Chapter 2:Choices

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I wake up wrapped in Four's arms. I look up at him and he's still sleeping. I just watch him sleep until I can't anymore. I want to see those beautiful blue eyes. I decide to kiss him and see if he wakes up. He doesn't. I kiss him again he twiches but still doesn't wake up. I kiss him again but this time he kisses back and tries to deepen the kiss. I pull back and he opens his eyes and smile I smile back.

"Good morning." he says with that sexy deep voice. it's even sexier when he's tired and and when he wakes up.

"Morning." I say looking in his eyes

"You've got a big day today don't you?" I roll my eyes I don't want to get up let alone be reminded that I have to choose a job that I can't leave if I don't like it.

choose what makes you happy. is what repeats in my head over and over again.

"Come on we have to get ready." with that I roll out of the bed take a quick shower and put on my usual. Black tank top, black jeans, and a jacket with my black converse. When we are both done getting dressed we we head to the dining hall hand in hand. After they showed our ranking the other night our relationship is more public now. Once we get in the dining hall we get our food and sit at the table with Uriah. Four's friend Zeke comes and sit beside Uriah. Marlene, Lynn, and some other girl sits at the table.

"Hey Tris." Uriah says with a big smile on his face.

"Hey." I smile back and take a bite of my food. Everyone at the table is having a conversation and I'm just listening eating my food. when I'm done I get up a throw my trash way and sit back down.

----time lapse-----

All the new members of dauntless meet at the pit. The instructors and leaders are already there. So I have to walk with Christina and Will. I stay quiet till Christina asks me something.

"So how long have you and Four been together?" she asks. I shake my head

"Not now. And definitely not here." I tell her. She nods and we keep walking to the pit. when we get there I immediately look for Tobias. I see he's in the front with the leaders and Lauren. I watch him for a while then he finally makes eye contact with me. He smirks then looks at Zeke who calling his name waving him over to him. They talk for a while until Eric tells him we are about to start.

"Welcome new members of dauntless. Today you will be choosing your jobs and getting the keys to your apartments. we will go in order of the rankings 1st to last. The jobs you are able to choose will be also based off your rankings. so first up is Tris. come up and choose your job or jobs." Eric says. I walk up. on my way there I look at Tobias he nods. I continue walking up there.

Choose what makes you happy. Choose what makes you happy.

plays over and over in my head. I get up to the front and Tobias hands me a paper with different jobs on it. I know what will make me happy. I mark intiate trainer and tattoo artist. initiate trainer not because of Tobias. but because it's what I want. I thought about being a leader. I don't want to be in a room with other factions talking political. I'd rather help with the initiates. tattoo artist because I'm going to need something to do while I'm not training. Tobias hands me my key to my apartment. 77D. After I chose and got my key I left the pit and went back to the dormitories and got my things and went to my apartment. I arrive at my apartment and put everything away. All that's in here is a small kitchen, bathroom room, living room, and my bedroom. I will have to go get my furniture and other things when they are done with the job choosings. lucky there is a bed here already. I will just need a mattress and sheets and blankets. Once I have all my clothes in the closet in my room. I leave and head back to the pit by the time I get there its Christina's turn to choose. she chooses her job and gets her key then walk to me.

"Hey where'd you go after choosing your job?" I lift my key indicating that I went to my apartment. she nods her head.

" You wanna help me get my stuff and go to my apartment after Will goes up?" she asks.

"Sure why not." I say and smile. Will goes up and chooses his job and gets his key and we leave.

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