I Forgive You When You're Wrong

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"Yoongi, what exactly is our relationship?

Yoongi froze. Was this the moment to say It?

Yoongi was still skeptical. He still couldn't fully accept his feelings. All these years Yoongi was taught to not like boys in the fear of losing his mother.

"We're... really close friends?" Yoongi mumbled rubbing the back of his neck.

"Friends?" Jimin questioned in disbelief.

Yoongi nodded slowly looking up at Jimin who already stood up and was about to leave.

"No Yoongi, I was a fool to even think you would feel something for me I just- ... you know what? Forget it." Jimin stated and turned around and started to walk but Yoongi stood up and grabbed his wrist. He turned Jimin around making them face each other.

This was the time. He doesn't want to lose Jimin.

"Jimin I.... I love you." He said in low voice but then, talked louder. " I love you."

"And what does that mean?" Jimin asked looking deeply into Yoongis eyes as if he starred into his soul.

"That means I would defend you with my life even if the odds were insurmountable. It means I will comfort you in the difficult and painful times. It means I will dance and rejoice with you when times are good. It means I will never betray you, never give up on you. It means finding my fire when you, Jimin, get threatened, yet never waging war - only doing what is necessary for a noble defence. Love says I forgive you when you're wrong. Love says, though life may test me I am yours into eternity and I will never abandon you. It means I will never put you in danger no matter how noble the "cause" may be..." Yoongi declared in a surprisingly soft yet deep voice. He looked straight into the youngers eyes starting to tear up.

"I-I never thought you feel this way... you kept denying your feeling... why?" Jimin asked as tears started to roll down his cold cheeks.

Tears of happiness.

"My mom....She died in a car crash, thats what I've heard from my dad. It happened years ago and my dad was with her at her last minutes of life. He told that, minutes before her death she said that she would never accept a son that would be gay... She stated that if I fell in love with a guy, she would disown me and... I just couldn't bare to make myself agree to the fact that I am in love with you, Jimin." Yoongi took a deep breath and added. "But now I realised that you are the only person I want by my side and-"

Jimin cupped the olders face and pecked his lips. They just starred at each other in the darkness for a few moments. Yoongi gently wiped the tears off Jimin's face and they both sat back down on the blanket, cuddling.

It was around 10 and Jimin was half asleep on Yoongis lap. The stars shone over them and the cold wind sent shivers down their backs.

Jimin slightly opened his eyes and looked at the older slightly smiling.

It was only his eyes that remained unchanged, coloured a grey that was colder than the winter sky, yet Jimin found warmth when he looked deep into them.

In Jimin's eyes, Yoongi saw his reflection. It was him who had changed. Not on the outside, but the inside. He had become jealous of anyone who had found love and bitter towards anyone who laughed.

He learned to accept himslef.

As he looked upon himslef, in his perfect grey eyes glistening with love for him, he knew this wasn't real. It must be a dream, Jimin told himslef, but one I do not wish to wake from. Jimin wanted to stay with him forever...

After an hour Yoongi kept his eyes half open and felt extremely tired. Jimin was sleeping. His soft lips slightly apart and his hair covering his long eyelashes.

I love you, he wanted to scream. I love you more than you know. I need you and I love you. Please, be with me forever. But what use would screaming be, he asked himself.

"I love you", he murmured softly and quietly as he stroke his cheek.

<<<Y♡J >>>

The next day Jimin was so happy he could barely cope with himslef. The love of his life loved him back. The feeling he felt was so weird yet good...

Jimin opened his window and yelled


People starred at him from the streets but of course he didn't mind. Today just felt like an amazing day. Everything was great. And a call from Tae just made it better.

"Hey Tae! What's up?" Jimin asked smiling through the phone.

" Jimin! Remember my absolutely depressing story about Kookie and Min Ah?" Tae asked obviously sounding excited.

"Yeah, what about It? You found a new love interest?"! My sweet Kookie!!!! We are a couple Jimin!!! We are officially dating!!" Taehyung basically yelled.

"Omg Tae, I am so happy for you!"

"I wanted you to, like, officially meet him. You can bring your love bird as well."

"That's great! We'll make sure to come!" Jimin chirped.

" By the way... did i tell you what a great kisser he is? My goodness Chim! His lips and his toun-"

"OK, ok. Kissing already? You've just barely became a couple."

"Oh we did much more than kissing, Jimin..."

"Ok yeah, I don't need to know the details. See you later, bye~"


Jimin hung up and rushed over to his mom that just came form her night shift. It was still morning and Jimin ran down to meet her and tell her about his new boyfriend.

He came up and tightly hugged her.

"Jiminie, honey, why are you so happy this morning?" She asked smiling at her son.

"Mom, remember I told you about this guy, Yoongi, I had a crush on him?" She nodded "Well, we are officially a couple!"

"Oh my Jimin! I am so happy for you! Why don't you come over for dinner tomorrow? Dad is also having a day off and we'll be happy to meet him!" His mom announced adding a soft chuckle at the end.

Jimin nodded happily and went to his room to tell about these events to Yoongi. He entered his quiet room that was filled with sunlight rays.

Suddenly his eyes droped on a box that was under his bed. He carefully pulled it out and saw two things that made his smile even bigger.

Inside the box was Yoongis notebook and his umbrella. Jimin hid them wanting to throw them away when he felt horrible and thought all hope was lost. But now, it is a nice memory that he'll keep... well maybe...

He should seroisly give the notebook back. After all it's Min Yoongis property.

Jimin called Yoongi and told him about meeting Tae and Jungkook and about the family dinner. He was happy to hear Yoongi is going to come.

While waiting, Jimin made breakfast for his mom, who was extremely exhausted. He loved her so much! She always supported him throughout his life. Now, that she knew about his love interest she was really happy about it. After all he is her son, and she would love him no matter what.

And Jimin should be happy to have her.... while he still can....

I hope I keep you guessing what's gonna happen next.


Pls don't hate me.
Vote for the story if you like It! :)

-Author-nim ♡♡♡~

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