After we were done talking at the fair, everyone came to me and Billy's house. We were all currently in our garage. Everyone was sitting around the projector me and Billy pulled out and they watched us put up our dads map of Derry.
"Okay, look." Billy said pointing at the map. "The storm drain. That's where Georgie disappeared." I explained. Billy then pointed at the Ironworks. "There's the Ironworks." He said and then pointed at the Black Spot. "And the Black Spot."
"Everywhere IT happens, it's all connected by the sewers and they all meet up at the Well House." I said as I pointed to the Well House.
"You mean the house on Neibolt Street?" Stanley asked. "You mean the creepy ass house where all the junkies and hobos like to sleep?" Richie asked. "I hate that place." Beverly said. "Always feels like it's watching me."
I heard Eddie take a puff from his puffer. "That's where I saw IT. That's where I saw the clown." He said. "Tha-tha-that's where IT lives." Billy said. "I can't imagine anything ever wanting to live there." Richie said scrunching his nose.
"Can we stop talking about this?" Eddie said taking another puff from his puffer. "I can barely breathe and it's summer, we're kids and I can barely breathe! I'm having a fucking asthma attack."
I walked up to Eddie and placed my hand on his shoulder. "Ed's, calm down." I say. He looked up at me. "I'm sorry Y/N but I'm not doing this." His mumbled the last part before standing up and ripping the map off the wall. "What the hell? Put the map back!" Billy said as he looked at Eddie. Eddie shook his head and then the projector went black.
"What happened?" I asked, looking at the projector. It was still turned on, but why did it go black? "What's going on?" Billy asked as he walked up beside me. "I don't know. The projector is still turned on." I answered as the projector started to flicker.
"Guys. . .?" We looked up and towards Stanley who was now standing in front of the wall. He pointed to the picture that the projector was showing. It was a picture of Georgie.
"Georgie. ." I whispered as I looked at his face, I felt tears start to form in my eyes. "Y/N?" I heard Richie say, I looked back at him. He frowned when he saw my eyes watering, he walked up to me and placed his hand on my shoulder, giving me a small smile. We looked back towards the wall and saw that the picture had changed to me, my mom, my dad, Billy and Georgie all at church, my mom's hair was blowing in front of her face.
The projector started to flicker fast and zoomed into Georgie's face, soon after it switched to my mom's face. The projector got quicker and the picture started moving. My mom's hair was slowly being blowed back and soon her face was replaced with a clowns face.
"WHAT THE FUCK!?" I heard Richie yell. My eyes widened as the clown started to smile. "It's IT." Billy said. "WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?!" Richie yelled as everyone started do scream. He pulled me back away from the wall and Eddie came with us. "I DON'T FUCKING KNOW." Eddie yelled over all the screaming.
"Turn it off!" I yelled as my heart started to beat rapidly in my chest, Richie wrapped his arms around me and held me close to him. Mike looked over at me in Richie's embrace. "Turn it off!" I yelled as I looked at Mike, clinging onto Richie for dear life.
Mike nodded and kicked the projector making it fall on the ground. We all looked at the wall and saw that the picture was now on a slant, the picture was empty. It had no one in it but it was the same background as the picture before.
All of the sudden, IT popped out of the picture. He was gigantic. His hands were placed on the floor and half his body was out. He looked over at Stanley and smiled. "Run Stan!" I yelled at Stanley over everyone's screams.
Richie let go of me and everyone ran towards the door, I ran towards the corner of the room trying to find one of my dad's tools to use to fight IT. When I looked back up IT was looking at me and smiled even more. He crawled out of the picture so his whole body was now in the garage and he started crawling towards me.
I stopped what I was doing completely and backed up so I was against the wall. Everyone was yelling at each other to get the door open that they hadn't noticed I wasn't with them. Until Richie looked to the side and saw IT crawling towards me. "Get the door open! Y/N is in trouble!" He yelled at everyone.
My back was completely pressed up against the wall and I started to breathe heavily. I closed my eyes and looked to the side while letting out a small scream. And then, there was light. I opened my eyes and saw that IT was no longer in front of me. I looked to the side and saw everyone gathered by the opened door, looking at me. Richie walked up to me.
"Are you okay?" He asked. I looked at him and wrapped my arms around him and hugged him. "Thank you Richie." I mumble into his chest. He hugged me back. "You're welcome N/N."
We pulled away from each other and saw Billy looked at us, concern and worry was in his eyes. I walked over to him. "I'm okay Billy." I say with a smile. He smiled as well and hugged me. "I-I-I-I thought I lost you too sis." He said. I smiled and hugged him back. "Nope, looks like you're stuck with me" I say which caused everyone to laugh.
"It saw us." Eddie said, breaking the happy moment. "It saw us and it knows where we are." "It always knew." I say, looking over and Eddie. Me and Bill looked at each other and walked out of our garage. "So let's go." Billy said.
"Go where?" Stanley asked. Me and Billy stopped walking and turned around to face the others. "Neibolt." I say. "That's where G-G-Georgie is." Billy said finishing my sentence.
"And after that?" Eddie said. "Yeah, it's summer, we should be outside." Stanley said. "If you say it's summer one more f-f-f-fucking time." Billy said before grabbing his bike. I grabbed mine as well. "Bill? Y/N?" Richie said before me and Billy started riding our bikes to Neibolt. "Billy! Y/N! Wait!" I heard Beverly yelled.
Me and Billy set our bikes on the ground and looked at the Well House. I looked at Billy who looked at me. We nodded to each other and started walking towards the house. "He t-t-t-thrusts his fist against the p-p-post. And still insists he sees the g-g-ghost."
"Billy! Y/N!" Me and Billy turned around as soon as we were on the porch and saw everyone dropping their bikes on the ground and walking over to us. "You guys can't go in there." Beverly said. "This is crazy."
"Look, you don't have to come with us." I say. "But what happens when another Georgie goes missing, or another Betty or another Ed Corcoran or one of us? Are you just going to pretend it didn't happen like everyone else in this town? Because we can't. We go home and all we see is that Georgie isn't there, his clothes, his toys, his stupid stuffed animals but he isn't. So walking into this house for us, it's easier that walking into our own." Billy said.
Me and Billy turned around again ready to walk into the house. "Wow." Richie said. "What?" Beverly asked. "He didn't stutter once."
Me and Billy turned around. Everyone was on the steps except for Stanley. "Uhhh, shouldn't we have some people keep watch? You know, in case something bad happens?" Stanley said. "Who wants to stay out here?" I asked.
Everyone put up their hands except for me, Billy and Beverly. Richie turned around and sighed. "Fuck."

Lover •Richie Tozier x Reader
Fiksi PenggemarBeing Billy Denbrough's twin sister isn't that bad. You have great friends, an amazing twin brother and a adorable younger brother. But you didn't know that being Billy Denbrough's twin sister would mean you would be part of his "Loser Club" as Henr...