Chapter 42: Surprise

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After the meeting in Abgneation, Caleb has been sending me lots of emails about Jace.  He wants to meet him, but I don't think that's a good idea. Tobias thinks he should  meet him. He wants Jace to know his family.  Well besides Evelyn and Marcus.  Although he will never meet Marcus. 

  I sit in my office looking through files and emails  as Jace sleeps in his swing. 

  i close the files and reply to emails. i  look over to my sleeping  baby and smile at him. he looks so peaceful. people say that he looks a lot like me when hes sleeping, but i dont see it.  there's a knock at my office door before it opens. Tobias peeks his head in and comes in. He sits on the edge of my desk and looks over at  Jace.

"he looks a lot like you when he's sleeping." he says focused on his sleeping son's features.

"i really don't see it."  i say, also stearing at him. i turn to tobias.

" soooo......"

" soooo what"

" what brings you here?" i ask. tobias raises his eyebrow.

"what i cant visit my girlfriend while shes at work?"  tobias is off work today, but he was in the training room helping set up for the next set of initates even though we finished a couple months ago.

" theres no problem. i just thought you were helping zeke and uriah." he nods his head.

"well i was but i needed a break and  thought about you." he says " are you done doing what you need to here?" i nod my head and he smiles.

"lets go do something."

"what about jace?" he smiles and grabs my hand." already got that covered. christina is off to day so she agreed to watch him."  i smile up at him and carefully pick up jace and we leave my office.


so far tobias and i had lunch and walked around the pit and to the net. now we are going to the navy pier. all weve done was talk and laugh about different things.  every since i had jace we haven been able to get out and do things together or we are at work im glad he got christina to watch jace for a little while.

"so what are we going to do at the pier excatly?" i ask looking up at him. he looks down and me and smiles.

"you'll see." he says. i groan and cross my arms.

"i hate not knowing what we are doing." i say.

"i know." he smiles and keeps walking.   


We finally make it to navy pier and i still dont know what we are doing here until he pulls me towards the feris wheel. 

"we are going to climb it." he says

"are you sure?" he nods.

"i can ignore my fear.... for you."  a grin appears on my face and i kiss him. he pulls away and grabs my hand.

"ladies first." he says gesturing for my to go. i start climbing and he comes a second after me. halfway up i look back at tobias.

"you good?" he stays silent, bbut nods his head. i contine you climbing until i make it to the platform. i get on it and sit down. tobias soon comes after me and sits down beside me.


we've  been here for hours talking and kissing and now we are about to go back. im pretty sure christina wants alone time with will when he gets off.  this time tobias goes down first and i go after him. when i make it back to the bottom tobias is down on one knee with a small, velvet box in his hands.

"im not great with speeches so im going to just come out with it..." he says," Beatrice Prior will you marry me?"  i stare at him for a minute and act like i have to think about it.

" do you really have to think about it?" i shake my head no.

"no but its about damn time you asked me." i say," and yes i will marry you." i smile. he gives me a big smile and slips the ring on my finger and stands up. he picks me up and i wrap my legs around his waist and kiss him.

aside from jaces birth this is turly the best day of my life.


im really sorry it took so long to post this chapter but you got  it as promised. this is the last chapter of this story and there will not be a sequel sorry. but thins year i may do another fanfiction and two of my own stories. but those will most likely be posted during the summer. thanks for reading my story. this was one of my first stories so its not going to be that good. but now that i have my laptop. im sure my next stories will be better. but any who because im sure no one reads this im going to go now and  work on those stories i mentioned earlier.  i will edit this later.





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