//Chapter 13//

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Weeks have passed since our last encounter with IT. Me and Billy have made up even if he doesn't like Richie at the moment, me and Richie hung out pretty much everyday either watching tv, playing games or swimming at the quarry. We have visited Eddie and Stanley quite a bit, Eddie's mom lets me and Richie came in to hang out with Eddie since apparently she liked us the best. Me and Richie also went to Stanley's Bar Mitzvah which ended sooner than we thought but also ended up being cool. Me and Billy have hung out a lot too but he mostly goes out with Beverly while I go with Richie.

I left early this morning so I could meet Richie at the arcade in town, we like going there early so there's less people and because we can play a lot of the games. Richie was currently playing a game when all of the sudden Billy ran in.

"Richie! Y/N!" Billy said running towards us. "What do you want?" Richie asked not looking away from the game. "You see that guy I'm hitting, I'm pretending that's you." He said again. "Richie.." I say looking at him. Billy looked at me and then back at Richie. "IT got Beverly." Billy said. "What?" I asked. "What are you talking about?" Richie asked.

"IT Richie. IT got Beverly." Billy said again which caused Richie to stop playing his game and looked at Billy.

We were all here at the Well House. Me, Billy, Richie, Eddie, Stanley, Mike and Ben. When me, Billy and Richie left the arcade, we had called the others first telling them what happened and to meet us at the Well House.

I got off my bike and looked up at the house, I could tell that none of us wanted to be here but we had to save Beverly and to stop IT. I felt someone grab my hand, I looked to the side and saw Richie holding my hand and looking at me.

"No matter what happens in there, we'll both come out fine and alive okay? Remember you promised me that nothing would happen to you, that you wouldn't leave me." Richie said. I faced him and placed my hands on his cheeks. "I won't leave you Richie, and we'll both make it out." I say reassuringly which made him nod.

We all walked towards the front door, of course me and Richie were holding hands. We had picked up some spikes outside of the house for weapons just in case something were to happen. As we all walked into the house, I looked back and saw Stanley standing at the end of the porch.

"Stan?" I asked as he looked at me. "Stan, we all have to go. Beverly was right, if we split like last time, that clown will kill us one by one but if we stick together, all of us, we'll win." I say. "I promise."

Stanley nodded his head and walked inside joining the rest of us. We all walked into the kitchen and down the stairs into the basement where we saw the well Billy had told us about the day we all went our own ways. "Hey Eddie, you got a quarter?" Richie asked.

"I wouldn't want to make a wish in that fucking thing." I replied, looking at Richie with digust. "How are we supposed to get down there anyways?" I asked looking down into the well.

"With this." I turn around and see Billy holding up a rope. "That'll work." I say. "Alright let's try it out."


One by one we all went down the well and into some hole that was in the side of it. First Eddie went down, then Ben, then Billy and then Richie, Me and Mike were the last ones that still had to go, Mike was helping me get the rope tied around my waist when suddenly Mike groaned in pain and fell on the floor, I looked up and saw Henry Bowers standing above Mike with a steel pole in his hand.

"Mike! Y/N!" I heard the boys yell. I starred up at Henry in complete horror. His face was cover in splattered blood and he had a crazy look in his eyes with a twisted grin. "You didn't listen to what I told you did you? You should've stayed out of Derry, your parents didn't and look what happened to them. I still get sad every time I pass that pile of ashes, sad that I couldn't have done it myself." He said as he looked down at Mike. And then, he looked at me.

"And you Denbrough, you should've died along with your little brother." He said as he started walking towards me. I started to back away until my hands reach the edge of the well. "Y/N!" I heard Richie yell. Henry came close and bent down beside me and looked at me. "This time you will." He said before grabbing me by throat and lifting me up. I kept slapping and slapping at him to let me go but nothing was working, all I could do was try and gasp for air. He walked back over where Mike was and threw me on the ground.

I gasped for air but cried out in pain as my legs and arms were cut badly due to the concrete and glass on the ground. I looked over at the well and saw Henry standing above it, looking down and laughing. I heard Mike get up and grab the pipe Henry hit him with and walks towards Henry. As Mike got closer to Henry, he lifted up the pipe, soon enough he hit Henry in the back with it and Henry stumbled forward and fell into the well, hearing him scream until it went quiet.

"Mike! Mike! Are you okay?!" I heard the boys yell. "Yeah I'm okay!" He yelled back down. "What about Y/N?!" I heard Billy and Richie yell in sync. Mike looked back at me and looked at my cuts that were now bleeding. "She's okay! But has a few cuts and is bleeding! I'm going to cover them up before we come down!" He yelled back before walking back towards me.

He looked around and grabbed a piece of clean cloth he saw. He walked over to me and bent down and started to rip the cloth into pieces. He grabbed my arm carefully and started to wrap the cloth around the cut. He did this for both my legs and my other arm as well. He dug his hand into his pocket and grabbed a bandaid. I looked at him confused as he took off the wrapper.

"You have a cut on your nose." He said as he noticed my confused look. He gently placed the bandaid on my nose. "There." He said with a small smile before helping me up. "Thank you Mike." I say looking up at him. "You're welcome Y/N." He replied nodding. We both walked back over to the well and looked down. "Y/N!" Richie and Billy said.

"I'm okay!"

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