Love is Love

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As soon as Taehyung and Jungkook entered Jimin's house, they saw his aunt, sitting on the sofa, talking to Yoongi.

Hoseok was Jimin's aunt who was very rich, lonely lady that comes to family gatherings for tea. She was extremely successful and always traveled somewhere. She loved Jimin dearly and supported him no matter what.

After Jimin's mother's death she arrived as soon as possible and Jimin decided to tell her about Yoongi. Hoseok supported the relationship since her love for Jimin was beyond infinite.

"Auntie-hoseok, what are you doing here? We thought you had some business trip." Tae questioned furrowing his eyebrows from the confusement.

"Oh you see, my dear, I came here to support my Chim after the horrible tragedy he experienced." Hoseok responded standing up and walking to the couple.

She smiled and looked at Jungkook who was still sad from what happened.

"Oh, Tae, is this your friend?" Hoseok asked the older looking at Kookie with a wide smile.

"More like boyfriend. " Taehyung replied proudly.

"Aww, you guys are such sweet sugar plums! But why are you so sad?" Hoseok turned to Jungkook and looked him in the eyes.

"Ah, yeah... about that." Tae started and looked and Jimin. "Jimin-ssi, we sorta had a disagreement with our parents and wanted to ask if we could stay in your house?"

Jungkook remained silent. Yoongi came up to the four giving them a confused look. Jimin was confused as well.

"Of course, but what happened?" Jimin asked pouting, making Yoongi almost scream of the cuteness he possessed.

"O-our parents d-didn't accept our rewlationwsip." Kookie sobbed and hugged Tae, hiding his face in his chest.

"How come?? Love is love no matter what! If being gay is a choice, then when did they decide to become straight? Am I right or am I right?" Hoseok pointed out with a very intelligent face.

"I am really sorry to hear that guys, Auntie-hoseok is saying some good things now." Yoongi butted in giving a pitiful look at the two and going around to back hug Jimin.

"If they they say that it was Adam and Eve and not Adam and Steve then they could be a whole lot wrong. Bible was written, like what, thousand of years ago so there is a high possibility that the first two letters got erased from Eves name. And Steve was just a very feminine looking man." Hoseok kept assuring the boys trying to make them feel better.

"She's right." Jimin added. "Plus, were homo sapiens not hetero sapiens."

They giggled and finally a smile appeared on Kookies face. Auntie-hoseok went to the kitchen to make some tea. They decided to spend the rest of the day simply talking and end it off with a movie night.

Taekook took a guest room Jimin had and Hoseok took Jimin's dad's room since he was away on vacation.

After all, movie nights with Hoseok were absolutely the best.

<<< Y♡J >>>

The next morning, after a sleep over at Jimin's, Yoongi went back home. It was Sunday and his dad was home, just having lunch.

"Hey son, where have you been?" His dad asked as soon as Yoongi walked through the door of their house.

"Just had a sleep over with a friend." Yoongi answered coldly and came down to the kitchen to get a snack.

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