The Invitation

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The wedding was already tomorrow and Yoongi felt like crap. He couldn't stop thinking about Jimin.

He never called Jimin and Jimin never called him. He was dying of anticipation. Yoongi wanted to know so badly if Jimin was alright.

He tried calling Tae and Jungkook but they never answered. He wish he'd explained everything but the thought of Jimin's life being hung on a thread made Yoongi question his steps before he took them.

He met up with Yoona more and has spent more time with her. Yoongi started to like her, not love, but like. She was like a little sister to him. Cute and silly.

Yoona started feeling the same towards Yoongi. And the fact that they had to act as if they were in love made it really harsh.

Today they were setting up the marriage room (a/n: Idk how do you even call the room where ppl get married and then celebrate?).

Yoongis father hired the most expensive interior designers, chefs, and singers to be at their wedding.  Even though he was harsh, he still wanted to make the wedding perfect, since after the contract will be signed, he'll get richer than he already is.

Both Yoona and Yoongi were in the marriage room (a/n: I'll call it marriage room since Idk it's actual name). They were in charge of the decorations and stuff so the designers needed their approval.

They decided to go with a pastel pink, blue and white theme. Yoona chose white roses for the details.

Both of them were very uncomfortable. They didn't want it so neither cared what it looked like.

Yoongi felt really bad for Yoona. Every girl wishes to have a dream wedding to be able to tell to her friends and children and be proud of it. Have amazing memories of it as you grow older with your loved one. But not in this case.

This was forced. Yoongi didn't give a care cause wedding didn't mean anything to him, even though he wished more than anything to have it with Jimin. Yoona on the other side, looked completely devastated.

You'd understand her. I mean, come on, all your lifetime you've wished for a beautiful wedding where you bond with a person for the rest of your years. The happy tears of your relatives and the smiles. But here she is, marrying someone she met a week ago and cherishes as a brother.

Yoongi rubbed her back giving an understanding look. She smiled in answer.

A chef came up asking for what type of menu they'd like to have. After discussing the main and the side dishes, they were deciding on the desert.

Yoongi immediately spoke.

"Strawberry icecream!" He practically shouted startling the chef and Yoona.

"Strawberry ice cream? You sure about that?" The chef asked looking at both of them.

"Mmm, I don't know Yoongi, it's quite simple. Why not a souffle or tiramisu?" Yoona questioned putting the menu she held, back on a little table.

Strawberry ice cream is Jimin's favorite.

Of course Yoongi couldn't say that so he made up some lame excuse.

"Uh, yeah... Strawberry ice cream is like our family tradition. On my parents wedding and their parents wedding they all had strawberry ice cream as desert." He spoke quietly.

"Oh then, okay." Yoona smiled and nodded to the chef as he wrote their desire down.

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