Chapter 17: You're Killing Me

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"Triiiisss " Marlene and Uriah says running up to me. Lynn right behind.

"what's up." I say

"Wanna come play dare with us?" Lynn asks.

"what do you do?

" first person picks someone and dares them to do something. then that person has to........" she trails off. "you know what never mind you can't play."

"why can't she?"

" Uri she can't drink alcohol."Lynn says.

"oh yeaaaa. but Four was coming." he says.

"Guys I'm just going to go to the training room a little while. have fun and don't kill my boyfriend." I say and walk/run to the training room.

After the training room, i went home and showered. I was to lazy to put anything on so I'm just lounging around in my robe. I flop down on my couch and watch tv for a while when I realize I want some ice cream. I look over to the kitchen and determine if I want to get up to get the ice cream. I really want some but I'm too lazy. My thought are interrupted by a knock at the door. I get up and open the door to smiling Christina. I move out of the way for her to come in.

"Hey hey." She says preppy. She sounds like an amity, to perky.

"Hey." I simply reply going back to the couch Christina sits beside me. I turn my attention to the tv ignoring everything she is saying then she gets up and stands in front of the tv.

"Tris. Did you hear a thing I said." I shake my head and try to look around her but she moves every time I lean over. I groan and get up to go to the kitchen since I wanted some ice cream. I guess Christina not letting me watch tv made want to do something. I get my ice cream and sit on the counter. Christina walks in and takes my bowl.


"Not until you answer my question?"

"Do you wanna go shopping and other things?" I give her a 'really you already know the answer to that' look.

"Aww come on tris, I wanna do something with my best friend."

"But we always shop." She groans and stomps her foot crossing her arms and pout.



"Pweeeeeeeesseee twisssssyyy." She says pulling on my arm.

"Ugg fine. Just stop that." I say and snatch my Ice cream and eat it then go get dressed.

"Now I'm gonna have to take another shower." I mumble


We've been walking around the pit for a while now. I look at my watch and see it's 7:30.

"Chris. It's 7:30 and my feet hurt can we please go home now"

She doesn't answer me and keeps walking. She already have 4 bags on one arm, 5 on the other and 3 on my left arm. She says that the ones I'm holding are for me.

"oh Tris quit your pouting and keep walking. We have one more store to go to." she says walking ahead of me. I groan and keep walking. We walk In to a store and Christina runs off some where in the store. I sit down on the chair near the front and look at my ankles. Great they are swollen and If they are swollen then my feet are most likely swollen as well. Christina comes back a few minutes later with two bags and hands them to me.

"for the baby." she says. I give her a confused look.

"but you don't know the it is." I say.

"yes I do. I can look at you and tell." I raise an eyebrow. She shrugs and tells me to get up so we can go back to my apartment, so I do. We walk the that my apartment is on and she stops walking.

"what are you doing?"

"going to my apartment. I walked you to your hall. Now take you and those 5 bags home." she says and turns and walks away. Ugh thanks. I walk down my hall until I reach my door. I fumble with my lock and walk in closing and locking the door behind me. I drop the bags and flop on the couch but as soon as my buttons touched the couch someone is banging at the door. I groan and open the door to find yet again Christina.


"well Mrs. Grumpy. I came to tell you I need toiletries and I need someone to go with me so come on prego." she says pulling me out of my apartment and leading us to the pit.

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