"I can't believe I pulled the short straw. You guys are lucky you're not measuring dicks." Richie said as me, him, Eddie and Billy walked into the Well House. "Shut up Richie." I said as I looked around.
Inside was really dirty and smelt pretty bad. There was leaves and cobwebs all over the place. "I can smell IT." Eddie said as he gagged. "Don't breath through your mouth." Richie said looking at Eddie. "How come?" "Cause then you're eating it." Eddie gagged again at Richie comment.
I continued to looked around. Do the hobos really sleep in this disgusting place? I heard a creak behind me and I turned around and saw Richie walking towards this piece of paper. I followed him and stood in the doorway. "What?" I asked Richie who grabbed the piece of paper. "It says I'm missing." He said quietly.
I walked over to him and looked at the paper. "You're not missing Richie." I say looking at him. "Then why does it say it does right here?" Richie asked. "Thats my shirt, that's my hair, that's my face!" "Calm down Richie, it isn't real!" I say, trying to calm him down. "That's my name, that's my age, that's the date!" Richie yelled and started breathing heavily. "This isn't real Richie!" I yelled quietly at him. "It says I'm fucking missing Y/N!"
"Look at me!" I say, Richie kept looking at the missing kid poster while breathing heavily. "Richie look at me!" I say again but this time I put my hands on his cheeks and made him look at me, he calmed down. "This isn't real okay? IT is just playing tricks on you." I say looking into his eyes.
Me and Richie's heads whipped to the side and we looked at Billy and Eddie who were looking up at the roof. "Hello? Help me please." The voice said again, it sounded like a girl.
Richie dropped the poster and took my hands of his cheeks but continued to hold one of them. The four of us slowly walked up the stairs. We heard heavy breathing and we walked towards the room we heard the breathing cominv from. We stopped dead in tracks when we saw a girl laying on the floor. She turned around to look at us and my eyes went wide. "Betty-?" "Ripsom-?"
All of the sudden Betty screamed and was dragged away. I jumped back and hugged Richie's arm. Billy started to walk towards the room and me and Richie followed him. Once we got to the room we looked around. "What the fuck?" I say in shock. "She was right here, where the fuck did she go?"
"Guys? Guys!" I heard Eddie scream. I looked down the hallway and saw Eddie running towards us, but the door to the room started closing. "Eddie!" I yelled before the door slammed shut leaving Eddie alone on the other side. Billy ran over to the door and put his hands on the door handle and tried to open it. "Eddie open the door!" He yelled.
"Eddie? Where the fuck are you? We're not playing hide and seek dipshit." I heard Richie say from behind me. I turned around and walked towards his voice and saw him in another room. "Richie?" I asked as he turned around while shaking his head. Like with Eddie, when Richie started walking towards the door, it started closing. "Richie!" I yelled while running towards the door but it had already slammed shut. "Y/N? Y/N, open the door!" I heard Richie yell from the other side of the door. I tried to get the door to open but it wouldn't budge. "It won't open!" Richie yelled again.
I heard him move away from the door then I heard him scream. "What's going on in there? Richie open the door please." I say as I tried again to get the door open. "Why won't this stupid door open!?" I yelled out in frustration. I could feel tears at the brim of my eyes. I didn't like this place nor did I like having my friends trapped in two separate rooms.
"Richie open the door please!" I yell again as the tears start to run down my cheeks. I hated this, I should have never agreed to come in here. I pulled on the door one last time and it had finally opened but I was face to face with Richie as he collided into me and we both fell on the floor with him on top of me and something touching my lips. I opened my eyes and found Richie lips on mine.
Richie opened his eyes as well and we both widen our eyes before Richie quickly got off of me and helped me up, our faces were completely red. Billy was looking at us and smirking but his smirk dropped when he realized that Eddie was still out there. "Let's get out of here." Billy said, me and Richie both nodded and walked towards the main door but we both stopped when we didn't see the door but instead 3 doors that had bold red words on them.
Less Scary. Scary. Very Scary.
My eyes widen. You got to be kidding me.
"Wanna play loogie?" A familiar voice said for behind us. I whipped around and saw Eddie's head inside of a mattress. He started to laugh as this black liquid started to come out of his mouth and the mattress burning the leaves on the ground. Me, Richie and Billy all shared a look before we ran to the door that was labeled "Less Scary." I opened the door and was greeted by darkness. "Where's my shoe?" A voice said. I reached for the light switch and turned it on and saw Betty Ripsom hanging by her arms without any legs. I scream in horror as Richie pulled me back and Billy slammed the door. "Where the fuck were her legs!?" I said, breathing heavily.
"This isn't real." Billy said, repeating to what I had said earlier. "Remember the missing kid poster? That wasn't real so this isn't real." Billy explained as he looked at me. I nodded slightly and looked back at the door. Richie grabbed my hand. "Ready?" He asked, I nodded as Billy reopened the door revealing the hallway we were in earlier. "Oh thank fuck."
"Wait, where's Eddie?" Billy asked. "Help!" We heard a scream for downstairs. Eddie. "Eddie!" I screamed as a started running to the stairs, Richie and Billy following me. Once we made it downstairs, we all ran to the kitchen and saw Eddie sitting up against a cupboard with IT in front of him. "Oh fuck." I whispered. IT turned around and looked at me and Billy. My heart started to pound in my chest, Richie pulled me behind him, protecting me from IT.
"This isn't real enough for you guys? Billy and Y/N? I'm not real enough for you?" IT said. "Holy fuck." Richie said. "It was real enough for Georgie!" IT said smiling before walking towards us. His hands grew claws as he smirked. I closed my eyes and gripped on the back of Richie's shirt for safety.
All of the sudden, I started to hear IT whine it pain. I opened my eyes and saw that Beverly had stuck a pole through IT's face. "Get Eddie," I whisper, Billy looked at me. "Get Eddie." I say again before letting go of Richie's shirt and running over to Eddie. I bent down in his left side while Richie bent down on his right. Eddie was in the middle holding his broken arm. Billy and Beverly ran over to us as well while Ben, Mike and Stanley ran into the kitchen.
I heard my wailing noises and looked over at IT who was slowly turning around. Once he was fully facing us, I could see it face, it was all messed up and terrifying. My heart started to pound in my chest again as he started walking closer to us. I stood up as Beverly hugged me for dear life, and I did the same. I wrapped my arms around her and looked at IT. He screamed make both me and Beverly jump before swinging his arm towards Ben and slicing into his stomach and falling into Mike. "Ben!" I screamed.
IT started slowly backing up and he soon left the kitchen. "Don't let IT get away!" Billy said before walking the way IT went. "Billy no!" I screamed before seeing him disappear.
Beside us, Eddie was screaming in pain as Richie tried to popped his arm back in place. "Bill! We have to help Eddie!" I heard Beverly yell, a couple seconds later Billy popped back into the kitchen and ran over to us. I bent down again and looked at Eddie. "I have to pop your arm back in place!" Richie said.
"Do not fucking touch me! Do not fucking touch me!" Eddie yelled at Richie as he grabbed Eddie's arm again. "Richie don't!" I said before Richie popped Eddie's arm back in place earning a cry in pain from Eddie.
"Let's get out of here!" Mike said from beside us. Me and Richie both helped Eddie stand up and we all left the Well House in a hurry.
Hi everyone! I am so sorry for the late update :( but here it is! Hope you like it!
Ps. It's also my birthday today :))

Lover •Richie Tozier x Reader
FanfictionBeing Billy Denbrough's twin sister isn't that bad. You have great friends, an amazing twin brother and a adorable younger brother. But you didn't know that being Billy Denbrough's twin sister would mean you would be part of his "Loser Club" as Henr...