Billy and I were in our room. Billy was sleeping after drawing a picture of Beverly while I sat on bed reading a book. There was a storm going on outside and I normally can't sleep when there's one on.
I heard Billy get up and I looked at him. Just then I felt a drop of water on my bare foot. I groaned and put my book down and stood up as the same time Billy did. We looked at each other. "Bucket." We Both said and walked out of our room.
We walked down the hallway until Billy stopped walking once we reached the closet. Billy opened the door and grabbed one bucket while I grabbed the other. We started walking back but we heard a click sound. We both turned around and looked at each other.
The light in Georgie's room turned on.
We put down our buckets and walked into his room. Billy sat on the bed while grabbing Georgie's LEGO turtle while I looked at his picture on his dresser. I frowned. I miss Georgie so much. I looked to the side and saw a little kids figure in the door. I tapped Billy's shoulder and he looked at it too.
We both hesitated before walking into the hallway. We saw muddy footsteps on the floor and saw them lead downstairs. We walked down the stairs and to the kitchen. The footsteps lead to the basement.
A yellow little figure ran towards the basement while making a walkie talkie noise. I gasped and widened my eyes while Billy dropped the LEGO turtle. We walked to the basement and down the stairs. The basement was flooded. I looked around and saw a yellow figure standing in the corner of the room.
I felt like crying. Georgie came out from behind the tool rack and stood in the middle of the basement.
"I lost it Billy and Y/N." Georgie said. "Don't be mad." "W-W-We aren't mad." Billy said. "It just floated off. But guys, if come with me, you'll float too." Georgie said, it sounded a bit creepy.
"You'll float too." Georgie repeated. He continued to say the 3 words, his sweet little voice getting deeper and raspier, his adorable face getting burned and morphing. Then Georgie suddenly fell, disappeared in the water. A clown popped up and started running towards us.
"Billy go!" I yelled pushing Billy up the stairs as the clown came closer, I let out a scream before we escaped the basement, leaving whatever that thing was downstairs.
Me, Billy, Eddie, Richie, Stanley and Ben rode our bikes to Beverly's house after we got a call from her. I could barely keep my eyes open. I barely slept last night after what happened last night. All I could see was Georgie's destroyed face once I closed my eyes.
Once we arrived to Beverly's house, she ran down the stairs as we got off our bikes. "I-I need to show you guys something." Beverly said. "What is it?" Billy asked.
"More than we saw at the quarry?" Richie asked. My nose scrunched up in disgust and I hit Richie's arm. "Shut up." I say. "Yea, just shut up Richie." Eddie continued my sentence.
"My dad will kill me if he finds out I had boys in the apartment." She said looking at Billy. "W-w-w-we'll leave a look out. Richie stay here." Billy said as we walked up the stairs to Beverly's back.
"Whoa whoa whoa, what if her dad comes back?" Richie asked, we all turned around. "Do what you always do. Start talking." Stanley said. "It is a gift." Richie whined.
We walked down Beverly's hallway and toward her bathroom. "In there. . ." Beverly said. "What is it. . .?" I asked looking at her. She looked at me. "You'll see." She said as we stopped at her door. She slowly opened the door and revealed a red bathroom. Her bathroom was completely covered in blood.
(I'm not going to include Eddies ramble about bathrooms and kitchens. Sorry Eds🤪)
Me and Eddie both gagged. "I knew it!" Eddie gasped. "You see it too?" Beverly asked us. "Yes." Eddie said again. "What happened in here?" Billy asked.
"My dad couldn't see it so I thought I might be crazy." Beverly said. "Well if your crazy, then we're all are." Ben said.
My stomach felt upset I couldn't stand looking at this anymore. "I think, I think I'm going to be sick. I'm going to wait outside with Richie." I say covering me mouth and walking outside. I walked over to Richie and sat beside him, leaning my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes. "Couldn't handle being in her house?" Richie asked with a chuckle. "Shush, I'm sleeping." I say softly.
"You know, I love being a personal doorman. Really, could you idiots have taken any longer?" Richie asked as he rode his bike around us. We had just gotten done at Beverly's house and we now pushing our bikes toward the quarry. "Shut up Richie." Eddie said. "Yeah, shut up Richie." Stanley repeated. Man, they sound pretty annoyed.
"Alright, trash the trash mouth I get it." Richie retorted. "At least me and Y/N weren't scrubbing the bathroom floor imagining that her sink went all Eddie's moms vagina on Halloween."
"She didn't imagine it." Billy said as he stopped walking. I looked at him and he looked at me. "We saw something too." "You saw blood too?" Eddie asked. "Not blood." Billy started. "We saw Georgie." I finish while frowning. "It seemed real, I mean it seemed like him but there was this-." "A clown." Eddie interrupted me. "Yea I saw him too."
"Wait, can virgins only see this stuff? Is that why I'm not seeing this shit?" Richie said. Before any of us could answer we heard yell coming from the forest. "Oh shit, that's Belch Huggins car. We should probably get out of here." I say.
"Wait, isn't that the home schooled kids bike?" Stanley asked. I looked down and saw a bike in front of Belch's car. "Yeah that's Mike's." Eddie said.
"We should go help him." Beverly said. "We should?" Richie asked. I looked at him. "Yes."

Lover •Richie Tozier x Reader
FanficBeing Billy Denbrough's twin sister isn't that bad. You have great friends, an amazing twin brother and a adorable younger brother. But you didn't know that being Billy Denbrough's twin sister would mean you would be part of his "Loser Club" as Henr...