Nine: Sneak

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Namjoon's .p.o.v.

I sniffed the air, sniffing out Jackson but nothing. He was on a hunt I guess. Perfect.

I sneaked past one of the Beta's that was on duty. I gave him a slight nod and he nodded back,

'Hi Alpha, back to get your spot?'

'Not today. Is Jackson away?'

'Yes he's on a hunt, Yoongi and Jungkook are home though,'

'Thanks Jooheon,'

'No problem, you know I won't snitch on you but be careful,'

I gave him one last nod and walked past him, going straight to Yoongi's cabin. I clawed at the door and he opened it with a small crack,"Joon!" He swung the door open and let me in before closing it."What are you doing here?" I shifted into my human form and explained everything to him," Oh my god!" He hugged me and congratulated me,"Don't congratulate me yet hyung, me and Jin aren't official yet," "But soon will!" I shook my head and smiled at him,"I'll call over the others!" I nodded...


The rest of our small gang came to Yoongi's cabin after I changed into a pair of tracksuit bottoms, we talked and goofed around. I talked to Irene and Yoongi and Jungkook gave me the 'do it' look the whole time but I couldn't bear seeing the girl said.

It was near the end when I decided it was better off. As the others talked I looked at Irene,"Irene..." "Yes, what's wrong?" "I found my mate," Her reaction was completely opposite of what he expected. She was smiling,"I'm so happy for you! I think I found mine too but I'm not sure yet," She smiled and hugged me,"I'm so glad we feel the same," I said and she muttered a,"Me too," 

We disconnected from the hug, both of us still smiling,"So tell me about them!" I laughed and shook my head,"He's called Jin, He's so beautiful but sadly a human...BUT! His mother is a werewolf so he might be half!" "My mate is called Seulgi. Jungkook found her in an unbelievable state, she was so hurt and was starving! We took her in and she still in the recovery cabin... She so w-" She got interrupted by Jooheon."Jackson is back!" He yelled and I turned into my wolf form and shook off the bottoms.

'Stay safe everyone, I'll be home soon again,' 

They all nodded and I sprinted out of the cabin. I ran as fast as my wolf legs could take me so I can get out of the pack grounds. Luckily I made it out without being noticed by Jackson and headed to Jin's home as I couldn't help my self in doing so.

I walked over to the gate and waited. I waited so long that it started to get dark and I decided to lay down. 

It was only when I heard a whistling of a catchy tune that I sat up and looked into the garden for the pink boy. "NJ!" Jin smiled and walked over to the gate, he opened and let me in. "Come in, I'll get yo a change of clothes," I shifted into my human form when I got inside and he threw some clothes at me from the living room.

I slipped on the tracksuit bottoms and sweater and made my way into the living room. I sat down on the couch next to Jin before letting out a sigh.

"So..." I started and he turned over to me."I need to tell you something," "And that is?" He asked and turned his full body towards me,"First I'll ask something. Do you feel a connection towards me or my wolf in any way?" I asked, gesturing to myself when I said 'me'."What do you mean?" He asked and I sighed before speaking again,"Like do you feel the need to be with me or touch me or I don't know...." "I mean yeah, when you're in your wolf form I feel the need to pet you but that's normal right? also, I'm in love with that one wolf howl too, why are you asking?"

 "You're my mate," "Wait... what?" "My mate, M A T E," "Yeah I get that but I'm not a werewolf?" "I know but I just need you to know that because yeah...." "It's cool, I just need to get to know you more...You know..." "Yeah... OH! I'm Namjoon by the way!" I said and put out my hand for him to shake it."SeokJin, Everyone calls me Jin," He smiled and shook my hand.

"Do you want anything?" He asked and got up."Cookies?" He smiled and nodded before disappearing into his kitchen.

I sunk down into the sofa, trying to calm my racing heartbeat and sweaty palms. His smell was all over the place and it drove me insane. I took in a deep breath and calmed down slightly as Jin walked in with a plate of cookies and placed them on the coffee table.

I took one as he sat down and took a bit out of the chocolate chip cookie. I smiled in delight. 

When I looked up I saw that he was smiling at me as he held a mug in his delicate hands.

"I see you like my cookies even in human form," Jin said and I nodded, nibbling in the treat.

He scooted closer and ruffled my hair,"So cute," He mumbled before going back to his spot. "Just that you pet me in my wolf form doesn't me you can do- Wait what age are you?" "25? Turning 26 in December," "God damn it, you're older," I slouched down on the couch and he laughed before moving closer and patting my head.

"Your hair is really soft, just like your wolves fur," He smiled as he brushed his hand through my hair.

He was so close. His folded leg rested on mine as his elbow rested on the back of the couch. I leaned into his touch slightly, a light blush going up to my cheeks.

"So um...Jin...Will we have a date or something?" I asked, not looking at him and instead of looking anywhere else.

"Sure," He smiled and I looked up from the ground to be met with the dark brown eyes of the pinkette that was centimeters away from me.

"Stop playing games with me Jin, you know I'm your mate. Don't tease," I snapped and moved my eyes from his eyes to his lips.

He smiled and cocked his head to the side a little,"You're adorable, Thank God I have a good looking 'mate'," He said and placed a gentle kiss on my forehead.

The place where he kissed tingled, My stomach did flips as my breathing got heavy and a large smile spread across my face...


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