"Do it!" Richie said. Me and the boys were at the quarry, standing against the end. We were all strip to our undergarments. The boys were in their underwear and I was in my bra and underwear. The boys were doing a Lougee contest to see who's lougee went the farthest. First it was Richie, then Bill, Stanley, Ben and lastly Eddie. Richie so far had the farthest lougee. When it was Eddie's turn, his lougee ended up on the rock.
"Oh my god, that was terrible. I win." Richie said. "You won?" Eddie asked. "Yeah. You see my lougee? It went the farthest." Richie said.
"It's not about distance, it's about mass." Eddie said pointing at his disgusting lougee. "Mass? What is mass?" Richie asked. "It doesn't matter how far it goes, it's about how cool it looks. If it's green or white." Eddie said.
I scrunched up my nose in disgust. "Alright, brought lougee talk." I started. "Who's first?" Billy asked.
"I'll go." All of us turned around and saw Beverly taking off her dress and walking toward us. "Y/N you coming?" She asked. I smirked and nodded. "Hell yea."
Beverly ran toward the end and jumped off. I looked at the boys. "Sissies." I said before jumping off as well after Beverly. Once we hit the water and came back to the surface, we heard Richie yell. "What the fuck! We just got shown off by two girls!"
Me and Beverly laughed and soon the boys jumped and came into the water. We swam around for a bit. Richie decided to swim under me and when he returned to the surface I was on his shoulders. Beverly and Billy did the same with Beverly on Bills shoulder.
They came over to me and Richie and me and Beverly started pushing each other playfully until Beverly fell of Bill's shoulders. Me and Richie started cheering and we all laughed. Soon enough I was off Richie's shoulders and we started splashing each other with water.
"Ah fuck what was that! Something just touched my foot!" Eddie squealed. Bill dived into the water and his head popped back up. "It's a turtle."
Me and Beverly decided to lay in the sun after we got out of the water. In the corner of my eye, I could see Billy and Ben staring at Beverly and Richie, Eddie and Stanley staring at me. Me and Beverly looked at each other and then at the boys, when we did, they all looked away.
"New flash Ben! School's out for the summer!" Richie had said while holding his hand to his mouth like a microphone and looking through Ben's backpack. "Oh that? That's not school stuff." Ben said.
I saw Richie pull out a letter of some sort. "Who sent you this?" He asked. Ben looked down and grabbed the letter from Richie and put it back in his bag. "No one."
"What's with the history project?" Eddie asked. I stood up and walked over to the boys. "Move over, I wanna see." I say pushing Billy to move over. He did and I sat down between him and Richie. "Oh well, when I moved here I really didn't have anyone to hang out with so I started spending my time at the library." Ben said. "You went to the library? On purpose?" Richie asked.
"There's nothing wrong with the library Richie." I say. "I go there all the time." "Yea, but you go for actual books, you don't do an entire history project." He said looking at me and then back at Ben.
"I want to see." Beverly said walking over to us and sitting down beside Billy. "What's the Black Spot?" I asked. "The Black Spot was a nightclub that was burned down years ago by a racist cult." Ben said.
"The what?" Eddie asked. "Don't you watch Geraldo?" Richie asked. "Y-y-y-your hair." I heard Billy say. I looked beside me and looked at Beverly. I just noticed that her hair was now cut short, which looked good. "Your hair looks beautiful Beverly." Ben said from beside Richie. "Oh, thanks.." Beverly said.
I looked back down and took the piece of paper that Richie was looking at. "Why is it all murders and missing kids?" I asked. "Derry isn't like any town I've ever been in before. They did a study once, it turns out that people die or disappear six times the national average." Ben said.
"You read that?" I asked curiously. I looked at Ben, I never knew that the history of Derry is this dark. "Not just grown-ups. Kids are worse, way worse." He said looking at me. "I've got more stuff if you want to see it."
—————————————Everyone rode their bikes to Ben's house. Once we got there, Ben ran inside before us, probably to clean up his room a bit because I've done that before. When we walked in, Richie and Eddie were talking about, something. But as soon as they walked into Ben's room they stopped talking.
"Wow." Richie said looking around. "Cool huh?" Ben asked with a smile. "No, nothing cool." Richie answered. I hit his arm and looked at me. "Be nice!" I mouthed. He rolled his eyes while smiling at me. "Well, this is cool. Wait no, it's not." Richie said as he walked over to Ben's wall. Me and Eddie followed him.
"What's that?" I asked Ben while pointing to a piece of old paper with a bunch of signatures on it. "That? That's the carter for Derry Township." Ben said standing beside me. "Nerd alert." Richie said while looking at Ben. I slapped his arm again and glared at him. "Actually, it's quite interesting." Ben started.
"Derry started out as a beaver trapping camp-" "Still is, am I right boys!" Richie said cutting off Ben. Ben looked at Richie and shook his head. "Ninety-One people signed the carter that made Derry. But later that winter, they all disappeared without a trace." Ben continued. "The entire camp?" I asked. Ben nodded. "There were rumours of Indians, but no sign of a attack. Everyone thought it was a plague or something but it's like, one day everyone just woke up and left. The only clue left was a trail of clothes leading to the Well House." Ben said.
"Jesus, we can go on "Unsolved Mysteries." Stanley said from beside Eddie. I turned around and saw Billy looking at something. I walked over to him and looked at what he had in his hand. It had something to do with the Well House. "Where was the Well House?" Billy asked Ben.
"I don't know, somewhere in town I guess." Ben said shrugging his shoulders. Me and Billy looked at each other. "We should get going." Billy said. Everyone turned around and nodded. "Thank you for inviting us to your house Ben." I say with a smile. "Oh, it's no problem. I'll see you guys tomorrow maybe?" He said. I nodded and followed everyone out the door. Stanley and Eddie had already taken off so it was just me, Richie, Billy and Beverly.
"Hey Y/N, is it ok if I take Beverly home?" Billy asked. "Oh, yeah sure! I'll just meet you at home." I say. Billy smiled and left with Beverly. "I'll walk you home." Richie said from beside me. "I don't want you walking home alone."
I couldn't help but smile. "Finally showing your soft side huh?" I say. Richie looked at me and blushed. "Haha very funny. Let's just get going you dork."

Lover •Richie Tozier x Reader
FanfictionBeing Billy Denbrough's twin sister isn't that bad. You have great friends, an amazing twin brother and a adorable younger brother. But you didn't know that being Billy Denbrough's twin sister would mean you would be part of his "Loser Club" as Henr...