13. Peculiar Twins

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"Ugh, come on, you're kidding!" I scoff at Grayson over the phone.

He lets out a loud sigh that tells me that I'm wrong. "He's not just saying it to intimidate you, Alexis..."

"So you're saying he's serious about getting me back?"

"Ethan doesn't fuck around, he's serious when it comes to revenge," Grayson bluntly puts it down. "He's down some pretty crazy pranks to me before. E's a crazy savage kid."

"Well then..." I purse my lips. "Wonderful," a sarcastic tone passes through.

"If you want, I could help you..." Grayson offers. "I need revenge on Ethan after he froze my phone in ice, and woke me up surrounded by rat traps..."

My eyes widen at the level of craziness that "Jeez..."

Ethan's crazier than I thought. He's a douche and a savage...

...must've been a great present for Grayson.

When Grayson offered me that plan of getting Ethan back, I figure that I might as well just try it. If Ethan is really this savage when it comes to pranks, it's better to be safe than sorry. The fact that he froze Grayson's phone- and risk breaking it and losing all of his important data- just shows how crazy this guy is.

I don't think I've ever made friends with such a wild boy. It makes my stomach churn at the countless possibilities of what this friendship could turn into. Yet at the same time, I'm really curious to see what lies ahead on this road. I just hope that the twins aren't being friends with me just because I have my huge inheritance.

"So, you in?" Grayson asks again, chasing me out of my thoughts.

"U-uh," my voice wavers, "y-yeah. I'm in."

"Yay!" He squeals excitedly. "I'll come up with something and then we can work on it together!"

"Oh wait! Before you go, can I ask you something?"

"Uh, sure?" Grayson's voice accepts my request. "Hit me up I guess."

"When's the last time Ethan's had...a girlfriend?"


"A couple days ago...the same day we crossed paths in that Starbucks..." I pause and swallow nervously, "he..."

"I swear if he hurt you, I'll-"

"H-he blushed when I told him off," I stammer. "Does he have a crush on me?"

"What'd you tell him off for?" Grayson asks. "The douchebag thing?"

"No. That's the thing, I scolded him for leaving you at home to do chores when he told me why you two weren't together, and he literally became a tomato."

"Holy shit...he never told me about that. E just told me that you called him a douche, but that's literally it."

"Okay...that's weird."

"It i- OW!"

"Grayson?!" I begin to feel my heart race at his sudden cry. "Grayson! Are you okay?!"

"Ethan get out of my room!"

Oh. Never mind.

That day was so weird. Ethan and I literally just bonded after the day at the trampoline park, and literally four days after we meet in our neighbourhood Starbucks. And he blushes for god knows how long as I tell him off for ditching his twin at home. I couldn't tell if it was red hot embarrassment or a teenager's crush blush.

Even if Ethan Dolan has a crush on me, why the hell would I date a guy I barely know? Maybe his fans would kill to be his significant other, but I'm literally trying to just keep my new friendship alive. Plus there's probably gonna be a lot of stalking and rumour riots across social media if the Dolan Twins' fandom found out I had a serious relationship with one of the twins.

I'll stick to being friends.

"Hey again," Grayson greets, this time with short breaths as he pants.

"Erm...everything okay over there?"

"Y-yeah! Totally!" He assures me with a single crack in his voice. "Oh yeah, do you want to come over to my house on Thursday? Ethan's planned his weekly motorcycle ride that day, and that way you and I can plan out the prank together."

"He didn't catch you plotting it with me just now?"

"Barely," Grayson nervously laughs.

I roll my eyes from my side of the phone line. "Sure thing, just make sure that Ethan actually stays out of the house though."

"Of course I will."

"Damn," I laugh. "You sound so confident."

"I'm the better twin," he scoffs, "of course I'm confident.

"Yep, whatever you say," I retort. "Oh, and one more thing."


"Tell Ethan...well, how do I put this nicely...? Maybe...fuck off if he's crushing on me?"

I can literally feel Grayson's eyes pop out of their sockets as silence falls between us. "Woah, damn, okay. Sure thing, deputy."

"Don't call me that."

"Ha, I'll remember that," he chuckles. "I'll talk to you later."

"Yeah, bye," I shrug a smile.

Smiling becomes easier when I'm around him and Ethan.

But why them?

Hey guys! This is the last chapter for a little while again, but don't worry! I'll definitely be back with more one day! Until then-


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