Part 4

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Steven walked out of his room, tying his robes and was shocked as Buchanan welcomed him with claps.

"Congratulations, father" he spoke bitterly, his eyes emitting fire, "you destroyed my love"

Steven tried to act innocent, "what are you talking about son? I don't understand ". The plan was to make him believe, Steven didn't know she was the girl he loved.

"So naive, are you? stop faking it!!! " Buchanan yell, "you know who the girl inside is, and you did this on purpose, to snatch her from me, to punish the poor girl"

Alas! The plan had failed miserably. But Steven didn't care, as long as they were separated.

"What's done, done! " Steven said ruthlessly, "she's my mistress now, you cannot have any relationship with her". It was like a slap in the face.

"Its not so easy father" Buchanan stepped forward , looking at his father eye to eye, "I won't let you destroy her"

"Destroy? " Steven laughed, turning around "She'll be happier here, as my mistress, with all the luxuries. Just.. She didn't get what she wanted" she didn't become the queen.

"She wanted love, and you didn't let her have that" Buchanan said sadly, "but respect, you'll have to give that. You'll have to return her honor"

"What? Get over with it, Buchanan " Steven shook his head and started to walk away.

"You have to marry her" Buchanan said in anger, "Make her your queen!! Or else, I would give up my rights on the kingdom and marry any of your mistress, a crime, they would punish me with death sentence. Enjoy watching uncle Clint being your successor then"

Steven growled in anger, Buchanan was his son, no less clever. And this wasn't something he'll give up.

"I promised her to make her queen, and you would fulfill that promise!! " Buchanan said.

Steven didn't have anything to say, until a thought crossed his mind. Marrying a common, simple, young girl would benefit him much more then he could ever imagine.

"I would" Steven said, turning to face him, "Happy? She'll be my 3rd queen. And the 100th queen of the kingdom" he said sternly, "I shall hold back everything that happened last night , and wed her tomorrow with a great celebration. You get what you want, but.. " he smiled, "you have to pledge, that you won't blackmail your way through things after that. My word, would be the last.. Deal? "

"After you marry her, yes. My pledge becomes valid only after your marriage is sealed"Buchanan agreed.

They both nodded to each other and Buchanan left.


Natalia was dressed well, and taken back to her house. A large guard accompanying her this time. She returned as a king's betrothed should.

Her old father was confused when she stepped out of a large palanquin, dressed in a beautiful purple dress, her hair made nicely. She looked beautiful and very different from her usual self.

"My daughter? I was so worried" he hugged her and cried, "why had the king summoned you? Did.. Are.. "

He was lost at words, everyone knew why the king summoned beautiful girls, especially at night. And Natasha thought how stupid she was to think otherwise. But her true love didn't give up on her. He protected her honor, in the best way he could. Tears appeared in her eyes.

"Baker!! " a woman stepped forward, "the king wishes to marry your daughter, tomorrow. He had summoned her to make sure she was worth the honor. She would become, the 100th queen of our kingdom"

Natalia's heart melted at her father's happiness. Tears of joy had filled his eyes.

"Oh Natalia! My baby" he kissed her forehead, "my little girl would become a queen? "

His happiness knew no bounds. Soon, their neighbors heard and started congratulating her. The boys who used to tease her stood with lowered heads, ashamed.

Unable to stand the excitement, Natalia stepped into the house, and sat down on the tiny bed, her eyes had no tears left. She was a living corpse now.

The man who ruined her, who used her, who forced her, was now going to be her husband. The one who snatched her dignity, her love, everything that she held dear. And now she would have to respect and love him. Be loyal to him. Give birth to his children.

She wanted to end her life, unable to bear the pain. But she thought of Buchanan, and couldn't go ahead. If he was strong enough to do this, she should too.

"Come on, we have to return to the castle. Your father shall accompany us. The queen to be, cannot live in this cottage" the woman who was always ordering around, said.

Natalia stood up and followed her, as she had the previous night, to lose everything.


Steven had won. He not only  succeeded in separating Buchanan and Natalia, he also found a solution to his greatest problem. The 100th queen.

His son had made his life time issue easy. Marrying Natalia would make her the 100th queen. She is young, poor and scared. At his mercy. He can manipulate her the way he wants. No kings or princes are her back up. She is alone. And all his.

He smirked, thinking of the battle he won so easily. And he even got a prize. A beautiful young wife. He couldn't stop smiling at the memories of the night. The softness of her skin, the taste of her lips, her heavy breasts and the feeling of them in his hands.

And she could provide him with more sons. She was healthy, and fresh, she could give him everything.

He couldn't wait to have her back in his bed. To rule her again. This time her submitting her self to him.

He lay down and closed his eyes. Destiny was in his favor. Everything was happening the way it would benefit him.

"Can't wait to welcome you, my 100th queen" he said with a huge smile on his face, before he closed his eyes to sleep.

Poor Natalia.
She is marrying Steven now.
What would happen now?

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