Five: Chicken

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3rd person .p.o.v.

The Werewolf laid on the damp grass and stared up at the stars.

"So you know Jin?" The shapeshifter and werewolf said at the same time.

"Uhhh... Yeh, I came to his bakery one day when I was hungry and he gave me cookies..." Namjoon said and Hoseok nodded and looked up at the stars as he held onto his leg while the other one was folded.

"I know him because he saved my ass.." "How so?" Namjoon asked and sat up to face the Fox. "Well, I got my foot trapped in a bear trap and yeh..." "So he knows you're a shapeshifter?" "Yes, but we don't talk about it much because it's not normal you know?" The taller male nodded."You shouldn't show your true self to Jin yet, Get his trust as a wolf first," Namjoon nodded to Hoseoks words.

'Who knew a sly fox would give such wise words...' That's what Namjoon thought and got up, He stretched and looked at the ginger boy."So are you till grooming me?"Namjoon asked awkwardly and the male nodded. They both shifted and went into the cave.

Namjoon laid down and watched as the Fox went behind him and started to lick around his ears, Grooming out some of the mud that was stuck in his fur.

He moved to the White wolves neck where there were leaves and mud stuck in it. Hoseok nibbled on the fur then pulling back to take out the tangled leaves. He tugged onto the wolves fur and Namjoon spun his head back with a yelp, Hoseok lowered his ears and continued to clean the other.

Namjoon started to fall asleep as the Fox continued to clean his white fur.

Soon enough both males were asleep


The following morning Namjoon got up and smelt something... Something sweet and intoxicating. He followed the smell and ended up right opposite the pink haired boy.

"Hai NJ, I saw you run into these woods so I thought I would find you here and I had some scraps," Jin said and crouched down and held a chicken breast. "I and my family ate together last night and we didn't eat it all and then I thought of you," He smiled at the wolf and the held out the chicken.

Jin prayed that 1st of all the wolf won't bite his hand off, 2nd of all he won't run away and 3rd of all that he will take it from his hand.

Namjoon sniffed the air. That intoxicating smell... He sniffed again to smell the chicken but all he could smell was the boy.

Namjoon slowly approached, His stomach was doing flips as he neared the male. 'What was this?'

He grabbed all the courage he had and took the chicken. Jin smiled and took out another chicken piece the wolf ate the first piece in a matter of seconds.

"You want more?" Jin asked and then held out his hand again with the chicken. This time Namjoon didn't go for the chicken instead he went straight for the bag,"H-Hey!" Jin yelled and tried to get the bag but toppled over as Namjoon moved away and started to eat the chicken from the bag.

Jin sat down on the ground and held the chicken in his hand and sighed. Soon the wolf was finished with the small plastic bag and looked up at Jin.

Jin threw the piece of chicken and took the plastic bag. He shoved it in his pocket and soon Namjoon was done eating.

Jin sat there, staring at the white wolf and at how mesmerizing it was. Namjoon got closer and closer. He felt the need to feel close to the pink haired male for some reason...

He sat right in front of Jin and stared back at him.

Jin lifted his hand off the ground and opened his mouth to speak but shortly closed it again."Can I-? Can I pet you?" Namjoon lowered his head at Jin's request.

Jin then placed his hand on the wolves head, slowly and gently petting it.

'One wrong move and your hand is gone,' is all that Jin could think of as he stroked the wolves, soft, white coat.

Namjoon relaxed under his touch, It was so soothing. Along with the calm feeling he also had tingles that traveled to his belly making him feel giddy.

He didn't know what he was feeling...

There's no way he found his mate?

How could his mate be human?

He would only have to wait until the full moon when he has almost no control over his wolf maybe then he will feel the "Bond".

Namjoon laid down and let Jin stroke him. Soon enough the fox came out of the cave and went looking for the wolf. Hoseok ran up to where the Wolf and human were. He stayed behind a bush and let out a quiet yelp as a spider crawled over his light black paw.

Namjoon shot up and went half way to the bush until Hoseok came out and spared a look at Jin. Hoseok looked back at Namjoon and he then led him back to their small cave where he would scold him about how stupid it was for letting Jin pet Namjoon.

Jin was left stunned, by the sight of A fox and a wolf being friends. He got up and left the forest with a smile. That morning was amazing and he will never forget the events that played that sunrise. The sense of knowing that fox not leaving his mind.


This was kinda shit :////


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