Chapter 2

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  As darkness overtook the streets of New York City street lamps sequentially burst into life, one afterthe other each cracked and swelled with amber illumination. Rows of headlights bright from bumperto bumper created a parade of gas guzzling machinery and the incoherent chatter combined painteda motion picture of New York's nightlife.Bryan pulled the car into the near desolate parking lot of ESU. Immobilising the engine, hesurveyed the lot; many had the good sense of leaving on time. Bryan wondered if perhaps Curt hadgotten fed up with waiting and left. After all, Bryan was overdue. In the passenger seat Regina haddozed off with her head leaning against the window, barely a sound, safe for slow, rhythmicbreathing condensing on the window. Bryan reached over and gently tapped her on the shoulder."Regina?" No response, only a slight shrug. Bryan applied more force, this time shifting her wholebody. Regina startled into life and snorted slightly."Wha-," Regina said groggily, her mouth gaping open as Frenzy Origins-2-happening. The stationary figure, head scanning left and right, fear, uncertainty, the tell tale signs ofRegina's frailties."Shit," Bryan said under his own breath and jogged towards Regina. Regina buried her head intoher hands and stood completely still, whimpering slightly."Ok," Bryan whispered gently to her as he approached and carefully placed his arm around hershoulder. "Nobody's here," he whispered reassuringly, "just you and me. Ok?" Regina took herhands down from her face and nodded slowly, "Good. Stay close and don't be afraid, ok?" Reginatook a deep breath and nodded again.Both she and Bryan walked along the concrete slabs and up the steps to the science block withthe lights still on inside. Bryan opened the doors with a loud clang as latches snapped open.A strong smell of masked odours wafted around the corridors, a chemical cleanliness to it, like ahospital. The tiled, laminated floor made the pair's footsteps echo and ring down the passages.* * *Veronica continued to stare intently at the canister lying on the lab station before her. A single lightstreamed from the overhanging lamp, the imprisoned being persistently squirmed and crawledaround its confines. Veronica drew her face closer to the canister, her nose was practically pressingup against the crystal glass."So," Veronica said, "what secrets do you have to share?" She produced a single syringe from herlab coat and pressed the plunger down, ensuring that it compressed completely. The symbiote,within its claustrophobic confinement swelled around, trying to increase the distance between itselfand the inquisitive Veronica.She tilted the canister upright and gently undid the seal. The canister made a slight hiss as itdecompressed. This enticed the symbiote into a flurry of excitement; applying force to the canisterand affecting Veronica's grip as it squirmed uncontrollably."Dammit," Veronica said under her breath, placing her second hand on the canister desperatelytrying to hold it still.The symbiote became so wild that Veronica was forced to grip the canister between her legs,applying as much pressure with her available limbs as she placed the syringe into an open gap. Asthe needle entered the canister, the symbiote took little interest. However, once the needle piercedthe purple mass it exploded into a frenetic flurry of forceful motions, causing the canister to writheand shake in single powerful movements. Grunting and groaning, Veronica retracted the plunger onthe syringe, filling it with the ooze of the creature, a motionless liquid almost separate from thesymbiote itself.The symbiote became uncontrollable and Veronica was forced to seal up the canister and place itback onto the desk. The canister hissed shut and Veronica gently placed it back within the beam ofthe overhanging lamp. Strangely, it calmed down quickly, returning to the slow steady motions asbefore.Veronica examined the substance once more and with syringe in hand went back to hermicroscope; she had prepared another sample of her serum ready for testing.Veronica retrieved her Dictaphone once again, pressing the record button she began to speak. "Ihave only one more chance. If this does not succeed then..." Veronica paused momentarily and Frenzy Origins-3-glanced down at the syringe, the ooze was still motionless. Beside the microscope laid the mostrecent result of her serum: a moss green sludge in a specialised vial. Veronica knew exactly what hadto be done, if Connors was correct, the symbiote would bond with the serum and keep the cellstogether as it enters the blood stream.With no doubt in her mind, Veronica stabbed the syringe into the vial and compressed theplunger. The introduction of the symbiote cells caused an immediate, visual change. Symbiote cellsovertook the serum, bonding with it tremendously. Purple cells seemed to merge with the green andexpand. Veronica was baffled; the contents of the syringe had overtaken a majority of the serumthrough a form of bonding.Slowly, Veronica picked up the Dictaphone and pulled it back to her mouth. "Uh, the uh...'alien'cells seem to have bonded, or absorbed the serum. I'd say upon first observation a ratio of 1:4 isactually the original serum. Perhaps even 1:10," Veronica released a sample onto the microscope'sPetri dish and observed as the serum did its work.Veronica didn't speak, didn't breath, remaining in total silence. What unfolded before her wasexactly what she desired, she gasped with delight! "It worked; the new cells are bound together andhave no way to dissipate. It is likely the creature's own antibodies counteract the human ones. Theparasitic nature of the new cells ensures that they work as one, almost in a dominant and controllingway." Veronica took a moment to catch her breath, letting out a sigh of relief. "The only thing left..."she paused, looking at her left shoulder, "Is a suitable test subject." Veronica finished, turning off herDictaphone and placing it back into her coat pocket.A sudden click echoed around the room, causing Veronica to jolt upright and swiftly peer backtowards the lab's solitary door. As the door swung open Veronica reached over to the desk whereshe placed the vial, in one quick movement she slipped it into the pocket of her lab coat, bolting toattention as she faced the now open door. Dr. Connors emerged from the corridor; Veronica triedlooking as casual as possible, with her left hand in pocket and her right in plain sight."Ah, Veronica," Connors said, somewhat surprised as he stepped through the doorway. "Lookwho I found wandering the halls." Two figures followed him inside, a young man and woman. Theman was as plain as they come: average height, average built, nothing beyond extraordinary.Following behind, the woman was only slightly shorter, appearing rather tense based on the bodylanguage displayed.Veronica, lowering her brow was less than impressed, she was expecting something more.Dr Connors introduced them, "Veronica, this is Bryan Cain." Bryan waved from across the roomand smirked slightly. Veronica did not respond and Connors continued, "...and Bryan this is VeronicaPyke, she's a biologist here at the university.""Temporary," Veronica added as she approached, "until our benefactor is satisfied."It wasn't until Veronica started staring at the woman in tow that Bryan opened his mouth,looking behind himself then back to Veronica."This is my sister, Regina," Regina looked up at Veronica and stared blankly. The whole worldseemed to stand still. There was something, something just connected between the two, whetheradmiration, intrigue, or a mixture of both, neither averted their gaze.As Veronica got closer she produced her hand to greet. "Pleasure," she said shaking Bryan's hand,"Dr. Connors has told me a lot about you." She then turned to Regina who continued to stare,unnerving Veronica, she felt somewhat freaked out, but never the less, shook her hand."Nice to meet you too, Regina."Frenzy Origins-4-Time continued to stand still for Regina; something was making her feel uncomfortable, howeversomething was different. Regina often avoided interactions with others, yet here she was, throwingherself straight back in. Perhaps it was something more?"Y-yeah," Regina feebly stammered out."I hate to push this forward a bit, but we've had a long trip and we're both very tired. So, ah, canwe get this done as quickly as possible." Bryan said clapping his hands together, which reverberatedoff the walls of the lab, causing a number of the lizards to glare at Bryan."Ok," Connors replied noticing how taken aback Veronica was following Bryan's urgency, "We'llhave a quick look and conduct a full investigation tomorrow." He guided his former student to whereVeronica had placed the canister. Veronica bit her lip with anxiety hoping that Connors didn't noticeanything amiss. Regina continued staring at Veronica, watching her slight head movements followConnors and Bryan across the room.Veronica was at least a few inches taller than Regina, her dark blonde hair tied up at the back ofher head, held together with a moss green bobble. A lab coat hung loose over Veronica's figure,displaying little of her proportions, an untucked green tank top and a pair of denim jeans. Veronicabegan to move over to where Connors and Bryan had begun analysing the canister. Regina followedclosely behind, understanding little of the inaudible ramblings between Bryan and Connors.As the pair continued to mutter and discuss the organism, Regina sat part slumped on one of thelab stools looking around the room and scanning every possible inch. Veronica turned back onnumerous occasions; Regina took no notice of this until Veronica decided to stand right next to her.Veronica followed what Regina was looking at until she'd finished at the glass confinements filledwith lizards. Regina seeing Veronica in her periphery decided to say something."Cool lizards," Regina said, feeling stupid inside with nothing better to say."Uh, yeah," Veronica replied, equally as stupid. Veronica wanted to understand this woman, shewas at least late teens, even early twenties. So why exactly had she come with her brother all theway to New York. "What do you do Regina?" she asked."Huh?" Regina replied, paying minimal attention before looking at Veronica."What do you do? College? Work?" Veronica articulated, speaking clearer and louder. Regina justdrifted her head away and shook it. Veronica glanced over her shoulder back at Bryan, who was everabsorbed in the symbiote, "So...why come all this way?" Veronica asked as she leant onto the nearbylab station, "I mean Chicago is a way to come just for the sake of your brother."She glanced back at Bryan and smirked. Humouring the blatant enthusiasm Bryan displayedthrough jerky, almost immediate motions. Bryan was switching between samples and themicroscope, whilst still talking to Connors standing there, listening."I have nobody else," Regina replied, hanging her head. Veronica's expression went from snarkysmile to blank in a second, she turned back to Regina. Arms lying across her legs, head hung low,short brown hair hanging down, curtaining Regina's face from Veronica's view. Regina sniffledslightly."No parents?" Veronica asked in a soft tone. Regina shook her head, the fibres of her hair flailingslightly, gently reflecting light into Veronica's gaze. "Oh, sorry..." Veronica placed her hand onRegina's shoulder. This caused an immediate reaction as Regina's head shot upright and stared atVeronica's hand. Veronica quickly retracted her arm seeing that Regina was feeling uncomfortable;realising all too well there was more to this girl than was being let on. Refusing to cut open woundsin what Veronica felt was a broken person said nothing more and just let her be.Frenzy Origins-5-Veronica could sympathise to some degree. She never knew her real parents. Her memories wereof living rough on the streets of New York, or under her travelling adoptive father."Hey, Regina!" Bryan called out, still staring down the microscope and waving his hand inRegina's general direction. Dismounting her stool, Regina paced towards Bryan, shooting anuncomfortable glance at Veronica as she passed."What is it? Can we go soon?" Regina asked, crossing her arms over one another in a veryenclosed stance."Yes, just...y-you have to see this." Bryan looked away from the microscope and looked back atRegina, smirking from one cheek to the other, "It's really cool." He took a step back from the stationto allow Regina to gaze into the microscope. Staring down the scope, Regina lowered her brow,intrigued as Bryan made slight adjustments."Uh. What am I looking at here?" Regina said uncomfortably as she tried adjusting themicroscope herself. She could feel the nearby presence of Veronica; she had worked her way over tothe group."An 'alien'," Bryan said, emphasising his excitement and elation. As the scope eventually focusedRegina saw what Bryan was so excited about, a purple mass that seemed very full of life as it writhedaround in Regina's view."It's no H. R. Giger alien that's for sure," Regina said mockingly, causing Bryan to smirk evenmore. "Seems very alive though," pulling her head back from the scope."Maybe it likes you!" Bryan exclaimed, provoking Regina into shoving him gently."Fuck off," she mouthed.Bryan turned to face Connors, "This is much better than expected! It's phenomenal!" Hecontinued with elation."Yes, it is," Connors replied with reservation, "However I feel it's time we call it a night.""Sure," Bryan quickly responded and swiftly faced Regina then back to Connors again, "Tomorrowthen?" The pair bid farewell to Veronica and Dr. Connors as Bryan escorted Regina out into thecorridor. Dr. Connors started to pick up the sample from the microscope and carefully returned it tothe canister. The entity continued crawling around in its confines appeared more settled now thatboth Regina and Bryan had left the room."I'll tidy up here doctor," Veronica said pacing towards him, placing her hands firmly on thecanister. Dr. Connors was feeling quite exhausted and responded."Fine," releasing the canister, Veronica pulled it towards her person, "Please, ensure that thespecimen is secure and lock the doors behind you, ok?" Connors was vocally concerned, possiblyparanoid, however he had no reason to be concerned. He trusted Veronica; she had finished upbefore without incident. Perhaps it was the return of his former student, or perhaps the revelationsthat Veronica had witnessed. Connors stepped outside the lab and pulled the door to, slightly ajar ashe walked down the corridor.Canister in hand Veronica dashed over to Connor's desk as quickly as she was able to. Placing thecanister on the station she pulled out the vial from her lab coat and placed it besides the cylindricaldevice.Now that there was nobody around, it was the perfect opportunity for Veronica to test her newtheory.Veronica slipped her lab coat off and let it slump to the floor in a ragged clump, making a slightclick as it impacted. She stepped round the desk and removed a specialised injection device,Frenzy Origins-6-designed specifically for the vial Veronica had procured. She perched herself on the desk, removedher leg brace carefully and discarded it atop her lab coat."Now or never," Veronica said to herself, clicking the vial into the device and twisting it around untilit was secure. Clenching her left fist tight and tensing her arm, Veronica took a deep breath andplaced the device just below her shoulder, she flinched slightly as the needle pierced her skin. Thenshe pressed down on the device with her thumb, it clicked and the contents of the vial began todeplete. Within a matter of seconds the serum had emptied into Veronica's arm. She exhaleddeeply.Removing the device, Veronica placed it down on the desk forgetting completely about thenearby canister and its contents. Her hand brushed the canister which began to roll, the distance itcovered was minuscule, but Veronica had placed it close to the edge. As it fell, Veronica cried outunder her breath, "Shit!" Falling to her knees she tried to catch the canister, but it was all fornought. Veronica's collapsing knees managed to stun her; helplessly witnessing the canister shatterfrom severe impact. Its contents quickly crawled away from Veronica as she tried to reach out andgrab it. "No, no, no," Veronica said to herself as she dragged herself to her feet.The symbiote had crawled its way underneath a series of desks and out of sight. Veronica walkedin the general direction of where the creature went, ignoring the fact that she was indeed walkingwithout her leg brace!Veronica got down on all fours and then onto her belly, attempting to look under the desks. Aftercrawling under a few, dirt began to cling to her tank top as she went. Veronica managed to find herlighter which she dropped earlier. Since light was failing to reach the undersides of the desks,Veronica flicked the lighter lid open and struck the ignition, after two tries it flickered into life.The scant illumination helped little as Veronica heard the unmistakable sound of the lab doorslamming shut. Something had caused it to shut and Veronica had a feeling on what, she slowlycrawled herself out from under the desks until she could stand up and looked towards the door, nowshut firmly. A sudden flurry of activity captured Veronica's attention; the lizards in theircontainments began to scurry around their enclosures, some hissing and snarling at Veronica.She began to cough as she approached the lizards; each reacted differently as she got closer.Some scurrying, others snarling but one just stood there motionless, staring directly at Veronica. Shebrought her eye line to the lizard, glaring at it.Staring intently at the lizard, Veronica began tilting her head as she coughed more vigorously. Thelizard followed Veronica's head movements. A slight reflection in the glass revealed Veronica's worstfears, one of her eyes bore a yellow pigment and her pupil had narrowed. Veronica began to spewinto an uncontrollable coughing fit, every part of her body began to ache and splinter as if somethingwas trying to break free...Going on instinct, the symbiote leapt from its shattered container. Seeking nothing more than tosurvive, the creature quickly crawled along the lab floors being pursued by the green-chestedwoman. The woman scrawled around on the floor, ghosting the symbiote. Rushing towards thenarrow gap in the lab door, it could feel the air of freedom. Flailing and crawling as it went; it caughtthe door and slammed it shut.The symbiote had escaped. That young woman who had gazed at it a short while ago was thetarget, a perfect host. The imprint of this being began guiding the symbiote around the corridors, the Frenzy Origins-7-demand for a host made the creature hungry, it must survive. Continuing to follow the path of itssubject the symbiote finally reached the exit and there, two figures slowly walking out. The malewalking ahead slightly, as the young woman followed closely behind.The final doors opened and the two began to step outside, this was now or never for thesymbiote! Quickly it flung its entire mass down the corridor, accelerating as fast as possible, the manhad stepped outside and was beyond view; however the girl was still in perfect view. She took a stepbeyond the doors threshold as they began to close, the target began to disappear as the doorscontinued to slam shut...Regina paused for a moment and turned back to the lab and saw the last light vanish behind thedoors. Turning back around, Regina followed Bryan, completely unaware of her hitchhiker, nowmoulded to the soles of her trainers.   

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