7. Actual Friends?

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Question 1: how do the Dolan Twins go to the same Starbucks as I do? There's hundreds, maybe thousands, of this place, and they had to choose to go to that one on my usual day. Why be there at the exact, perfect timing that I would show up?

Question 2: Grayson Dolan- why would I even say anything other than, "no problem," when I moved out of the way for the guy? Instead, I somehow decided it was a good idea to be humorous and joke about the damn pink drink. If I had just kept my stupid mouth shut then none of this weird stuff would have happened.

Question 3: Again, Grayson...why would you even trust me enough to DM me like that? Hold on, why did we both trust each other like this? It's like we both just wanted someone to talk with, maybe for the purpose of killing time.

Question 4: I could've just tripped, but Ethan Dolan just had to reach that extra mile and save me from, oh I dunno, probably just a couple scrapes. I'm literally just a random stranger in the street, why would he save a random girl from falling when it was her fault for not looking where she was going? I'm pretty much an anomaly in LA, so...

"I don't even know anymore," I drop my pen, throwing my head back. It's hard to believe anything is happening...

Should I try to message Grayson?

A soft creak squeaks from the floorboards as I walk across the apartment to find my phone, sitting on a coffee table. The faint light of the moon creates a spotlight on my iPhone, the misty light breaking as I pick up my phone from the table. I unlock my phone quickly and search for Instagram.

I think it's time for me to try and greet Grayson first.

Me: hey uh...

Me: you busy?

graysondolan: Hi!

graysondolan: nope, not at all!

graysondolan: what's up Alexis?

Me: I need you to be honest with me.

graysondolan: ?

Me: it's about what happened today.

graysondolan: okay...

graysondolan: we bumped into each other...

graysondolan: what about it?

Me: it's what you said to Ethan

graysondolan: what'd I say?

graysondolan: if I offended you I'm really, really sorry

Me: no! It's not that!

Me: you called us...

Me: friends.

Me: Am I really worth being a friend to you?

Me: you didn't say that just to avoid being teased by your brother...right?

graysondolan: what?

graysondolan: what makes you think we're not friends?

Me: wait...really?

Me: you really think of us as friends?

graysondolan: yeah. Of course.

graysondolan: what else did you think?

graysondolan: even Ethan sees some kind of friendship between us.

Me: oh wow

graysondolan: hold on

graysondolan: he wants to talk to me for a second

graysondolan: I'll be right back

This feels awfully overwhelming. Are we really in a friendship now? Grayson Dolan and I...friends? It's so hard to process everything right now, and I can't tell if it's just all a massive hallucination. The things that being a social recluse can do to you...


What did Ethan Dolan have to say? Is it even related to Grayson and I?

graysondolan: hey

graysondolan: I'm back

Me: hi again

graysondolan: hey uh, is it okay if we're in a group chat?

Me: well...

Me: it's be nice to know who's in the group chat

graysondolan: both of us obviously

graysondolan: and Ethan

Me: ???

graysondolan: what?

graysondolan: he's not scary or anything

graysondolan: he told me he wanted to talk to you, just to see if you're worth being my friend

Me: uh...

Me: sure?

graysondolan: sorry if it that sounds weird to you

graysondolan: I've had trust issues with some people for the past few years

Me: I understand

Me: your brother's just looking out for you

graysondolan: thanks for understanding

graysondolan: um

graysondolan: sorry to cut this short, but I gotta go again

graysondolan: Ethan wants to go out for sushi

Me: have fun haha

graysondolan: thanks :)

"Okay..." I turn off my phone, placing it down again on the coffee table. "That was...weird."

It's already an awkward feeling to know that Grayson Dolan's twin brother already wants to know who I am, but somehow, it feels good. Maybe it's just because of my relationship status.


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