Heavy Breath, Wet Tears

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Jimin slowly put his phone down and gulped. All of a sudden a clash of tears streamed down from his face.

The others starred in confusion, they asked what was wrong, was he alright? But Jimin couldn't hear anything. He grabbed his stuff and rushed out the restaurant door not saying a word.

Yoongi threw some money on the table and ran after Jimin with all possible force.

"Should we go after them?" Jungkook asked concerned.

"I doubt Jimin will want to see anyone but Yoongi for now... I wonder what happened though..." Taehyung said hugging Jungkook by his slim waist.

Jimin was running towards the bus stop, crossing the road to get there.

"Jimin!!!" Yoongi yelled from across the street and Jimin stopped to see where he was.

Suddenly sounds of car honks vibrated in Jimin's ears. He looked to the side only to see a bus inches away from him...

A hand grabbed Jimin by his wrist and quickly pulled him in.

Heavy breath, wet tears.

"Jimin what were you thinking? You-you could've died!" Jimin heard Yoongi scream from his back still hugging the younger close to his chest.

Yoongi slowly turned around Jimin so that he was facing him. The youngers eyes were full of emotions. Fear, sadness, betrayal, confusion....

Jimin was a sobbing mess. He could barely breathe from his tears falling down his warm, soft cheeks.

"I-i have to g-go to the hwospitalw!!" Jimin cryed and tried escaping from Yoongis grasp.

"Jimin calm down, tell me what's going on." Yoongi talked calmly trying to assure Jimin that everything was fine.

"M-my mother... she is in the hospital. I have to go see her, now!" Jimin yelled through his sobs and looked at Yoongi.

Yoongis heart broke at the sight of his loved one being so hurt. He grabbed him by his hand and called the closest taxi. After telling the address the taxi driver took them to that place and after paying, both ran to the entrance.

In the hospital Jimin saw his father who was standing in the hallway talking to a nurse.

"Dad! Where's mom? I have to see her!" Jimin shouted still crying.

The nurse gestured Jimin to a room and entering, Yoongi followed. He stood behind Jimin, holding his shoulders. That was the least he could do in such situation.

"Mom, mom, mom.... please? Can you hear me?" Jimin sat down on the bed next to his mom's lying body who had hundreds of tubes attached to her.

She, barely moving, took Jimin by the hand and squeezed it tightly with all her left over strength.

"J-jimin... my baby..." she talked quietly through the oxygen mask that was covering her mouth.

"Mom, what's going on... What's happening?" Jimin questioned through his tears.

"Please, don't cry.... I-I have been diagnosed w-with... hemoptysis. I've had it for a long time but j-just couldn't dare to tell it to y-you..." She stopped and coughed barely breathing. Jimin tried to hold back his tears. "Yoongi... take care of my son, I know you'll be a g-great *cough* *cough* boyfriend and maybe even h-husband one day."

"Of course, Mrs. Park." Yoongi nodded trying to smile, but it was no use.

"Mom..." Jimin sobbed and held her hand against his cheek. "I beg you... please don't leave me... I"

"I love you, so, so much!"

Jimin's mom hardly smiled before letting go of his hand.
"I love you too, J-Jimin..."


The machine that checked her heartbeat suddenly let out a loud and long beep, breaking Jimins heart into millions of tiny pieces.

The doctors and his dad looked from outside the door, frowning deeply.

"She had no rescue. These were her last minutes, theres nothing we can do." The doctors said and cries of Jimin's dad could be heard from far away.

Jimin turned to Yoongi and hugged him tightly.

He sobbed into his chest unceasingly, hands clutching at his jacket. Yoongi  held him in silence, rocking him slowly as Jimin's tears soaked his chest. A tiny lapse let him pull away, blinking lashes heavy with tears, before he collapsed again, his howls of misery worsening. The pain must have come in waves, minutes of sobbing broken apart by short pauses for recovering breaths, before hurling him back into the outstretched arms of his grief.

After calming down a little, Jimin sat back down on the bed and looked at the already cold body, laying there, motionless.

"I guess that’s what saying good-bye is always like — like jumping off an edge. The worst part is making the choice to do it. Once you’re in the air, there’s nothing you can do but let go." Jimin whispered and gulped looking at his mother's colorless lips.

"You know, mom,  breathing is hard. When you cry so much, it makes you realize that breathing is hard." Yoongi came up to Jimin and hugged him signaling that they should get going.

Jimin nodded and gave one last look at his mom.

As Yoongi escorted Jimin to his house it was already dusk.  The sun was setting, spraying the sky with all types of colors. The wind was cold and low.

They walked in silence through a park  viewing the empty sidewalks.

"Yoongi, thank you a lot. I really want to spend some time alone right now." Jimin decided, talking in a very low and soft voice.

"You sure you'll be alright, Chim?" Yoongi asked obviously worried about the younger.

"Yes. Thank you again. Goodnight." He answered showing a slight smile.
Yoongi smiled back and kissed his cheek, waving as he walked away.

Jimin walked over to the swings and sat on one of them swinging slowly. He looked up at the already starry sky and smiled sadly.

"Mom, you're there, aren't you? You're happy and... and healthy, right?"

Tears fell on the soft sand beneath Jimins feet.

"I know you'll like it up there."

"There's probably flower gardens and... and blooming cherry blossoms..."

"And lots, and lots of vanilla ice cream, your favorite."

"Don't worry, I'll be here... You will be always watching me and... smile."

"Please smile."

The stars glowed as if they were trying to calm Jimin down. Telling him that everything is alright, even though it was not.


Ok so sorry for a sad chapter.

Did this make you cry? Or at least really sad? Please let me know.

For those who don't know, hemoptysis is a lung disease where you cough out blood. •-•

Pls don't cry~
I purple you ♡♡♡♡

-Author-nim ♡♡♡~

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