Two: Cookies

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Namjoon's. p.o.v.

I sniffed. The smell of the town and fresh baker's engulfing my nostrils.

I came outside of the cave and stretched and yawned. I went over to the lake and drank the cold water. I look my wolves reflection when I finished drinking.

My white wolf with pitch black eyes stared back at me with only a small chain around its neck with a small tag that says my initials, "KNJ". I sniff the air.

Maybe I can steal some scraps from the town.

I start to run to the edge of the forest. looking out into the town. No one was around due to it being 6 am and a Saturday.

I sniffed again. Cookies? I follow the scent until I get to a house with its windows open. I walked around to notice it is actually a Café. I walk around once more and end up at the little garden again. I guess this person made their house into a café but they live in it as well?

It was fairly confusing, I have to say. I sit outside the fence as I see a tall male with pink hair bring out a tray of freshly baked cookies. The intoxicating smell made me sniff the air and wiggle my tail.

The male looked up and took off his baking gloves before turning to face me. A smile spread across his face,"Hi there little guy," Little? I'm one of the biggest wolves of the pack... well was.

"Never seen you around," He said walking closer to the fence and kneeling down, He kept his distance which was understandable. He was about a meter away from the fence.

"Aww, are you a stray?" He asks and cocks his head to the side while smiling. "You're too pretty to be one," I copy his action in tilting my head at him in confusion. He laughed and my heart skipped a beat. His laugh was funny but cute almost like as if someone was cleaning a window. I liked it.

I wiggled my tail and he smiled, "Want a cookie?" He asked and I poked out my tongue and nodded. He looked a little shocked and then I cursed at myself, realizing that dogs don't fucking nod. He shrugged it off though and took one of the cookies he brought out to cool. He split it in half and blows on it before breaking a small piece off one half.

He threw it and I caught it with ease. I chewed on it and looked at him to give me another piece. He threw it but this time I leaned back in my hind legs too much and ended up falling backward. He laughed at me and I ate the cookie off the ground.

I went back, a little closer to the fence this time. He looked at the necklace around my neck and looked closely at the tag."KNJ?" He cocked his head to the side and pouted,"You're called KNJ? What a weird name, I'll call you NJ for short," He smiled and I wagged my tail.

He threw another piece but this time it was the last piece as I heard a door open from his café. I dashed out to the woods, ignoring the questioned look on the man's face.

Soon when I was out of view I went into a light jog. I got to the lake and changed to my human form. My bones cracked and I stretched. I changed into a pair of clothes when I go to the cave and slipped on my favorite shoes. I looked around and sat down, staring up at the sky.

There wasn't anything better to do. I ended up taking a nap only to be woken up by my stomach grumbling, I cursed at it in annoyance. The few cookie bits weren't enough.

I got up and checked my pockets for loose change. I found some notes in the back pocket of my jeans and made my way into the town.

I didn't go into the guys café and instead went to a fast food place where I ordered some chicken nuggets and Chips/Fries.

I took it out and speed-walked out of the main city. They make me feel unwanted, even though no one knows I'm a werewolf and also the smells are too much.

I sat on the grass at the edge of the forest. The Bakery was in view. I don't know what it was but The bakery just lured me in.

I took a chicken nugget and bite into it. I soon noticed the same pink haired male was walking out with a tray of cookies again, Looking around. He was about to look at me but I sprinted into the forest with the bag of food in my hands.


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