Part 15

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After the dinner, Natalia returned to their room. Steven stayed with the kings to discuss some political matters. Their discussion continued till midnight.

When Steven finally got up and walked out, Buchanan held his arm and stopped him.

"Father.. I.. " he was hesitant and confused, Steven held his shoulder.

"What is it, son? " He asked, genuinely.

"Nata.. I mean.. Its the birthday of.. The 100th queen" Buchanan said, "I.. Got this.. Please give this to her" he handed out a box to him, "I had it.. Made... Way earlier.. Please, father"

Steven sighed, "I will" he said and turned to leave.

"Father? " Buchanan called out, "Is she.. Happy? "

Steven turned to face him again, "She is, son" he pat his shoulder, "And I would make sure she stays happy "

Buchanan smiled faintly and they both headed toward their rooms.


Natalia sat on the bed, reading a book. She tried to sleep but didn't succeed.

William rushed in and climbed the bed, hugging her tight, "Happy birthday day, mommy" he said, giving her a kiss on the cheek, and presenting a rose.

"Oh my baby" she kissed his cheeks, "How did you know? And why are you still awake? "

"Father told me, and he woke us all up" he replied.

"Happy birthday, 100th Queen" Catherine and Wanda entered next, with maids who showered flowers as Natalia got up and walked towards them, "sorry for the unannounced arrival, my queen. King Steven wanted us to surprise you" Wanda apologized.

"Its alright, thank you so much" Natalia smiled. Catherine hugged her.

"We didn't know before hand to bring gifts, we'll arrange in the morning " she said.

"Its not a problem, this is more special then gifts" Natalia said.

"Good night, see you at the celebrations, tomorrow " Catherine said.

"Goodnight, mommy" William said.

"Goodnight, my sweet baby" Natalia messed his hair, and they all left the room.

Natalia smiled and was walking back to her bed, when suddenly her belly was grabbed from behind.

"Happy birthday, my beautiful queen" he said in a husky whisper near her ear.

She couldn't control her intense blush,  "Thank you, my king " she replied.

He moved back, and gently turned her, taking her hand and putting a beautiful, delicate gold bracelet on it, and then kissed her wrist.

"Its so beautiful, thank you" she said with a smile.

He moved closer and pulled her into a hug, she closed her eyes and rested her head on his chest, wrapping her arms around his waist. He stroked her hair gently, and kissed her head.

"My beautiful queen, I shall grant you more then this petty gift. Being a king, I grant you the sole ruler ship of three villages, grant you four horses, and three big boxes of gold and ornaments" he said.

"I don't need any of those, my king. I just need some.. Happiness" she said.

"I know " he moved back and held her chin, gently, "But this is your right, as the 100th queen"

She nodded, and lowered her eyes.

"There is something else I need to give you" he said, taking out the small box, "this is from our son"

"Our son? " Natalia was confused, if William was willing to give something, he would have given it himself.

"Buchanan" Steven said, crushing Natalia's heart, "says he got it made before.. "

She took the box with shaky hands, and hesitantly opened it. Her eyes were full of tears as she stared at the beautiful pendant. She recalled liking a similar one, Buchanan had gotten the same design, except this was bigger, with original gems and real gold, unlike the one she liked.

Steven wiped her tear, "You need to be happy today, my beautiful queen"

"I cannot take this, anymore.. Please return it, my king" she said with a broken heart, and heavy voice.

"Why? Look, I know the circumstances were different, but.. A gift is a gift, you should take and honor his gesture. He hasn't done anything wrong, its my fault. You are my wife, you can take this as the queen, as his step mother" he said.

Natalia couldn't take it anymore, how easy was it for him to call Buchanan her step son. She loved him, she had felt so many emotions for him, and then one night changed her fate forever. She broke down in his arms and cried, her knees giving up as she collapsed on the floor.

"I don't want this" she took the bracelet off and threw it away, "I don't want your villages, horses, ornaments" her cries came out as painful shrieks, "I just want my happiness back "

She got up, to run away, but he caught her wrist and held her back, "You cannot humiliate me this way, stay here and cry. I shouldn't have passed this" he took the box from her and taking the pendant out, he threw it harshly on the floor, a few gems broke free, "You shall never speak of him again, you are my queen, MY QUEEN!!! " he yell, "and I think it would be better if Buchanan gets married now"

Natalia just kept crying, his arms held hers, she couldn't even stand.

He wrapped his arms around her and hugged her, she screamed and cried, holding onto his robes.

"Let it all out, my beautiful queen" he said patting her head, "You have held it for too long, let it go now. Accept your fate and try to move on. You are my queen, the 100th queen, you need to be stronger".

Natalia cried and cried, then her cries turned to sobs, and then her tears became silent. Steven carried her in his arms and lay her on the bed, kissing her forehead. He lay beside her, and pulled her into his arms.

"Go to sleep, my beautiful queen" he rubbed her back, "with the new day, wake up with new strength "

"I cannot " she finally spoke again, "I cannot be stronger, I cannot be your queen"

"You have to, you have no choice" he said. She didn't have the strength to fight, so she just closed her eyes and tried to sleep.

Poor Nat.
Steven is so ruthless.
Anyways, I hope you liked the update.
Also, its my birthday today, so you might get another update in a few hours😁
Do give your reviews.

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