Twelve: Danger

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Namjoons .p.o.v.

Jin was running hands through my fur and everything was fine but then I smelt the scent I despised.

I got up and stood over Jin, "What are you doing? What's wrong?" "Shush, it'll be fine just keep quiet and don't say anything," I growled as I saw a familiar large dark brown wolf approach, one that was bigger than Jungkook and was way more aggresive than any other alphas in the pack, Jackson. Behind him were the 4 strongest Alphas which included Jungkook and Yoongi.

Jin's hand traveled up to my hip and he tangled his fingers into my fur, I could sense his worry and fear even if I was a mile away.

Jackson stopped running around 3 meters away from me and cocked his head to the side, "Well well, Isn't it our dear old alpha Namjoon?" I growled at him as he came closer.
"Oh and he is tamed, by a human," He laughed and Jin hid his head behind my wolf body, "Shut up," I snarled and showed my teeth at the other Alpha. I wagged my tail lowly and Protected Jin with my own body.

"Common let me see your new owner, he smells delicious..." Jackson circled around us and I made sure to follow his every move, every step he made, I made. I paid close attention so he wouldn't be able to even look at Jin's beautiful face.

"Fuck off Jackson, The pack grounds are a mile away, these are my grounds," I growled, trying my best to not just attack him, "Not anymore. I am Expanding the wolf grounds," I growled at his comment,"That's not how the pack grounds work you bastard,  You're going against pack law," "Screw pack law, last time I checked the next wolf pack was at the other side of Korea so who the Fuck cares any-" He got cut off by a fox prancing down next to him and curling its tail around his snout.

He sneezed in reflex and I gave a confused look at the Fox before realizing it was the one and only Hoseok. "Now now boys, stop arguing," Hobi sweetly said and walked around the dark brown wolf cautiously, his tail dragging along his body while trying to not get bitten.

Hoseok jumped and landed next to me. "Go away you dirty shapeshifter," Jackson growled but I only snarled back, "Don't call him dirty," Hobi then reassured, saying it was fine and he sat down, his tail swishing side to side.

"Hmm so this is currently mine and Namjoon's land, I'm not an expert know pack stuff but, Fuck off yeh?" His sweet tone was gone and a medium pitched growl left his jaws.

"Oh, I'm so scared! A fox is trying to be intimidating!!" Jackson said mockingly and crouched down before whimpering. 

A low growl left my wolf and Jackson shuddered at the noise before straining back up as if nothing happened.

"Anyways enough of this bullshit, leave!" Jackson said and I only growled even more. "Leave us alone!" Jin yelped causing me to turn to look at him, his eyes were glazed with fear. I gave a small lick to his cheek, "Oh the human talks? Can he hear us by any chance?"  Jackson asked as he approached the two."He can only hear me, now fuck off,"  I pressed my body against Jin. 

"Oh how cute, he reeks of human flesh," Jackson said and licked his lips. I sat down on Jin's lap, collecting myself and my temper before Jin wrapped his arms around me."Leave," I snarled before letting out a loud mix of a snarl and bark."Fine, boys lets leave," Jackson growled and turned before jogging away, the others followed him but Jungkook and Yoongi turned to look at us. I gave them a small nod and Jungkook whimpered before letting out a bark and following the lead alpha while Yoongi just slowly looked forward and jogged on.

I fell onto Jin and let out a huff, "It's okay Joonie," Jin whispered and let his head rest on my wolf form as he stroked my fur.


My heart quickened its pace and I moved away and licked his face."Pst...I'll leave you two lovebirds alone.." Hoseok said and I turned to look at him and gave him a nod. I turned back around and licked the older males face as he giggled.

I shifted into my human form and pressed one kiss on both of his cheeks and smiled at him. Jin wrapped his arms around my naked frame and I wrapped my legs around his waist as my hands were placed around his waist too. 

Jin swiftly slipped off his jacket and placed it on my lap. I laughed and pressed my forehead against his, my eyes lingered on his plump pink lips which were curved in a small smile. 

I moved away and looked to the side, not wanting to make him feel awkward.

He smiled and wrapped his hand around my neck and pulling me closer before I could protest our lips met.

I could feel the cliche 'sparks' between us as my hand traveled up to his collar to pull myself even closer to him. No space was left between us as my wolf howelled in happiness at the touch of my mates lips on mine.


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