//Chapter 3//

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Y/N's P.O.V

Me and Billy rode with Richie to his house. Once we dropped off Richie, me and Bill walked the rest of the way, pushing our bikes with us.

I stayed quiet. I liked to hear Billy try and practice his sentences to help with his stutter.

"He thrusts his fists against the p-p-p-post. Shit." Billy said. I looked over at him. "You're getting better." I say. He looked at me and smiled.

Once we got home, we parked our bikes outside of the garage where our dad was doing something.

"N-Need some help?" Billy asked him.

He turned around and looked at us. "I thought we agreed." He said looking at our hamsters tunnels that were built into the sewers system.

"Before you say anything..." I say. "Bill, Y/N."

Me and Billy walked over to the tunnel system. I grabbed the little toy solider and placed it into the tunnel. Billy grabbed the hose and turned it on, making the toy solider float all the way to the two buckets we had at the end. The toy solider fell into the bucket that was labelled "Barrens"

"The Barrens." Billy said. "It's the only place where Georgie could have ended up." I finish for him.

"He's gone you guys." Our dad said.

"But if the storm swept Georgie-."

"He's gone!" Our dad yelled. "He's dead! He is gone! There is nothing we can do about it! Nothing!"

Billy frowned while I hid slightly behind him. I never did like getting yelled at. "Now take this down before your mother sees it."

Our dad walked over to his map of the sewer system. "And next time you guys want to take something from my office. Ask." He said while taking down the map and walking out of the garage.

I looked at Billy and he looked at me. He sighed and looked at our hamster. "I guess you get your tunnels back."
"Take everything but the delicious deals, guys." Eddie told us as we stuffed a lot of his food in our bags. "My mom loves them."

Once I was done stuffing my bag, I stood beside Eddie. "Hey first you say the Barrens, and now you're saying the sewer?" Eddie said.

We had told him and Richie that we were going to go to the end of the sewer, to see if there is any sign of Georgie being there.

"I mean, what if we get caught?" He asked. I looked at him and smiled softly. "We won't Eds." I say.

"The sewers are public works. We're the public aren't we?" Billy said.

Richie moved over to the next cabinet and opened it. "Eddie, are these your birth control pills?" Richie asked as he grabbed a bottle of pills from the cabinet.

"Yes. I'm saving them for your sister." Eddie said taking the bottle of pills from Richie and putting them back in the cabinet closing the door. "This is private stuff."

I laughed quietly at the two boys and we walked toward Eddie's front door. "Eddie, dear." Eddie's mom said from the living room. "Where are you guys of to in such a rush?" She asked.

"Um, m-m-my backyard, Mrs. K." Billy said. "We got a new..." "A new croquet set." I say.

"Okay. Oh and sweetie. Don't go rolling around in the grass, especially if it's just been cut. You know how bad your allergies can get." She said. "Yes mom." Eddie said and we turned back around to the door.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" She asked. We turned back around and Eddie walked up to his mother and kissed her cheek. "Do you want one from me too Mrs. K?" Richie asked.

I slapped Richie's arm and Eddie pushed us out the door. "Sorry Mommy." Eddie said as he closed the door.

"You are so gross." I say to Richie. "Yea, but you love it." He said nudging my arm. My cheeks started to heat up again.

"Richie stop hitting on my s-s-sister." Bill said with a smirk. I could have sworn that Richie's cheeks turned a light pink.

"Slow down!" Stan had said from behind me and Bill.

Me and the boys had picked up Stan and were on our way to the Sewers. Me and Billy were in front of the group because our bikes were the fastest.

"Hi-yo!" I laughed. "Sliver awaaay!" Billy yelled.

"Your old lady bikes are too fast for us!" Richie yelled.

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