Thirteen: Jinnie

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Namjoon's .p.o.v.

A  few days have passed since that incidence and I've found myself spending more and more days at Jin's home. 

Not to mention the full moon was in a few days.

"Would you like anything from the shop? I'll be back in about thirty minutes," Jin announced and to this, I simply shook my head in response,

"You sure?" "Yeah just stay safe, I'll go out for a bit too just to stretch my wolf," I said as I got up and stretched.

"Alright," He mumbled and slipped on his shoes.

I walked up to him and gave him a light peck, "Dont worry Jinnie, ill be back in time for dinner," Jin's lips curled into a smile and he nodded, "Don't get hurt," He said as he zipped his jacket."Dont worry I'm a big alpha," I said as I leaned in and planted a kiss on his neck.

He bidded goodbye and left. Within a few milliseconds, I already missed my mate, his touch, his smell, his presence.

I shifted into my wolf form and jogged to the backdoor that was slightly opened, I opened it with my nose and ran out.

I jumped over the fence and sprinted into the woods. The feeling of the wind brushing through my fur alongside the smell of the trees and wildlife sent me into a true state of euphoria as I slowed down.

I made my way to the familiar pond where I and fox once slept, jumping over logs and crawling under tree branches.

I soon finally got there and cruised down to have a drink of the fresh water. Out of nowhere, I got tackled on the floor by a blur of orange.


"I missed you, you know! Thought you were gonna stay with Jin forever and leave me!" Hoseoks fox whimpered as he got off me. I shook my fur and sat down in front of the pond.

"I was gone for around 3 days, it's not that long," If my wolf form could roll its eyes it would've at that point but instead I swished my tail slightly.

"Well, that's long for a fox so!" He whimpered and I shook my head before giving the foxes face a little lick, "Don't worry soon you and Jin will be on my pack grounds," "Yeah.." He mumbled and sighed as he sat down.

"The full moon is in 5 days," "I know," I laid down and stared at the water, "Are you nervous?" He questioned as he laid down too, the foxes head resting on its paws.

"Yeah. Really nervous," I sighed and got up,"Im gonna go to the pack grounds and annoye them for a bit," "I can go," The fox eagerly stood up causing me to sigh and say a quick fine,"But we're just going on the edge of the territory otherwise we're dead meat," He nodded his head and we went on our way.

3rd person .p.o.v.(idk why i suddenly switched)

It didn't take long to arrive at the edges of the territory. "Jeez in reeks of wolf," The fox complained as he tried to cover his nose with his paw," It's just the edges of the territory, inside it isn't that bad," Namjoon simply replied as he walked up and sniffed the scent. It was fresh, maybe a few hours old.

Namjoon looked up into the territory, seeing Beta wolfs and A few low-ranking Alphas walk around the edges.

Namjoon growled before crouching down and staring down the wolves. The two closest to him were Jennie and Yuta, two betas. They both looked exhausted, their fur was matted and dirty with patches of fur even missing. There was no doubt in Namjoon's mind that Jackson was behind this. Jennie's wolf got closer to the past head alpha and soon spotted him.

They made eye contact and at that moment Namjoon felt that was going to be the end as he never was close to Jennie but instead Jennie's reaction was the opposite of what he expected. Jennie's wolf tucked in its tail between its tails and let out a whine before running up to him and licking him while staying close to the ground to show submission.

"Did Jackson do this to you?" Jennie simply whimpered and Namjoon knew the answer. He gave Jennie a quick lick before saying,"It'll be over soon," Without a word Jennie dashed away, Namjoon was left confused but then saw Jackson from afar, He wasn't in his wolf form and Jungkook and Yoongi were yet again on either side of him, both also not in their wolf forms.

The two Namjoon considered his closest friends looked exhausted with large eyebags under their eyes and near-transparent skin.

Namjoon couldn't stay so he bolted and ran back to the pond, the fox closely behind. He was furious and worried about his ex-pack.

"I'm going to Jin's, stay here," Namjoon said without looking back as they reached the pond. He turned instantly and ran into town, anger covered his sight as he just ran on and on, knowing that seeing Jin will put at ease.

He jumped over the garden gate and ran into the kitchen before sniffing out the male. He ran into the Living room and shifted mid-sprint. He ran to where Jin sat and hugged him tightly. "Namjoon-" Namjoon cupped Jin's cheek and leaned up for a kiss, Tears pricked the corners of his eyes and soon fell down his cheeks.

The human disconnected the kiss and looked down at the werewolf, "Namjoon?" "I need to get back my pack,"


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