One: Intro

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1st of all some of you will find this weird *Glares are Ver* and 2nd of all here's some help:

Pack - A group of werewolves or a family of werewolves.
Alphas - Strongest wolves of the pack.
Betas - Second strongest wolves of the pack.
Omegas - Weakest of the pack and are very submissive, Alphas can boss them around. (Omegas are also rare)
Rogues - Wolves that have been casted out of their pack or their pack was killed or they just left a pack.
Mate - A mate is a wolves "love" and a wolf Is usually bond to their mate by "mother nature"/"Moon goddess" but you can force a wolf or someone to be your mate by a 'claim bite'.
Claim Bite - A bite to claim your mate (alpha usually do this in the bond or beta to an omega [usually the stronger will seal the bond]).
Elders - The pack's Elders are the second most important group of wolves after the Pack's main Alpha/Head alpha (Usually the strongest wolf in the pack) and the Luna (The main Alphas mate).

In this universe, werewolves can switch whenever they want (From wolf to human, Human to wolf) but they do change on the full moon without realizing and are stronger and larger. Werewolves also haunt in packs and only the Alphas and Betas will haunt while the Omegas stay and look after the young.
The pack lives in the middle of their 'territory'/'Pack grounds', In cabins. The main alpha has the biggest cabin and the lower the rank you are and lower your importance in the pack the worst your cabin is (Most Omegas live together). The alpha can also give his friends and family a better cabin without the need of them being a high class.

That's all I think :) ENJOY!


Namjoon's .p.o.v.

One whimper after another. My white furs stained with blood that was mine and the other Alphas.

The other alpha which was a rogue was strong, too strong. He killed our pups and killed 5 of our Betas who guarded the forest.

His jaws chomped down on my back leg and I gave up. I whimpered loud and submitted to the other male. "Match over! Kim Namjoon you will have to leave within an hour, otherwise, the new alpha will be allowed to kill you," One of the oldest wolves said and I nodded. I looked over at my friends that decided to watch and there faces were full of disappointment but also pity.

I shifted from my wolf form and grabbed the pair of sweatpants from Yoongi's hands. I slipped them on.

Stupid Fucking fuck face, I will come back and fucking rip your limps off one by one. Stupid Jackson Wang.

I got to the cabins and went to mine that was the largest. I took a backpack and shoved most of my clothes along with some money.

I heard my door open and in came Yoongi and engulfed me in a hug. "Its okay, ill be back. I will be stronger and will have a mate and all. I'll take back MY family," I growled and they all unwrapped from around me. "Please take care of the Omegas, Tell Taehyung and Jimin I will be back" I smiled and Yoongi nodded, the Beta and Omega didn't want to watch me fight so that's why they weren't here. Taehyung usually acts like an omega but he's actually a beta.

I watched and the familiar female walked into my cabin and wrapped her arms around me and sobbed into the crock of my neck." Its okay I'll be back Irene and then ill make you the Luna, I promise,"My girlfriend nodded and squeezed her eyes shut. She wasn't officially my mate, I actually don't know who my mate is but I was planning to make her my mate once the full moon comes this month.

I saw a large black wolf enter my room, out of breath and its fur sticking everywhere. I knew instantly it was Jungkook, he was usually in his wolf form. I kneeled down and hugged the wolf. He was the second strongest in the pack after me and he was also my student. I planned to make him the next head alpha if I never have a child or I die young, I guess the plans have changed now...

He placed his head on my shoulder and whimpered."Its okay, I'll be back, even if it takes me years...I will be back," I pet his head before getting up again and telling bye to my friends. I shifted into my wolf form and grab the bag between my teeth before sprinting out the cabin and into the forest.

I sense the nearing of the end of the wolf grounds but before I could reach it I hear a howl. A howl that I heard last night and then our 9 pups were killed. It was Jackson.

I quickened my speed, knowing that he will hurt me more. My legs were giving up and still bleeding from the fight.

As my front paws reach the edge of the territory, Jackson bites my tail. I instantly yelp in pain and tuck it between my legs. I turn my head and see the new head alpha, howling with joy. I continued running until I reached a lake that I used to play at when I was a pup and my father took me hunting.

I remembered the cave that was their and I ran to it. I slowed down and entered the cave before placing the bag down and falling asleep on the cold, wet dirt...


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