Handsome Stranger

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Dammit I am so late!

Jimin was rushing the streets barely breathing. It was his first day at work and he was already late. He was waiting at a red stoplight impatiently. Taking this time to catch his breath, Jimin was gently surprised by the beautiful scenery surrounding him.

Just this night it was heavy raining. Most of the yellow,dry leaves fell down covering the ground making it look like an autumn sea. The wind picked up Jimin's hair swaying it to the side a little.

The light finally turned green and Jimin, snapping out of his short daydream, rushed to the other side. While running through a park, Jimin took a left turn and bumped into someone.

"Aish! Watch where you're going!" Said a really deep and cold voice sending pleasant shivers down Jimin's spine.

The voice belonged to a black haired man, slightly older that Jimin. His gaze was so dark and beautiful making Jimin's mouth slightly open.

The elder stood up rubbing his head. Jimin started to pick up the things that fell but the older slapped his hand away.

"Ouuch! I was just trying to help. I am really sorry." Jimin said holding a red spot on his hand trying to reduce the pain. Jesus, this man was strong.

Without any words the older man picked up his stuff and walked away in a rush not even looking back. Jimin slightly pouted turning around. All of a sudden Jimin noticed a notebook lying in front of his feet.

This is probably his notebook, I should give it back...

"Hey! Wait up you forgot your-"
When Jimin turned to call the other man, he was no longer there.

Holy fluff! The time!

Jimin put the notebook of the mysteriously rude yet extremely handsome man in his bag and ran for his life to his work.

<<< Y♡J >>>

The work day ended and Jimin was walking back to his house.

He decided to buy some ice cream, strawberry to be exact (it was his favourite~) And enjoy the weather at the park. Doing so, Jimin sat down on a bench putting his bag beside him.

He opened his bag to take out his phone stumbling across a notebook.

Oh right, I should give this back to that man.

Not having anything else to do, Jimin decided to look inside the notebook. It was black with white edges. The first page contained a small square with the perfect information that Jimin needed.

The belonging of: Min Yoongi
Phone number: 298 - 18 - 09
Address: St. YJ Yellow 3988

That's perfect! Jimin thought. Now he can give the notebook back and apologize once more for bumping into him.

Jimin decided to go through the pages and was astonished by the content.
Every page had couplets of sentences that looked like poems and first, but then, Jimin understood that they were song lyrics. There were even some pages with music notes and even a photo attached.

The photo had a man, probably Yoongi, playing the piano. Jimin was found smiling at that. The man wasn't only handsome but super talented!

After a couple more seconds of staring at the photo Jimin understood that he was smiling like an idiot.

Woah, I might actually be in love with this man. Jimin though but quickly threw that thought out of his mind, after all, his first priority was to give this notebook back to Min Yoongi no matter what...



So this chapter was probably boring and bad but things will get better.

Just a warning for all the horny ppl out there, I don't write smut... sorry

This ff is fluff and cute thing, there will be kisses and some sad moments. :)

Btw, the address of Yoongi stands for something and the numbers of the street as well. Try to figure out what it is ;)

----- Author-nim ♡

𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐒 𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐔𝐌𝐍 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓 | ʏᴏᴏɴᴍɪɴ ✔Where stories live. Discover now