Strawberry Ice Cream

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Jimin woke up to the smell of vanilla filling up the room. He slowly opened his eyes looking around. The first thing he saw, was a white cup with tea standing on the nightstand.

He turned his head a bit only to see the handsome, black haired man sitting on the bedside reading a book.

Jimin looked at Yoongi for quite a while admiring his dark beauty. He was like that emo, quiet kid who didn't have any friends but was an amazing person on the inside. In this case the outside was incredibly amazing as well.

Not long after, Yoongi noticed the younger boy's eyes on him and put  down his book putting it on his lap.
A small smile appeared on his face waking up the little butterflies in Jimin's stomach.

Jimin looked outside the window and saw the heavy rain still pouring down.

"You fainted because of the cold so I brought you into my house" Yoongi said softly to clarify things for Jimin "Drink the tea. It will make you feel better."

Jimin sat up and took the tea in his hands.

"T-thank you so much for this. I am really sorry to have caused so much trouble" Jimin said shyly taking a sip of tea "Vanilla green tea! It's my favorite!"

Yoongi smiled in response and Jimin smiled back.


This was a good type of silence. They sat on the bed to the sound of wind and rain outside the window. Suddenly a loud thunder clicked startling both of the boys making them gasp.

Jimin's soft laugh echoed in the silent room followed by a loud gasp.

"You... You changed my clothes.... did you see me naked??!?!" Jimin said in a loud voice widening his eyes.
"You... did you... rape me??"

"Calm down" Yoongi chuckled "I didn't fully undress you. Don't get any perverted thoughts, I am not a pervert."

Yoongi felt a little uncomfortable at the thought knowing he did kiss Jimin's soft lips, but he was asleep so he shouldn't remember that. At least, Yoongi hoped so.

"Wanna play?" Jimin asked out of nowhere pouting a little.

Yoongi couldn't handle the cuteness of Jimin so without even thinking he answered yes.

"My name is Jimin, by the way. I just realized I haven't introduced myslef." Jimin said approaching his hand to Yoongis.

"I am-"

"Yoongi, I know."

Yoongi gave Jimin a confused look and tilted his head to the side. He wanted to ask how did he find out but decide not to.

"So what do you wanna play? I don't really know any fun games to play inside the house." Yoongi asked.

"Who said we will be playing inside the house?" Jimin said giving the older a smile and running out the door.

Yoongi ran after him and they just ran around outside feeling the cold air in their faces.

After playing tag or whatever they played, both of the boys sat on a bench next to the house feeling the fresh air after the rain.

They sat there for quite a while catching their breath and viewing the streets.

"Do you want ice cream?" Yoongi asked.

Even though it was cold and both of them were freezing, Yoongi wanted to do something to make Jimin smile. He never had a loved one in his life and it just felt so good to love.... to love?

Yoongis expression changed from bright to dark and sad.

Am I in love?

Yoongi did not want to believe his thoughts. He can't be in love with a guy... that's..
That's totally against the law or ...

"Yoongi? Hello? You're spacing out" Yoongi heard soft Jimin's voice calling out to him.

"Umm sorry, let's go get ice cream" Yoongi said snapping away from his daydream.

                        <<< Y♡J >>>

After getting the desired ice cream they were roaming the streets and watching the sunset.

"Strawberry Ice cream is my favorite" Jimin said taking a lick of his ice cream.

"Hmm, I prefer chocolate more." Yoongi answers taking a bite of his.

"You know eating ice cream is kind of like kissing, the only exception is that it's cold" Jimin said with a cute giggle making Yoongis heart flutter.

"How do you know? Have you kissed before?" Yoongi asked looking at Jimin.

"Yeah." Jimin answered shyly.

They stopped in the middle of the street enjoying the cool breeze playing with their hair.

"Who was it with?" Yoongi asked with impatience. He wanted to know who stole jimins first kiss before he did.

"It was you." Jimin said looking up into Yoongis dark eyes.
"I felt you kissing me through my sleep..."


Welp. This chapter was pure boredom.

Ahhh I am sowwy •^•

I'll try making something interesting next. Pleas stay by ^-^

- Author-nim ♡♡♡~

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