Part 10

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Natalia was scared, Steven's smile was too bright at breakfast that day. She was clean now, and he was waiting to get to her. But maybe her stars were in her favor this time. The king received an invitation from Maximia, for the crowning of Prince Pietro as the heir to the throne.

Steven didn't seem happy after that, he clenched his teeth and frowned. Natalia was unable to understand his frustration. He let go off her hand and wiped his sweat.

"My king, is everything alright? " Natalia finally asked, as she held his arm, walking out of the throne room.

"He wants Buchanan's wedding to happen, now" Steven whispered his reply to her, without facing her.

"Is.. You want it too, right? " she asked.

"Not now, my beautiful queen. Buchanan is not ready, he'll mess it up. And I need.. More heirs, before I can bring Maximia's princess as the future queen" he said.

Natalia lowered her eyes, more heirs, that meant, her children.

"So? What would we do now? " she asked, ever so sweetly again.

He looked at her, and stopped walking, taking her hand, he placed a gentle kiss on it.

"My beautiful queen" he cupped her cheek, "I will do whatever I can to delay this. I think I already know what. Do not worry" his voice was sweet and affectionate, something she never expected or experienced from him.

"Go, get ready. We need to leave for Maximia" he said. Natalia sighed. She didn't have to spend the night with him for now.

She walked away with her set of guards, lost in thoughts on how he would avoid Buchanan's marriage.


Natalia was in the royal carriage, heading towards Maximia. Her carriage was larger then any other, more luxurious. She could even lay down to rest.

Queen Margaret couldn't accompany them, due to her illness. And Queen Sharon refused to come, saying she would stay and take care of Queen Margaret. None of Steven's mistresses were allowed to travel with him. His children could, but they didn't. That left only Steven, Buchanan, Catherine, little William, important ministers, and Natalia herself, who were headed to the kingdom of Maximia.

Catherine decided to accompany her, when they stopped for a while, and they were indulged in conversations.

"You are excited to meet the prince? Aren't you? " Natalia asked, teasingly.

"Yes, I am. But not too much" Catherine blushed.

"Mama, I want to sleep" little William said. Natalia smiled and opened her  arms. He climbed on to her lap and closed his eyes.

"He is so adorable, I am glad he accepted you as his mother" Catherine said.

"He is a child, anyone desperate for affection would accept it from which ever source he gets" Natalia replied, gently brushing William's hair.

"Its funny, you must be thirteen when he was born, you couldn't have him then" Catherine laughed.

Natalia smiled, but didn't reply.

They stopped after sun down, to rest. Tents were set up for them, and food was prepared.

Natalia's handmaiden helped her out, and took William from her .

"My Queen, the King wants you to stay with him" she said.

Natalia was dreading this the whole journey, she nodded and followed the other maids towards the King's gigantic tent.

They helped her change into night robes, and then left her alone.

Steven entered the tent, and she flinched, he smiled seeing her so nervous.

"My beautiful queen" he said, holding her belly from behind, and placing a kiss below her ear, "what would you like to eat? "

Her breaths were heavy, "anything that pleases you, my king" she replied. He kissed the base of her neck, wrapping both arms around her belly.  She didn't want to offend him by showing displeasure, so she put her arms over his and closed her eyes, letting him kiss her as he pleased.

He lifted her off ground and quickly lay her on the bed, towering her from the side. He had a rose in his hand, that he touched to her cheek, tracing it down to her neck. She closed her eyes again, holding the sheets of the bed firmly.

"You wanted to know, how I would get rid of this, marriage thing right" he asked, the rose touched her lips.

"Yes, my king" she replied.

She felt him move closer, and then his kissed the corner of her lips, his hand gently holding her waist.

"The prince cannot marry in his mother's absence" Steven said, kissing her cheek now, "and Queen Margaret is not fit enough to travel. We would have to wait till she gets better. And.. " he kissed her jaw, "According to the tradition of Rogeria, the prince shall marry in his homeland, the king shall or shall not"

Natalia smiled, "But what if they protest, my king? Its been too long, after all" she spoke slowly.

He kissed the front of her neck, "Well, the princess, can marry. The queen send all her love"

Natalia opened her eyes, his hand hand moved above, just below her breast.

"My king, does the princess know? Does queen Margaret know? Won't it be wrong? The princess would need her mother more then the prince does" she spoke fast, panting.

He faced her, their eyes met, their lips  brushed, "my beautiful queen" he cupped her cheek again, "Some sacrifices are to be made, for the betterment of the kingdom. Margaret knows of my decision and the princess knows of her duties. If it came to this. We shall have to get Catherine married first"

Natalia felt bad for Catherine. She was her friend, "Can I? Warn her? " she asked.

"Yes, but warn, without directly telling her" he said, moving to kiss her neck again.

The servant announced of his arrival with food, and Steven moved away from Natalia, pulling her to sit up. She adjusted her clothes, and then the servants were allowed to enter and serve.

To Natalia's relief, Catherine and William joined them. She helped William, while she saw Steven feeding Catherine with his own hands, adoring and pampering his daughter in all ways.

He loved his children, she had seen, but being a king was difficult, and she understood why his actions were sometimes too rude but definitely unjust. She wished he could find just ways to get things right.

And she feared the night, she had to spend alone with him.

This journey, and their stay at Maximia, and the return, is going to get from hot to hotter to hottest.
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