Part 9

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Natalia was free for seven days. But she already dreaded what came after that. Steven didn't join her at night, but he kept staring at breakfast, held her hand, caressing the skin with his thumb, throughout the session of royal court, and watched intensely as she returned to her chambers.

Catherine, Buchanan's younger sister, and Steven's only legitimate daughter, came over to see her.

"My Queen, the princess wants to see you" Natalia's handmaiden Melissa came inside to inform.

"Of course, let her in" Natalia said, standing up.

"Good afternoon, my queen" Catherine curtsied with a smile.

"Princess, you don't have to" Natalia said.

"Of course, I do. My queen, you have every right to be honored. And my mother has taught me to obey laws and customs. Anyways, father asked me to befriend you, and.. " Catherine was an easy chatter box.

"No, princess. You don't have to do anything, you don't want to. I'll be fine" Natalia said in a low sad voice. She didn't want fake friends, just for the sake of it.

"No, my queen" Catherine held her hands, "Father asked me, kind of requested, he never forces us to.. I am here by choice. I like you"

"You do? " Natalia was surprised.

"Yes, of course. You are so sweet and polite. We all imagined you to get arrogant and proud on becoming a queen but.. I really like you" Catherine said.

Natalia smiled and hugged her, "Thank you" she said and pulled Catherine to sit with her.

They bonded easily, they talked for hours and hours each day. Natalia returned from the throne room and awaited her, and Catherine was usually there. They walked around the castle, talking about everything. Natalia found out that Catherine was indeed happy to be betrothed to Prince Pietro. She liked him and fantasized about her marriage.

Natalia couldn't share her story of love and heartbreak.

"I hope you get your beautiful love story too" Catherine said.

"Catherine, I.. I am married, to your father" Natalia reminded her.

"So? My father is handsome, smart, the best king, I am sure you would fall in love with him, someday" Catherine said, "Actually, I really wish you do, and so does he. He deserves a beautiful love story with his 100th queen"

"What about you mother? Catherine? You realize " Natalia was confused.

"My mother was my father's best friend, still is. No one can take that place. They never bonded romantically, and my mother's illness.. She wishes the best for him too. She believes he would change his ways if someone.. He would stop going to those mistresses.. And.. " Catherine sighed.

They were walking close to the side of mistresses. And suddenly they heard a lot of cries, of a little child.

"What's happening in there? " Natalia asked, worried.

"Oh my God!! Will!! " Catherine rushed inside. Natalia followed.

All the mistresses left their places and curtsied as Natalia walked in. She saw William crying as a woman stood beside him, holding a rod.

"You bitch, how dare you? " Catherine leaned to pick the little trembling boy up.

"It's none of your business, princess! "The lady rolled her eyes, "We can do whatever we want with our kids"

"He isn't your kid!! Neither of yours" Catherine yell.

"Yeah? So take him away. Such a burden. We have to share what comes for our children. He should have died with his pathetic mother " the mistress yell back.

"Linda!! " another girl stepped close to her, "The queen is here" she said.

Linda curtsied but she didn't care. She probably didn't fear Natalia.

Natalia stepped close to Catherine and caressed William's forehead. He looked up with innocent eyes, filled with tears.

"What did she do? " Natalia asked, her heart aching at the sight.

"She hit me, my queen. " he replied crying.

Natalia couldn't believe the cruelty of the woman that stood before her. How can a woman? A mother, beat such an innocent little child. With a rod? Where was humanity and kindness.

Natalia felt intense anger, something she never experienced before. Her blood raged. She was fuming.

"Guards!! " she shouted. Instantly, four guards rushed in, and bowed.

"Yes, my queen " the spoke in sync.

"Take this woman away, she is banished from the castle. The king shall finalize her punishment tomorrow. Throw her in the dungeons " She said with authority in her voice.

"You can't do that, you bitch" Linda spat. The guards covered Natalia.

"You dare insult the 100th queen? " a guard held her hair, "we shall slash your tongue instantly " he drew a knife.

"No" Natalia yell, "Let the king decide her punishment. She has done two crimes today. She shall be punished for both. Let's leave, princess. William would not stay here anymore "

Natalia turned and walked away, Catherine followed her.


Steven smiled, as the news reached his ears.

"My king, we have to inform the queen, she doesn't hold the right to punish your mistresses " Samuel said.

Steve laughed, "No, my dear friend. We should not"

"Why? I do not understand, my king? " Samuel got confused.

"My precious queen has made her first ever decision, an order. I would not take that away from her. I grant my third queen, the right to punish my mistresses and banish them from the castle as she pleases. Add this to the rules without her knowledge" Steven said walking around the room in a slow pace, his hands folded behind his back.

Samuel nodded and took his leave. After a few minutes, his informer came in.

"Queen Natalia wishes to come in, my king" he said.

Steven smirked, "Of course. There is no need to inform. Queen Natalia shall walk in directly whenever I am alone"

He nodded and left. Natalia walked in, worry lines on her forehead.

Steven stepped forward and held her arms gently.

"My beautiful queen? Is everything alright? " he caressed her cheek, "why the worry lines? "

"My king! " she looked up and for the first time, directly into his eyes, "Can I take William in? As my son? "

Steven smiled and leaned in to gently kiss her lower lip, "You need not ask, my beautiful queen" he said in a husky voice.

She looked at him, her breaths heavy. He moved away and turned.

"He would not have any rights of my legitimate children, but you can adopt him. When his mother died, I couldn't ask my queens to take him. Everyone expected Queen Sharon to do it, but.. She didn't and.. I tried to keep him close, but.. A father.. A king.. Can only do so much, my beautiful queen" his voice was sad and broken. For the first time, Natalia saw his vulnerable side.

He turned and held her hands, "Thank you"

Natalia smiled, "The pleasure is all mine. My king " she said.

They just held hands and stared into each other's eyes for a while. And then she moved back.

"I shall, take your leave, my king. William is sick and.. " she said. He nodded.

Before she could exit his room, he spoke, "I shall be waiting for our first night together, my beautiful queen"

Natalia bit her lip and rushed out. While Steven smirked.

Natalia has a lioness hidden.
What would happen next?
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