Chapter 7

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  OsCorp headquarters towered into the sky. Eighty-stories of research: chemicals, weapons, medicineand more. Distinguishable by the large logo adorned atop the hive of New York City's scientificexploits. At the base of the skyscraper a mass of television and newspaper journalists had gathered.Zoe arrived and the crowd followed, swarming around her Rolls as it drove by.Many yelled questions at the businesswoman through tinted windows regarding the earlier ESUincident. Public appearances by the CEO never went unnoticed. And then there were more questionsconcerning her alleged criminal underworld connections. Then the intrusive and suggestivequestions about her personal life followed. It was just another day in the life of Zoe King."Best take the side entrance today, Harold." Zoe gestured to her driver who responded with anod. The parasites clung to the car as it ventured into the restricted access. Guards horded back thejournalists as they scrambled to the checkpoint.Zoe stepped out of her vehicle into viFrenzy Origins-2-"Won't you please consider it?" Megan begged, "This whole city wants to know about you. Whydeny such a perfect opportunity to set the record straight!" Her crying fell on deaf ears as Zoewalked away. Megan didn't want to be ignored though. She managed to round the barring guardand block Zoe's retreat."Just one interview. It's all I ask." Quickly, Megan pulled a slip of card from her pocket andpresented it to Zoe. Arms dragged Megan away. Zoe stopped the guard."One interview?" she asked doubtfully."Yes." Zoe stared at the card adorned with Megan's name and a contact number and email. Sheadmired the spritely girl's determination. Part of her wanted to destroy the small rectangular card;to crush Megan's hopes and dreams. However, she resisted and scowled at her."I'll take it under advisement. Now leave." With that, Megan was hastily removed from thebuilding quietly. Megan was not going to protest anymore. She had succeeded somewhat.All the while, OsCorp was in full motion; employees of various departments cluttered the hall.Authoritarian individuals acknowledged Zoe's presence. Those less fortunate ignored her, avoidingthe gaze of their powerful overlord.Zoe took out her tablet again and slipped a pair of reading glasses on before keying in thepassword. A private elevator leading up stood before her. One large guard standing alone noddedtowards Zoe, acknowledging her presence. Zoe pressed her thumb firmly against the elevatorkeypad, the doors glided open in near silence. Immaculate, the elevator had nary a speck of dirt orgrime, a perfect vessel for Zoe to travel.She pressed one of the keys indicating a floor to travel; forty-three, her lab, occupied by her twomost trusted minds. An unmistakable weightless feeling surged through Zoe's body as the elevatorsprung into life, going upwards. She browsed her OzBerry tablet once again, carefully consideringthe files she 'acquired' from her ex-employee. Veronica's secrets became the property of OsCorp.Zoe was not going to waste the opportunity presented before her."If this programs will pay millions," Zoe pondered. She scrolled through morefiles, ignoring the audio records Veronica had documented. Only one thing mattered, recoup the lossand make a profit. Zoe was fully aware of the potential, she knew that before and she knew it now.She would trust the expertise of her best biological scientist, Benjamin Keyes, to find the solution.A bell chimed and the elevator doors slid open, Zoe stepped out and navigated the scarcecorridors to her laboratory. In contrast to other labs in the building, this is where all Zoe's personalprojects come to fruition. Sparks flew and machinery whirred, the most advanced equipment waspresent here, synthesising machines among other equipment that Zoe had no desire to understand.The large lab had to be separated to accommodate two departments, one side housedBenjamin's chemical and biological experiments, whilst, beyond a dividing glass barrier, weaponstechnology and advances were being developed by a veteran engineer.Paige Mason was tinkering away at a large blue glider through the glass; she had been longfaithful to Zoe and her father. For over thirty years she served them. That loyalty was what Zoerespected, that and an insistence to tinker and tweak served her well. Paige's successes helped putZoe's company on the map as a major weapons developer.Benny Keyes was typing away on his computer's keyboard and mumbling to himself. He wascaught off-guard seeing Zoe glancing around the lab."Mrs King, s-sorry I didn't hear you come in," Benny said feebly, spinning in his large chair. Hisdorky glasses and messy ginger hair did him little credit as a serious scientist. Frenzy Origins-3-"Save it, Benny," Zoe replied, "You had any success on our latest project?" Zoe walked over toBenny, leaning on the chair as he turned back to his computer. Benny tapped away at the keyboard."Oh. Some, I've ran mock simulations through the computer and have a prototype synthesising aswe speak.""Good," Zoe looked round at the synthesising machine whirring and blinking away, at least, that'swhat she thought the machine was."Seems Veronica hit a bit of a snag." Benny adjusted his glasses, "She couldn't get the serum tooverride the human body's immune system." He took a pause as he continued to bash on the keys,"Fortunately, Veronica has laid out the foundations for a working serum. All I need to do now iscreate a catalyst for it, something that'll initiate the effects at a rapid recurring rate. No eliminationthrough human antibodies.""Good," Zoe said as she tapped her palm on Benny's shoulder, something to show whatappreciation she had for the young man. Zoe understood little to nothing of what Benny was saying,just so long as it gave her hope. "Any chance there could be side effects?""Unknown. Initial simulations don't indicate any side effects or abnormalities.""Alright, keep me updated on your progress. I don't want any accidents." Zoe began to walkaway."Y'know," said a voice from behind, "You can always say 'hi' when you drop by." Paige venturedinto the lab, wiping her hands with a dirty rag. "You're always so occupied by this shrimp you neversee me anymore.""Yes, 'hi' Paige," Benny said sarcastically."Pfft," Paige scoffed; her aged exterior didn't affect her spirit at all. She always demanded respectand appreciation of her work. That's because she knew too well, that any rival company would jumpat the opportunity to employ her. Someone with her experience was always desirable. Zoe took aglance into Paige's workshop."Good to see you're working on that old OsCorp glider as I requested.""Yes ma'am," Paige replied with subtle disgust, "It's nothing like my beautiful Raptor though-""Geez, not this again." Benny interrupted."You, kid, have no appreciation of my art!" Paige yelled pointing towards the turned chair. "I betit was you that stole it!" Zoe stepped between Paige and Benny."Stop throwing your accusations, Paige. Ellis is handling the investigation into the thievery."Paige's 'masterpiece,' the R.A.P.T.O.R. suit was stolen a few weeks prior with no evidence who stoleit. The R.A.P.T.O.R. had become an obsession for Paige, who could blame her though.An aerial suit armed with an assortment of weapons, auto cannons, micro-missiles; advancedtargeting system and an assortment of support technology should primary systems fail. The icing andpride of Paige though had to be the advanced artificial intelligence, which could control the suitshould the pilot lose consciousness. Of course, it cost a small fortune to build; Zoe knew this all toowell."Well, tell him to hurry the fuck up! I demand a resolution," Paige replied, getting increasinglyagitated. The thieves who made off with the suit had managed to loop the feed to the weaponsstorage. So it never appeared like anything happened."Just allow me the facilities to rebuild it. The R.A.P.T.O.R. was cutting edge. Nothing like thispaperweight you've given me." Paige gestured angrily towards the glider and flight suit in the otherroom.Frenzy Origins-4-"Remember your place, Mason. That prototype cost a fortune; we cannot afford to mass produceit," Zoe replied bluntly. She crossed her arms. Paige looked away in disgust, knowing that Zoe wasthe authority in the room. "My father and I appreciate what you've done for the company. That'sone of the reasons I brought you here. But I will not, shall not put up with your accusations anddemands." Zoe did not flinch, she stood tall and powerful. "If this continues, not only will I terminateyour contract for insubordination, I will damage your reputation.""You dare!" Paige replied angrily, preparing to go toe to toe with Zoe."I suggest you quietly continue working on what I've assigned you then." She gestured towardsPaige's workshop. "I want results by the months end." This forced Paige back into her den. Sheturned and walked angrily back into her shop, grumbling and mumbling. Benny waited until Paigehad turned her back to continue tinkering before he let out an impressed whistle."You don't take shit- uh...""She's a fossil really. My father may have put up with her, but I won't if this shit continues. Onceshe's done with the full arsenal for that gear it'll make the R.A.P.T.O.R. look like a relic." Zoe did notmind that Benny had indeed sworn in her presence. In fact it was a welcome change. "Do not thinkthis makes you an exception Benny. I need people I can trust." Once again, Zoe turned to walk outthe lab doors."Yes ma'am," Benny answered; he turned back to his computer, tapping away on the keys asusual. Zoe strolled down the corridors, surrounded by large glass windows. No protection to stoppeople from going straight through them, just glass and a sheer drop down to the asphalt. Theafternoon's sun beamed through the windows. Eventually the corridors led in a large oval office -Zoe's.OzBerry still in hand, Zoe manipulated the device to bring up a holographic image. Placed it ontoher large desk then initiated her desk terminal. A keyboard and screen indented into the desk with alarge holographic projector just above. After running through several settings, the hologram burstinto life, displaying all the information Zoe had amassed on her OzBerry.Zoe took a moment to relax in her seat as the hologram automatically scrolled through the data.Each file, audio log, piece by piece was transferred onto the OsCorp databanks. Zoe swivelled herchair round to a cabinet behind her. Another similar to the one at her home, filled with liquor.One drink to recovering an otherwise failed business venture, Zoe thought to herself. WhereVeronica had failed Benny would surely succeed, despite his sometimes unorthodox methods.A large bottle of vintage whiskey stood atop the cabinet. Zoe firmly gripped the bottle and anearby by glass between her fingers. Removing the crafted glass stopper Zoe took a smell of thefragrance, poisoning her mind before releasing a sigh of pleasure. With a glass poured, Zoe swivelledback round to face her desk and the hologram."What's the celebration?" Ellis stood tall beyond the hologram, staring through at Zoe."To a successful business venture!" Zoe raised her glass towards Ellis, before taking a swig of thewhiskey. Zoe paused a moment with the glass still to her lips. "Who were your guests?""Business associates," Ellis replied vaguely as he glanced over the full motion hologram displayingall of Veronica's research. Zoe made her way round to Ellis and gave an overarching gesture withglass in hand."The future of medical breakthroughs, Ellis!""So this is what your mystery client was working on," Ellis took an interest in the data on display."Yes. Imagine a way to instantly heal severe injuries." Zoe raised her glass to Ellis' face, "This datawill make up for the Raptor debacle!"Frenzy Origins-5-"I hope so, I hope so." Zoe continued to take more swigs from her glass as Ellis continued to gazeover the data. "If this turns out profitable, then this year's projects presentation event could be aresounding success." He ignored Zoe as she began to seek ways of grabbing his attention. Barely intothe afternoon and Zoe succumbed to her own weakness.She began feeling light headed. In her mind she was happy, delighted at the possibility of successthrough Veronica's endeavours. Zoe recalled how Ellis had tried to entice her into bed the nightbefore. Mid-afternoon sex perhaps? Neither Zoe nor Ellis had been intimate in the past months. Allthe stress following the OsCorp takeover had a degrading effect on the couple. Zoe regret turninghim away, but now events had changed for the better and Zoe was willing, willing to forgive Ellis'late night disappearance. She was prepared to share an afternoon with Ellis."Ellis," Zoe said cheekily. Ellis glanced over to Zoe who had placed her glass onto the desk andhad now begun unbuttoning her suit and shirt."Zoe you're drunk," Ellis replied as he approached Zoe and held her by the shoulders, "Again." Hesighed."Not quite, darling," Zoe persisted in removing her clothes before reminiscing, "Remember howwe were before all of this? All this distrust, all this hiding?" Ellis spied the luscious curves of Zoe'sbreasts beneath her shirt. Thousands of thoughts bombarded his mind like arrows to a fortress. Hefelt improper to take advantage of Zoe so. She was asking for it though. Yet, the concerns of hismeeting continually crept back in. So he could not focus completely.His mind wandered aimlessly with conflict."We used to do this in the offices after hours or even during, out of sight. Remember?"Ellis grinned. "Of course I remember." Ellis placed his arms around Zoe, embracing her closely.The pair eased off slightly and Ellis lifted Zoe off the ground, "If you feel that way. Why don't we takethe remainder of the afternoon off?" The cheek in Ellis' voice returned that same cockiness healways had. Zoe pecked Ellis on the lips."There's just one more thing I have to do," Zoe said as she straightened her legs to stand. Ellisreleased Zoe and she walked around to her desk terminal placing a mobile phone into a docking bay.Zoe pressed a few keys on the phone's keypad and a dial tone rang through the office. Ellis grabbedZoe's jacket from the desk as the dial tones stopped."Hello?" a voice echoed around the room through the loudspeaker."Ah, Veronica," Zoe said in feigned delight, "Glad I could finally reach you. You weren't at theuniversity." Ellis paced around in intrigue, listening carefully."Mrs King? Uh, hell-""Call me Zoe, please.""Uh, okay, Zoe. Listen, I need to talk to you about the project.""No need to explain Veronica. I no longer require your assistance.""Please. Give me one more chance. I am so close to perfecting it!""No, Veronica. I've repurposed your research. You've failed to keep to our arrangement, so nowyour research and all its associated data is now OsCorp property.""Wait, no! You can't do that-""I just did, Veronica. From here on out OsCorp scientists will continue your work. It's been apleasure Miss Pyke, but we no longer require your services. Have a good day!" Frenzy Origins-6-"Wait you ca-" Zoe disengaged the call, cutting off the panicking Veronica. Completely unawareof the danger, Zoe had no concerns in the safety of the project; she just wanted to make as muchprofit as she could. Ellis handed back Zoe's jacket as she approached."Now that's just smug," Ellis joked and held Zoe close as they walked out of the office. Thehologram disengaged and the doors slammed shut behind, sealing away all the data andinformation. Zoe did not fear the young scientist; she had nothing to fear after all...* * *Back at the ruins of ESU, Lieutenant Mike Bridge of the NYPD examined the damage. There wasn'tmuch evidence to go on. Arson was the most likely cause. Smoking was a possibility, but so late inthe evening meant no witnesses. It could have been a student.Mike was uncertain. Thankfully, nobody was injured. Veronica Pyke was reported as found by DrConnors so she didn't perish. Unfortunately, she could not shed any light on the situation."No witnesses, a suspect who says she saw nothing, too," Mike groaned under his breath. Maybeit was to be nothing serious. Mike was hoping it was something more. Mike vacated the rubble,clearing the barrier to one officer in a nearby squad car."Who do we have on the suspect roster, Gargan?" he asked the officer inside."Well, there are the two doctors, Curtis Connors and Veronica Pyke..." he began."We've spoken with them.""Zoe King was sighted here earlier. And...Doc Connors said there were two others here lastnight." Mike was surprised to hear Zoe King had been present. With her suspected ties there wassuspicion in Mike's mind."Have we got a statement from Zoe King?" Mike enquired."She's agreed to this evening.""And the other two?""Nothing. Connors says they know nothing.""Regardless, give me names, Gargan," Mike demanded. Perhaps they were a lead,something...anything.Gargan paused a moment as he confirmed the names. "Uh, Bryan and Regina Cain." Mike lit up.He never thought he'd hear those names again."That can't be right." He swiped the report from the officer's hands and read it himself. It wastrue. "I had no idea they were back," he whispered."Sir?" Gargan asked, studying Mike's bewildered face."Have you got an address?" Gargan hastily tapped in his computer for information regarding theCains. Mike hunched down into the cab to watch the computer filter through the police records.Finally, the names appeared on the screen."Not a New York address...sorta, the only Bryan Cain fitting that description lived in an apartmenta few blocks from here. Otherwise, he and his...sister, I suppose, live in Chicago.""I'll be...That's them alright," Mike answered. A part of him was delighted, but he wasoverwhelmed with intrigue. He memorised the address of the apartment. Mike had to speak withhim."You know them, Mike?"Frenzy Origins-7-"You could say that." After all, he was family. The apartment wasn't far. Mike chanced his handthat they would be there  

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