a small wave instead of saying a regular "hello" back to them.

"Go on," Grayson gives his brother a harsh shove towards me. "Tell her."

"Okay, okay!" He pushes off his twin. "Geez."

"Do you ever get along?" I raise a brow.

"Occasionally," they both shrug at me.

"Oh and uh, by the way..." Ethan shyly eases himself into that spot. "I apologize for what I said to you. O-on the group chat."

I take him by the hands gently. Ethan's reflexes retract as his eyes grow wide at me. A smile sluggishly shows through.

"Look. I get it."

"Y-you do?" He stammers.

I roll my eyes at the man. "Of course I do. You're not the only human being with trust issues in this world. I understand what it's like to be let down sometimes."

Woah. That just got really deep.

"I guess I kinda just shutdown when it comes to strangers," he sheepishly smiles. "Sorry about everything I said."

"You never shut up around hot girls!" Grayson calls him out.


"Would you stop acting like bickering children?!" I stomp my foot down. "You're eighteen, for goodness sake. Act like it."

"Look who's acting bossy..." Grayson rolls his eyes. "And I thought Ethan was my dictator."

"Shut up!" Ethan smacks his twin in the back of the head. "Shouldn't we head inside before we fry like bacon?"

Grayson stares at his brother, completely perplexed. "Why bacon?"

"Because I fucking feel like it."

"Watch your language," the younger brother scolds. "There's a lady standing in front of us."

"I prefer to be referred to as a girl, like everyone else. I may be eighteen years old, but I'd rather be seen as a youthful girl instead of a plain and boring young woman."

"Okay," Ethan says bluntly. "Wanna head inside?"

"Yes please," I mumble.

Grayson laughs at my silent misery in the heat. "Right this way," he jokes.

I laugh, "thanks."

Hey guys! I'm back for a bit! I got four more finished chapters of this book ready for you guys to read! Love y'all!

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