The Date

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The next day Yoongi woke up and starred at his ceiling with depression. To be honest, he didn't get any sleep at all. He spent all night thinking about poor Jimin and how he felt.

Jimin, all night, spent his time with Taehyung and Jungkook who were trying to calm him down. Jimin was glad he let the two live with him. They were both extremely supportive and caring. But seeing their beautiful relationship between each other felt like knifes in his heart.

Just a day ago, everything was perfect until this weird engagement that crashed everything into tiny pieces.

Yoongi stood up to check his phone. What usually he used to see no more appeared. Since Yoongi woke up late, his phone used to have over a hundred messages from Jimin which had always put a smile on the olders face.

Remembering that today, Yoongi had a date with the person he's about to marry, he decided to get ready.

His life totally sucked. He couldn't even imagine spending his entire lifetime with some one he doesn't love. What is she was ugly? And even if she was beautiful, it's not like Yoongi is interested in girls anyway.

Choosing to wear a casual, white t-shirt with black ripped jeans and a leather jacket, Yoongi went out his house and headed towards the date destination, which was the cafe.

When he came, he took a seat at one of the tables and waited.

After about five minutes later a pretty girl came with a soft smile on her face. She had brown, medium length hair, tied in a high ponytail. Her eyes were sparkling brown and small lips. She was wearing a baby blue, simple dress with white sneakers and a soft coat on top.

"Hi! You must be Yoongi. I am Kang Yoona." She greeted him warmly stretching out a hand for a hand shake.

Yoongi stood up and shook her hand softly bowing.

"Yes I am Yoongi. Uh, lets ... order something, shall we?"

They sat down and took the little menu in their hands, scanning the content. Yoongi decided to do for a coca-cola while Yoona chose a banana milkshake.

While waiting for their order, an awkward silence appeared making both look around uncomfortably.

"Um... what do you do in your free time?" Yoona asked deciding to break the awkwardness.

"Sleep." Yoongi answered bluntly and she laughed at the answer.

Yoona was hoping for a question from the boy but nothing came out of his mouth. They sat in silence again and Yoona frowned letting out a sigh.

Yoongi noticed that and bit his lip nervously.

"Look, I am sorry... this was just so sudden and all..." Yoongi tried explaining while twitching his fingers.

"Yeah, I get it. I didn't quite expect it as well. You know, my father is so stubborn and dominant over any decision I make, to the point where I can't really decide anything myself." Yoona explained sadly.

"Tell me about it, my dad is the same, but worse. He-" Yoongi wanted to tell about his father killing his mom and threatening his loved one but realized that he shouldn't.

"Well, I think you're really nice Yoongi. We... might not have the happiest relationship of all times but I really hope we can get along." Yoona spoke, softly brushing a strand of hair from her face shyly.

Yoongi smiled as nodded.

Their drinks arrived and both happily dove into them.

Yoongi was looking at Yoona and smiled. She is really nice and charming and caring. In all, she would be a great wife but not for Yoongi. He felt bad for her.

"Yoona?" He asked putting his drink down.

"Yes?" She answered smiling brightly.

"Do you.... really like me?" Yoongi asked biting the inside of his cheek.

Her smile faded and she looked uncomfortable.

"I.... do." She looked down at her fingers and frowned.

Yoongi kept quiet. How was he gonna marry a girl that likes him if he doesn't like her back?

"I-I know that you don't like me back, don't worry. I completely understand. You love someone else don't you?" Yoona questioned putting a slight smile on her lips.

Yoongi nodded.

"Tell me about him." She asked and Yoongi looked at her with confusion.

"Wait, how did you know it was a he?" Yoongi asked furrowing his eyebrows.

"It's pretty obvious." She chuckled taking a sip of her milkshake.

"Well, his name is Jimin and .... will you really listen to my long talk about him?" Yoongi questioned suspiciously. He could rant about Jimin for hours non-stop.

"Of course! Tell me how you feel about him."

"Ok.. so... You know? It felt like we were never even strangers! The day I first saw him there was something even then, though I didn't know what. I wonder if there's an element of time that allows us to feel a strong love, like an orange glow bursting over a dark horizon. I would give up anything in the world for him, I would do anything to keep him safe. Though I worked hard to keep him comfortable now, in the future  I'd rather be poor in money than risk loosing his heart. When we met, it was like being let into the warmth after a lifetime of winter. I could never wish to go back to even a day before that. Jimin is the greatest treasure of my life, the one, the only one." Yoongi ranted smiling so brightly that it felt like another sun appeared.

"That's the sweetest thing I've ever heard... You love him so much I am so sorry for my father he-" Yoona started apologizing but Yoongi cut her off.

"It's fine, my father forced me and..." Yoongis voice trailed off and his smile faded.
" I feel so horrible. I am here talking about the love of my life to someone who has a crush on me... I feel like I am breaking your heart.."

Yoona stopped smiling but after a while fakely put on a barely visible smile.

"It's fine. You know how they say.... A heart can be broken, but it keeps on beating, just the same. "

Pretty sad ㅠㅠ

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-Author-nim ♡♡♡~

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