//Chapter 2//

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Y/N's P.O.V

Me, Billy, Eddie and Richie walked out of our class when we heard the bell ring.

"There's a church full of Jews." Richie said. "And Stan has to take this super Jew-y test."

"How does it work?" I asked.

"They slice the tip of his dick off." Eddie said.

I covered my mouth, trying not to gag. "That's disgusting!" I say.

"But then he'll have nothing left!" Richie exclaimed.

"Guys! Wait up!" Stanley said as he put his hands on mine and Billy's shoulders.

"Hey Stan, what happens at the mitzvah anyways?" Billy asked. "Ed says that they slice the tip of you d-d-d-dick off."

"Yea, Rabbi's gonna pull down your pants, and he will tell the crowd: "Where's the beef!?" Richie laughed and he leaned against me to push past the students in the hallway.

My face heated up a bit. Yes, I will admit. I do have a crush on Richie Tozier. Everyone knows except Richie himself.

"At the bar mitzvah, I read from the Torah... and then I make a speech, and then suddenly I become a man." Stan said.

"There's more funner ways to become a man." Richie said. "More fun ways." You mean." I correct Richie.

Richie looked at me and gave me a goofy smile before looking forward again. "Shit." Richie mumbled.

I looked forward and saw Henry Bowers and his goons. As we walked past them, they starred us down. Henry on the other hand, was starring at me. I shivered.

Richie adjusted his glasses. "Do you think they'll sign my yearbook? "Dear Richie, sorry for taking a hot, steaming dump in your backpack last month. Have a good summer."" Richie said.

As we walked toward the stairs, my shoulder bumped into Greta's. She starred at me. "Watch it Loser." She said before walking into the girls bathroom.

As we got outside, we all ran toward the garage cans and dumped all of our school work into the trash.

"Best feeling ever." Eddie said as he put his backpack back on his back.

"Yeah?" Richie asked. "Try tickling your pickle for the first time."

I looked at Richie. "That's even more disgusting." I say.

"What do you guys wanna do tomorrow?" Eddie asked.

"I start my training." Richie said. "What training?" I asked. "Street fighting." He replied.

"Is that how you want to spend your summer, stuck inside of a arcade?" Eddie asked.

"Better than inside of your mother." Richie said, holding his hand up waiting for a high five.

Stanley grabbed Richie's hand and pulled it down. "What if we go to the quarry?" Stan asked.

"Guys, we can g-go to the barrens." Billy said. I knew he wanted to go look for Georgie. And I do as well.

I looked to the side and see Betty Ripsom's mom waiting, with Officer Bowers leaning against his cop car.

"Guys." I say. The guys turned their heads so the were looking at the same thing I was.

"Betty Ripsom's Mom." Eddie said. "Does she really expect to see her coming out of the school?" Stan asked.

"I don't know." I say. "As if Betty Ripsom's been hiding in HomeEc for the last few weeks." Eddie said.

"Do you think they'll find her?" I asked.

"Sure." Richie said. "In a ditch. All decomposed, covered is worms and maggots, smelling like Eddie's mom's underwear."

"Shut up!" Eddie said. "Gross." Stan said.

"She's not dead." I say. "She's m-m-m-missing." Billy stuttered.

Richie, Eddie and Stan looked at me and Bill.

"Sorry Bill, Y/N. She's missing." Richie said. He looked at me and gave me a reassuring smile. He knows me and Billy get emotional when we hear about missing kids because of what happened to Georgie.

"You know, the barrens aren't that bad." Richie said as we started walking to our bikes. "Who doesn't love splashing around in shitty water."

I felt someone grab the back of my backpack and through me back into Richie, who knocked over Stanley. All three of us fell onto the ground.

"Nice frisbee, flamer." Patrick, one of Henry's goons said. "Give it back!" I heard Stanley yell.

"Fuckin' losers." Henry said as he passed us. Belch walked to Eddie and burped in his face.

Billy looked at me and helped me up. He looked back at Henry. "You s-s-s-suck Bowers!" Bill stutter. "Shut up Billy!" I say.

Henry slowly turned around. "Did you s-s-say something, B-B-B-B-Billy?" Henry asked, mimicking Billy's stutter. He walked slowly toward me and Billy. He grabbed my arm and tightened his gripped around it making me wince.

"You got a free ride this year, cuz of your little brother." He said to us. "Ride's over Denbrough's." He said. He looked over at me and I whimpered.

He suddenly looked up. He shared a look with someone behind us. He then let go of my arm, pushing me back into Richie again. I grabbed my arm and held it close to me, while Richie had his hands on my shoulders. He then licked his hand and rubbed it on Billy's left cheek.

"This summer is going to be a hurt-train for you, you stupid sister and your faggot friends." Henry said as he walked to Belch's car and got in.

I frowned. "I wish he'd go missing." I say, watching them drive away.

"He's probably the one doing it." Richie said.

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