Six: Mate?

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Namjoon's .p.o.v.

"Why the fuck did you let him pet you?! What if someone saw you?!" Hoseok yelled at me as I sat by the pond. "You were so vulnerable there Namjoon!" I shrugged in response as I stared at the water. 

"What made you think it was okay!?" Hoseok screamed and paced around."I don't know Hoseok! Not like I want to gain his fucking trust! Not at all! Along with that, I couldn't help myself but as if you would understand that fucking feeling you fucking shapeshifter!" I snapped... I stood in front of him and he sunk down and realization struck him.

"He's your mate right?" "I don't know..." I muttered and sat down. He sat next to me and rest his head on my shoulder."If he is your mate then that is quite strange cause I've never seen a werewolf be bonded with a human. It's very rare..." "But I don't know if he is Hoseok! Like I felt 'tingly' ," I said adding air quotation marks," and his scent is intoxicating but I don't understand it..." "Hey the full moon is this Friday so you might find out then, Today is Wednesday by the way," I nodded and sighed.

"What if he is my mate? What if I get back into my pack? How would they react to me, the ex-head alpha and possibly the next head alpha having a human mate?" "Cant you like turn him?" "Its very risky and plus they will still know... A human to werewolf has a different smell, different aura and is weaker in strength. He would be a low ranking beta at most but most likely an omega and I don't want to control him," Hoseok nodded and sighed.

"You're gonna push me away when you get your pack right?" I shook my head." I might be a wolf and know you only for a couple of days but I'm not a dick. I'll let you into the pack even if you choose to be a fox," He lifted his head and smiled at me before hugging me."Thanks!" "No problem!" I said and laughed.


It's the next day and I'm walking on the outskirts of my previous territory.  

I walked around, cheekily marking some trees as my own.

I'll come back soon, Next full moon. Not this one but the one after. I'll defeat Jackson when my wolf is at its peak strength and if i have a mate it will be even better because I'll be stronger due to the need to find a safe place for my mate.

"Hyung?"My ear tilted back and I turned my head turned to the boy. It was Jungkook. I wagged my tail and the boy ran over before falling on his knees and hugging my wolf form. "what are you doing here?" He asked and I shifted into my human form in his arms.

"Just went on a little walk and decided to cheekily mark some trees," I laughed and hugged the young boy back. His grip tightened as I sighed."I think I found my mate.." "Really!?" He yelled as he held onto my shoulders and moved my body away from his."Yeah!" I said and smiled,"Wow Hyung that's amazing! How are you going to tell Irene though?" "That doesn't matter but the real issue is, well theres actually two issues...." "And those are?" " Number one he's a boy and number two he's a human..." Jungkook gasped. "Okay, I've heard of gay werewolves before aka me but a human!?" I sunk in shame,"I can't help it and you know that Jungkook but I'll figure something out maybe he isn't actually my mate... um, how did you feel when you figured out that Taehyung was your mate?" 

He hummed in thought."Tingly and at ease when he touched me. I always wanted to be near him to protect him and I loved his smell. I would often unconsciously stumble to him while walking just because his smell would lour me in," He explained, "Well shit..."


I walk out of the familiar forest, instead of going early in the morning I've decided to go just after sunset. 

My wolf gently jogs over the road and to the small building, His kitchen lights were on and his back door was open like usual. I heard him whistling a sweet tune as I sat down next to the gate.

Hopefully, he will have some scraps of his amazing cookies. The whistling neared the door as he walked out with a laundry basket. I guess he went to pick up the few shirts and socks he had on the washing line. 

I watched as a smile spread across his face and he stopped whistling,"Nj," He spoke and walked to the gate. Without hesitation, he opened and I gladly walked in, standing near the exit. He collected the few items of clothing and went back inside before coming out with a plate with two cookies and two chicken bones.

He placed the plate down on the short grass and I walked up to the plate and ate the two cookies he split in half. He watched me in delight as I munched down the two cookies before crunching the bones.

Soon enough I was done yet again. "Tomorrows the full moon, I've always loved hearing the wolves howl at the moon," He smiled and I looked up as I swallowed the last piece of bone.

"There's this one wolf with this beautiful, long, deep howl that I hear every time. I wonder if he will howl tomorrow like always. Will you howl Nj? Oh, what am I saying, you're a wolf you can't understand me," He laughed and then and there I just wanted to pinch his tinted cheeks as my heart did front flips. "Well Nj, I'll get going, tomorrow is a busy day. Fridays are usually packed full," He smiled and patted my head before taking the plate off of me.

I smiled on the inside and walked out of his garden, I'll see you tomorrow Jin...


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