//Chapter 14//

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Mike wrapped the rope around my waist and careful sent me down the well, once I reached the hole the rest of the boys were in, Billy and Richie grabbed me and pulled me into the hole. I untied the role from my waist and pulled on it so Mike knew to bring it back up. Once I turned back around Richie engulfed me in a hug. "I'm so glad you're okay." He said quietly. I smiled a bit and hugged him back. We soon let go when Mike came down with his gun thing.

"Stan?" I heard Eddie say. I looked over at him and saw that Stanley was gone. "Guys where's Stan?" Eddie said again. "Stanley!" I yelled. Where did he go? "Stanley!" Eddie yelled after me, as we all crawled through the hole to the end. Eddie was the first one to get out, we heard a splash as he stopped. "Oh shit, greywater." He said looked at us. We all got out of the hole one by one as we were soon now all standing in greywater.

Thank god I wore my shorts today.

"Stan?" I called out, Billy was beside me shining his flashlight. "Stan?" Richie yelled down the sewer tunnel. "Stanley!" Eddie yelled as well as we all started running down the tunnel. "Where could you be?" I said looking around, staying by both Richie and Billy. All of the sudden we hear a scream. We all whipped our heads towards the direction it came from. "Stanley!" I yelled before running towards his screams.

I came face to face with a door, which I tried to push open. "Guys help me!" I said as everyone was now over where I was. All 7 of us pushed on the lever until it opened to a big sewer tunnel. We all ran threw the door and looked around. "Stanley?!" Eddie yelled as Billy searched the room with his flashlight. I looked to the side and saw Stanley's flashlight laying on the ground. I ran over to it and picked it up, the other crowding around me. I pointed the flashlight up and the light revealed Stanley laying on the ground with something eating at his face.

We all gasped in horror and backed away. "What the fuck is that thing?!" Richie asked as the thing on top of Stanley looked at us. "Oh shit." I breathed out as my whole body started to shake in fear. The women on top of Stanley creepily stood up letting Stanley gasp for air. I let out a scream as it looked right at us. Me and Billy pointed our lights at it as it backed away into the sewer drain that was behind it, it screeched before disappearing into the next tunnel.

We all stared at where it disappeared to and suddenly, IT's face popped up making us all scream. I quickly grabbed onto Richie's hand and held it tightly for dear life. "Oh shit!" Richie said as we stared at IT. IT chuckled before disappearing into the tunnel for good. I looked down at Stanley who was sitting up. "Stanley!" I say while running over to him, the others following me.

I kneeled down and helped him sit up, Eddie on the other side, helping me. Stanley started screaming all of the sudden. "No! No! No!" He screamed as he tried to get out of our grips. He backed up against the wall. "You left me!" He shouted at us. "You took me into Neibolt! You're not my friends! You made me go into Neibolt!" He shouted again while tearing up. "Stanley I'm sorry!" Eddie said. "You made me go into Neibolt." Stanley cried. I was the first one to hug him, Eddie joining me, then Richie, Ben and Mike.

"This is your fault." Stanley cried into our hug. "Stan we're sorry." I say, tearing up myself. "We would never let anything happen to you." "We're here for you." Richie said.

"Bill!" Eddie yelled suddenly. We all looked up at him and then noticed that Billy wasn't with us. I looked down the sewer tunnel Eddie was looking down. "Bill!" I yelled as I quickly stood up and ran into the tunnel. "Y/N wait!" Richie yelled after me but I just kept running. "Billy!" I yelled.

Soon enough, I was in the huge room with a huge stack of toys and belongings in the centre. I looked up and saw Beverly floating in the air. "Holy shit.." I mumbled and stared at her. "We'll get you back Bev, just hold on." I say before looking to my left and saw Billy standing there. "Billy! Y/N!" I heard the boys yell from inside of the tunnel. I ran over towards Billy but stopped in my tracks when I saw Georgie standing in front of Billy, his right arm was missing while he held the boat we made him in his left hand, he was wearing the clothes he wore the day he went missing. I slowly walked up to them so I was standing beside Billy.

"What took you guys so long?" Georgie said. "W-We were looking for you this whole time." I say, my voice cracking as I teared up. "I couldn't find my way out of here." He said. "He said I could have my boat back."

"Was she fast?" Billy asked him. "I couldn't keep up with it." Georgie said. As soon as he said that, I knew that wasn't my little brother who I lost. "She Georgie," I say. "You call boats she." I finish while frowning. "Take me home." Georgie said.

I heard footsteps come from behind us, I looked and saw everyone running towards us. It looks like they got Beverly which is good. "I wanna go home." I heard Georgie say. I turned my head and looked at him, this time I started crying. I backed away and soon felt hands on my shoulders, I turned my head and saw Richie standing behind me holding my shoulders. I turned around and hugged him while crying, he hugged me back and rubbed my back.

"I miss you guys, I wanna be with mom and dad." Georgie said. "W-We want more than anything for you to be home." Billy said, I could hear in his voice that he was trying to contain his sobs. "With mom and dad." I turned my head so it was looked at Billy and Georgie. Billy started to walk up to Georgie. "We miss you so much." He said which caused me to sniffle. "I love you guys." Georgie said. "We love you too." I cried out.

Billy started to breath heavily as he backed away from Georgie and pulled out Mikes gun and pointed it at Georgie's forehead. "Billy don't." I cried as Georgie cried too. "But you're not Georgie." Billy said as he fired the gun. "No!" I screamed as Georgie fell. "No.."

"Y/N shhh it's okay...it wasn't the real Georgie." Richie said calmly as he rubbing my back trying to calm me down as I cried harder. For the first time, I thought I had my little brother back, after all the searching, and questioning, I finally had him back after months, and for the first time I believed he was still alive but it was just a trick.

Hey guys! I hoped you enjoyed this chapter! I'm thinking that the next chapter will be the end of the book but I haven't decided yet! Anyways I hope you guys are well and taking care during these hard times!

Take care everyone! And stay safe! <33 -Jazmyn

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