Ten: Date?

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HAI!! No one reads these but! I'm so sorry (again) that it took AGES to update but I've been having bad writers block and school has been busy with exams and I do GCSE Art. Not to mention that when I get home I eat then sleep, then wat again and then do homework till 4am, then sleep again😂 and then go to school late even tho I live like 5 minutes away. Anyways I've been just lately mentally and physically drained I guess lmao but I try!! I really try and I love all the support I get!!
Thank you for reading, I love you guys, enjoy this chapter UwU


Namjoon's .p.o.v.

My wolf pranced to the older males house in excitement. I jumped over the fence of his garden and nudged the slightly open door with my nose, I made it open and slipped in. I sniffed the warm air, Looking for the male. I sniffed and smelt his from upstairs. I ran up the stairs and smelled the air again, he was in the second room. I walked to the open door and saw him laying on his bed, Reading a magazine. I ran up and jumped on top of the grey sheets and him.

"Holy shit you scared me," He mumbled and covered his face with a magazine with embarrassment. I nudged his arm and he removed the mag' from his face and stroked my wolf's head. "A warning next time would be nice," He said and I leaned into his touch as he scratched my ear.

"You're so cute," He complimented, my heart skipped a beat or two and I let my head rest on top of my front paws which were on his stomach. My tail lightly wagged as he kept petting my head, running his fingers through the white fur of mine. A fuzzy feeling warmed my heart as he continued the motion.

"So what do you wanna do?" He asked and I tilted my head to the side."I'll get you some clothes," He got up and I whined. 'I was comfortable you dick,' He chuckled and went to his wardrobe where he took out tracksuit bottoms.

I shifted into my human form and he threw them at me. I slipped them on and let out a sigh before stretching."Being in your wolf form for too long sure makes you stiff," He giggled and turned back around before laying down next to me on the bed. His delicate eyes closed and I couldn't help but stare at my mate's beauty. 

I laid down next to him and stared up at the ceiling, wanting to make a move but being too scared to. 'I'm a damn alpha, why am I so scare-' "You're so shy in your human form, it's so cute," He said and turned towards me and wrapped his arm around me."Wha-" I cleared my throat,"What do you mean?" "Well, when you're in your wolf form you're all cuddly and give me kisses while in your human form you just sit or lay there," He giggled at the end and i pouted,"Well dogs and wolves show affection by licking aka 'kisses' and like yeh but in my human form I'm awkward and I don't want to make you uncomfortable," "The only way you're making me uncomfortable is by laying there like a stick while my leg and arms are around you! Now cuddle me, Wolfie!" He whinnied and I did as he asked, my legs intertwined with his, arms wrapped around his upper chest and my head on top of his, letting him nuzzle into my chest.

"Now this is better, have you never been in a relationship or something? I swear you suck!" He joked and I laughed at his comments and nuzzled into his pink hair. "I've been in a Relationship before," I pouted,"Wow surprising," He giggled and I groaned at his comment,"Now Wolfie don't be mad, Be a good doggie," He joked and I rolled my eyes,"Is Wolfie my new nickname now or what?" He nodded and silence fell between us.

My eyes struggled to stay open and as I was about to give in to sleep, he spoke again."Does it hurt?" "Hm, what?" "The claim bite, you know that will make me 'yours'," "It will hurt slightly, it won't be so painful that it is unbearable though," He hummed, "Will it turn me into a wolf, just like you?" "Well, I'm not sure. You won't be an alpha like me, probably a low beta or even an omega," He nodded and then sat up,"I want you to do it," "Huh?" "Bite me, turn me into your mate,"I got up slowly and sighed, "Jin no..." "It will make your wolf happy right? You won't be suffering, you'll be stronger, let me help!" "No Jin, it's fine seriously," I said while Jin got an inch closer.

"Jin... Yes, you are my mate but I do not want to hurt you! You... you're a human, you're weak, if I hurt you, I hurt my wolf too. Not to mention it's always better if the bond is sealed when both mates love each other and are not just doing it for the sake of it," Jin sunk down and looked down at the white sheets,"I'm sorry," "Why should you be sorry, silly?" I laughed and picked up the courage to lift up his head by pressing my fingers up against his chin."I'm human, you're mate and don't love you," 

It stung in my chest, it sure did but that's the reality, only wolves feel the bond and love for their mate. Humans are different."I know and it's not your fault, we will figure this out okay?" He nodded and sighed,"I just wanna help you," "Come here you," I leaned over and wrapped my arms around him before pulling him into my chest, He instinctively nuzzled back as I stroked his hair,"I know Jin that you want to help but I'll wait and in worse case scenario I will...." "What will you?" "Reject you..." "As a mate?" "yeah... I can't force you to love me," I felt my wolf whimper at the words and I wrapped my arms tighter around the older.

No more words were exchanged and he fell asleep in my arms.

When the sun fell and the moon rose, I gently laid him to bed and covered him in his duvet. I placed a peck on his head and turned into my wolf form, Running through the house. I placed my snout into the crack in the back door, making it open so my body could fit through before jumping up and grabbing the doorknob between my teeth and closing the door. 

The toenail shaped moon shined over the garden as I jumped over the fence and ran into the dark woods...


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