The Umbrella

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The sun was setting leaving a trail beautiful pink clouds behind it. Most of the lights in the houses were turned off. It was Friday, and crowds of exhausted from work people were returning home to their families.

So was Jimin. After a long day at his work he was happy to get back home.

Honesty, Jimin loved his work. After all, he did work in a candy shop. What other job do you expect such a cutie patutie to have?

Jimin was probably made for these types of jobs. Even his simple, charming smile could immediately get a ton of costumers. Not mentioning the fact that stealing some delicious candy was a huge plus... No, not stealing... 'borrowing'.


Jimin was walking through the same park. Suddenly a harsh wind picked up and in a matter of seconds rain stated pouring down like there's no tomorrow.

Jimin stood under a tree still not realizing how fast this all happened.

Great. What do I do now? I don't have an umbrella...

All of a sudden Jimin stopped feeling the wet raindrops on his head...

Turning around, Jimin's mouth slightly opened and his eyes only focused on the figure standing in front of him.

It was... Min Yoongi. The man whom Jimin bumped into. The one who lost his notebook and ran off. The guy with unbelievably beautiful, dark eyes and deep, cold voice like the depth of the Pacific Ocean.

He was standing in front of Jimin, holding the black umbrella over the two of them, covering up the rain.

"Why are you standing under the rain draining yourself?" Yoongi spoke up braking the silence between them.

"I...ummm... i was walking from work and the rain started suddenly... to go yeah..."

Jimin, what on earth are you saying? Stop being so awkward. Jimin thought to himself shaking his head a bit.

Yoongi gave Jimin a confused look and bit his lip. And God, he looked so hot doing so.

"Hewre, twake tshish umbwrewlwa" Yoongi said really quiet in his cold voice that Jimin barely heard a thing.

"Excuse me, what did you say?" Jimin asked politely tilting his head to the side a bit.

"Just take It!" Yoongi said in a much louder voice handing the umbrella to Jimin and storming off taking a right turn and disappearing.

Jimin stood there with the umbrella in his hand, staring at the spot Yoongi was standing a second ago. He tilted the umbrella up, gazing at the sky.

He is so cold and mysterious.... Oh No!!!

Just now it got to Jimin that he has to give back his notebook. Realizing that, he ran to the place where Yoongi went to with all his speed.

Unfortunately for Jimin, Yoongi was no where to be seen. Only the bending trees from the wind and the sound of the rain filled up Jimin's view.

<<< Y♡J >>>

Jimin was halfway home, when he got a phone call from his best friend.

"Hey Tae-Tae! What's up" Jimin answered walking through the wet streets.

"Hey Chim! Just called to ask what is up? Anything new?" Taehyung asked as if he knew Jimin needed some advice.

"Actually, Tae, there is something new and i really need your advice on something"

"Sure, you know I am a good advisor! Tell me what is up"

After telling Taehyung about the mysterious, handsome stranger he asked about giving the notebook back Tae gasped and yelled into the phone.

"Chim!!! That is like committing a crime!!! He will arrest you for stealing his private thing! Go give it back!" Taehyung said with obvious sarcasm, but Jimin, being the guy he is, didn't get it and actually believed Tae.

He immediately hung up and ran to Yoongis house splashing into puddles and chocking on the wind blowing hard onto his face.

After running for what seemed like thousand miles, Jimin stopped in front of a big white mansion.

Wow... his house is huge!

He put the umbrella in his bag completely forgetting it belonged to Yoongi. He knocked on the door three times.

Knock knock knock.

After a minute the door was opened by handsome black haired young man - obviously Yoongi.

Jimin was about to say something but was extremely shivering from the cold and could barely move a limb.

Yoongi, being as observant as he is, realized that Jimin is freezing.

"Umm, you are cold. Come in!" Yoongi said with a bit of awkwardness.

Jimin tried moving but suddenly fell unconscious...

Yoongis POV

Suddenly the dark blonde young boy fell. I immediately came up to him thinking he tripped but as soon as I touched his hand I understoon that he fainted from the coldness.

I softly picked him up while the wind was messing with our hair.

He was so small and light, just like a feather. Soft and pale white.

I brought him upstairs to my bedroom and placed him on my bed. He was soaking wet so I decided to give him new clothes. Taking a shirt and a pair of sweatpants I started to take his clothes off changing him into new ones trying to be as gentle as I could.

This felt so weird. The day I bumped into this boy my life just went upside down. That day, when I looked into his eyes I felt thousands of butterflies starting to fly in my stomach making my heart flutter as if it had wings.

I have never felt that, that's why I was acting all weird. I have never experienced that towards a guy.

Trying not to think too much about it I covered him with blankets and was about to go downstairs to make him tea.

I sat next to him for quite a while admiring his beauty. His soft milky skin, dark blonde hair that fell over his eyes carelessly, his long eyelashes, his soft and plump lips that seemed to have possesed me.

I was staring at his lips wanting to kiss them so bad. I slowly bent down and stopped inches away from his face admiring his features.

I looked down at his lips again. Closing my eyes I leaned down closing off the space between us.

Our lips gently met. His soft rubbing against mine. But only for a few seconds.

I pulled away and licked my lips. So sweet.

I gave him one last glance and went downstairs leaving the sleeping angel all alone in his little heaven.


The fluffness is too much!!!


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