The Truth

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Not telling a thing to his father, Yoongi took a bus to Chuncheon-si in hopes of finding something valuable.

He looked out the window as vivid raindrops played a rasing game down the window. Gray clouds were scattered all over the sky as the sun hid away from the world. The bus was quite silent except for the group of girls who were chattering about Seoul fashion week.

Yoongi was really sad and disappointed, yet he felt a bit confident about finding something important in the city.

Right now he wanted nothing more but to cuddle with Jimin and just be happy without all this fuss messing with his life.

One more hour passed and Yoongi finally arrived at his destination. It took him quite some time to find the house of the police officer, but eventually, he did.

Walking at a fast pace, he came towards the house and knocked on the door.

No response.

Yoongi knocked louder and rang the doorbell that probably broke 50 years ago.

Ten minutes passed and still no answer. Yoongi frowned and turned around walking away. But right after two steps the door flung open revealing an old man.

Yoongi turned around and saw the old man dressed in silky pjs with a cup of coffee in his hand. He was wearing glasses and had a small towel hung over his shoulder.

Yoongi assumed he was in the shower and couldn't hear him.

"Uh, hello. Are you Seokmin Kang?" Yoongi questioned tucking his hands in his pockets from the cold.

"Um, yes I am. Who are you?" The old man asked in pure confusion.

He was quite shocked. He lived alone and didn't have friends, so nobody visited him. And now, a young man decides to come out of the blue.

"My name is Min Yoongi, I have an important topic to discuss with you." Yoongi replied respectfully.

"Oh, sure... come in please, you must be cold." Seokmin stated and gestured the younger to come in.

Yah I'm freaking freezing, isn't that obvious!!!
Yoongi screamed internally as he walked in making a smile.

Seokmin closed the door after Yoongi and told him to take a seat on his couch near the fireplace. As Yoongi warmed up his frozen fingers, the older made some tea.

He brought the two cups and placed them on a little table.

For an old, jobless man, he had quite a nice house. The floor was made of some fine tree with definitely expensive carpets and rugs. The walls had the heads of deers, wolves, bears and something that looked like a rabbit.

Yoongi gulped. Maybe he was a hunter? Let's just hope he doesn't kill me, Yoongi thought eyeing a huge hunter gun in a corner.

"So what did you want to talk about, young man?" Seokmin asked taking big sip of his tea.

"Um yeah, so... I've heard you were a policeman, right?" Yoongi questioned.

"Oh that was a long time ago, kiddo."

Yoongi cringed at the nickname.

"Do you recall, a car crash that happend in Seoul?" Yoongi asked suspiciously looking at the tea.

"A car crash, huh? Not really. Like I said it was long ago and my memory is not like fresh cucumber anymore." The old man laughed and sat back.

Oh great, this old piece of log doesn't even remember a thing!

Yoongi decided to take out the paper file that he put earlier in his back pocket. Unfolding it, he put it on the table sliding it closer to Seokmin.

"Does this bring back any memories?" Yoongi questioned, his eyes full of hope.

Taking the paper file, the man's eyes widened.

"Oh Mrs. Min! The most wonderful woman I've ever known.."

"Wait you knew her?" Yoongi asked surprised.

"Yeah, we used to be great friends! She was very lovely and charming." Seokmin added as the skin around his eyes wrinkled from smiling.

"So is it true that she died in a car crash?" Yoongis eyes were watering. He never wanted to remember that day again.

"Who are you?" Seokmin questioned suspiciously.

"I am her son and I need to know the truth about her death!" Yoongi proclaimed in a loud voice.

"Min Yoongi, right.... I rember her talking about you. She loved you so dearly. And always cared. You know she cared for you? And oh those cupcakes she made, she kept on saying how much you loved them and-"

"Get to the point! Did she really die in a car crash?"

"No, she was killed." Seokmin answered coldly and sadly.

"Killed? By Who?" Yoongi questioned in disbelief.

"She was shot by her own husband... Your father."

Yoongis mind went blank. All this time he lived with a murderer! Someone who seemed close turned out to be a complete stranger.

So many thoughts filled Yoongis mind. His anger and hatred towards his dad boiled up in him. Yoongi looked up at the old man with teary eyes.

"M-my father? Wha- how?"

"Your mother loved you a lot. Your father on the other side, always protested about your love interests. He is a complete homophobe and said that he'd disown you if you fall in love with a guy. Your mother never agreed and that got your dad extremely mad. One day he couldn't stand it and shot her. " Seokmin explained with a big frown.

"That.. bastard." Yoongi mumbled wiping the tears off his face.

"Seconds before her death, she told me to tell you, and I quote 'Please tell my son, that I will love him no matter what. He can love a girl, a boy, even a three headed octopus, but he'll always be my son.' " The man said sitting back on the sofa exhaling loudly.

Yoongi was full of shock and anger. All he wanted to do was take a knife, and stab his father.

More salty tears ran down his cheeks, thinking of his mother and the fact that she could've been alive if not his stupid father.

But the fact that now Yoongi knew she wasn't actually against his feelings, he did feel better. Yoongi smiled, showing his barely visible dimples. He knew that she couldn't have spoken about such thing as disowning him.

The old man handed a cupcake to the younger and he happily took it. But then Yoongi realized something.

"You were present at the moment of her death, right?" Yoongi questioned chewing on his cupcake.

"Yes, I've seen your dad killing her. It was horrible. He is a cold and just heartless man." Seokmin answered shaking his head in disappointment.

"That's true and all but why haven't you arrested him yet?"


So many things are going on right now! Did you assume Yoongis father was the murderer?

Vote if you like this, please!! ㅠ-ㅠ

-Author-nim ♡♡♡~

𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐒 𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐔𝐌𝐍 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓 | ʏᴏᴏɴᴍɪɴ ✔Where stories live. Discover now