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"You're engaged to someone else."

Yoongi froze in place and looked at his dad in pure confusion.

"W-what are you saying?" Yoongi questioned, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Hmp, remember that girl, our new neighbor? Her dad runs a huge and elite company. They were looking for a husband for their daughter and well, I was just there at the right time." His dad explained and smiled evily.

"You engaged me to some unknown woman just so that I could get you their company's money?" Yoongi asked in disbelief, his mouth slightly open.

"Oh you'll get to know each other. She is a really nice girl, with a rich dad."

"I can't believe you! Do you care about me at all? No you don't! How could you freaking engage me to someone I don't love?!" Yoongi shouted and leaned against the wall.

"I don't care who you love. You'll marry her and that's it. You don't have a choice." His father responded and casually went back to drinking his coffee.

"Oh Well, you're wrong! I do have a choice and I'll marry Jimin! I can just simply say no at the ceremony and not marry that girl." Yoongi scoffed coldly and proudly.

"And I can just simply take this-" He took a gun out of his pocket making Yoongis eyes widen in disbelief.
"and your little Jimin is gone. "

Yoongi pressed himself against a wall and gulped. He was in pure shock. His dad was standing right in front of him with a real gun in his hand.

"Y-you're threatening J-Jimin?" Yoongi stuttered. It was the first time he saw his dad look like a real monster.

"Wow, I am surprised my son has brain cells to understand that!" His dad said sarcastically and put the gun away. "The wedding is in less than a week so at least go on a date with her. Her name is Yoona by the way."

Yoongi nodded slowly and went out the door. He was desperate and felt absolutely miserable. He couldn't do anything, he just had to agree to save Jimin.

His face was empty and so was his soul. Yoongi teared up at the thought that now, after all this time, he has to forget someone who he loved dearly. Someone who always made his day better just by smiling, someone who's heart was opened wide, someone who cannot be replaced, someone who actually loved him...

Yoongi gave Jimin a call saying to meet up near a park. Gaining enough strength to not cry he waited for Jimin.

Minutes later, Yoongi saw a small, slim silhouette approaching him. It was Jimin who was happy as ever, and the fact that Yoongi has to wipe that smile off his face hurted him even more.

Jimin doesn't deserve this, but I don't have a choice....

Jimin came up to Yoongi and smiled. Yoongi just stood there, using his last minutes to admire a face he'll not see again.

"Yoongi-hyung? Hello?" Jimin asked softly waving his hand in front of Yoongis face.

"Uh, yeah... listen Jimin.... we have to break up." Those words barely escaped Yoongis mouth, full of regret.

Instantly the cute and soft smile became a sad and desperate frown. Jimin was already tearing up.

"W-What do you mean, break u-up? Why?" Jimin sobbed covering his mouth with both hands.

"My father... engaged me to someone else. Another woman. And I didn't have a choice." Yoongi tried to explain looking pitifully in Jimin's eyes.

"What do you mean you didn't have a choice? You could just say no a-and why does your father even solve these types of things for you... I don't understand Yoongi, I just don't understand." Jimin cryed out shaking his head.

Yoongi couldn't stand the sight of a crying Jimin. His heart just shattered into millions of tiny pieces and hurted mercilessly. He couldn't tell Jimin about the fact that his dead was threatening him... He couldn't tell anything.

It felt horrible. Yoongi wanted more that anything, to tell Jimin that his father was a freaking monster who killed his own wife and sold his son to some unknown woman just for money.

"Do you.... love her?" Jimin questioned looking at Yoongi with red from crying eyes.

I am sorry Jimin but I have to lie to you just to protect you.

"I ... do." Yoongi lied and looked away.

Jimin burst into tears and fell to his knees. Yoongi couldn't stand it. He wanted to scream that he loved Jimin more than anything but it's better to break his heart, then to let him die.

Jimin thought the opposite though. His mind was blurred and so was his vision. All he could think of, was that he would've better died, than hear such horrible words come from Yoongis mouth.

"I am... sorry." Yoongi spoke quietly, almost in a whisper and left.

As soon as he turned around tears blurred his vision and he almost tripped while walking. His heart ached and body trembled. He wanted to kill his father so much. He wanted him to suffer just like he and his mother did.

Jimin was still on his knees starring blankly at the ground. His face, wet from tears and cheeks and nose red. He turned around in hopes of seeing Yoongi and saw nothing but an empty street.

When he came back home, Jimin closed the door and leaned on it. He still couldn't believe what just happened. All the word stuffed his mind and he felt absolutely clueless.

"Why.. ... ?" Jimin asked in a whisper.

"WHY?!?!?" He yelled louder and bumped his fist on the door causing him to scream in pain afterwards.

As much as Jimin tried to hold it in, the pain came out like an uproar from his throat in the form of a silent scream. The beads of water started falling down one after another, without a sign of stopping. He hit the wall and tried to scream, but his voice was melted by the sound of the place. The muffled sobs wracked against Jimin's chest. The world turned into a blur, and so did all the sounds.

The taste. The smell. Everything was gone. The last painful emotion slammed against him before he lost the feeling of feeling. Everything darkened into nothingness as he passed into the oblivion of unconsciousness. A burning feeling still up in his chest...

Double update cause why not

Sad chapter again ;(

Don't worry tho, this book has a happy ending and btw we are almost at the end ㅠㅠ

Stay healthy! 💜

-Author-nim ♡♡♡~

𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐒 𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐔𝐌𝐍 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓 | ʏᴏᴏɴᴍɪɴ ✔Where stories live. Discover now