Chapter 9

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  The hallowed halls of OsCorp headquarters remained full of employees. A rhythmic, but subduedbeat of footsteps echoed around the main hall. Unopposed, Veronica stepped in through therevolving doorway. She camouflaged herself with excessive clothing, one of her many trench coats, ahooded jumper and some fingerless gloves. Gloves most likely scrounged from an unfortunate,homeless soul. The corporates turned their noses up at the sight of the untidy apparel."Excuse me!" A young receptionist yelled at Veronica. She turned to the woman behind anecliptic desk, spanning a large alcove in the wall. A lone camera peered at Veronica, so she kept herface invisible. She pulled her hood further down. "Can I help you?" asked the radiant young woman."I'm here to see Zoe King." Veronica's voice was muffled behind a nuzzling cloth."I'm sorry; Mrs King is not accepting any visitors today." The receptionist leant forwardslightly, almost intrusively as she tried to peek at the face of the tall woman, "You can make anappointment and we'll let you know when shFrenzy Origins-2-"Allow me," Veronica strained, gesturing for the phone. The receptionist breathed heavily,her hands shook like they were experiencing their own earthquake and passed the receiver. "WhenI'm through with you, Zoe King," Veronica growled. "You're the one who will need a doctor."Acknowledging the threat, Mr. Jones placed his boulder like fist firmly onto Veronica's forearm."I think it's time for you to leave." He tried shifting the woman from the desk. His burly physiquestruggled to remove Veronica. She was never going to be shifted by this man, regardless of how bighe was. Veronica was determined to see her attack through.The receptionist inched away from Veronica. Veronica could easily free herself from thebodyguard, but she groaned and held back a seething, familiar pain. It was time. Her mind wasslipping and the changes were coming faster.Her face was swiftly overtaken by tiles of green scales. She screamed inhumanly as her skullexpanded outwards. The receptionist screamed as Veronica's face protruded and stretched,malforming into a powerful, reptilian snout. A loud screech from Veronica and spines erupted fromher back, tearing through her coat. Terror filled the lobby and the OsCorp faithful bee-lined for theexit."What the hell?!" Mr Jones yelled, releasing his grip. Veronica pivoted and pounced onto thegiant forcing him to the ground. Mr. Jones slid on his back along the waxed marble floor away fromthe reception desk and into view of everyone else. Panic echoed around the halls and lobby asVeronica's body warped instantaneously. Her bulk enlarged and more spines erupted from her browand forearms. Coat fibres ripped and tore.A loud brassy scream came from Mr. Jones as Veronica sunk her teeth into his neck. A nearbywater feature ran red with gushing cascades of crimson fluid as Veronica tore through large man'sneck and ripped his head straight off. She seemed more powerful, more attune to her body. Herinstincts and motivations were more human than before. However, the beastly urge to feed and killremained."What the fuck is that?!" yelled a guard who witnessed the violent spectacle, pointing a punystun gun at the giant lizard woman. Veronica took interest and grinned with a bloodied smile. Sheslowly zigzagged towards the guard; he was terrified, hands trembled in disbelieving fear."Ke-keep the fuck away from me!" Veronica just snarled as blood dripped from her mouth.Sudden panic and the guard fired his stun gun at Veronica. No effect. The barbs hit, but the shockdid little than tickle Veronica. Distinct guttural sounds came from Veronica; she snickered at hisfeeble attempt to hurt her.This prompted the guard to flee. No good, Veronica charged him down. She head butted theguard's calf with such force that it broke. He cried in agony as he crashed to the ground. Veronicafollowed her charge through and trampled over the guard's back. He wailed and screamed as clawsembedded into his tissue. Another fierce chomp followed and the guard was silent.Fleeing employees kept screaming, evading the reptile as they bound onto the streets. Veronicahad little interest in these onlookers. She did snap at the odd one to scare them. Still, they posedabsolutely no threat to her. Fighting the primal urges in her brain was difficult, every second thatpassed was more a challenge than the last; she felt her will slipping away.However the call had been made: police began to crowd outside. Pathetically, animal control hadbeen called in to assist too. How they were going to stop a seven-foot lizard woman was beyondthem. Regardless, they were summoned, and they answered.Gun barrels aimed at the glass doors. A few officers caught a glimpse of the large humanoidshape through the panes. The last employees cleared out of the lobby leaving Veronica poised atop Frenzy Origins-3-the mauled corpses of her victims. Her sail twitched and brows shuddered as her senses tingled. As agroup of police officers breached the lobby Veronica leapt onto a wall and quickly crawled into aventilation duct, heading up the tower.* * *Tyres screeched loudly as Mike Bridge brought his car to a sudden halt. Both Mike and Rebecca leaptout and approached the officer in charge. He acknowledged their approach and they both showedtheir badges as a precaution."What's going on here?" the officer turns towards Mike and his partner, gazing into the sky."Some kind of wild animal, apparently.""What are we looking at a lion? Something escape from the Central Park zoo?""Nothing of the sort. Witnesses say it's the giant lizard. First response caught a glimpse of thecreature as it fled into the buildings ventilation. They're sweeping the tower now." Mike looked upthe towering OsCorp headquarters, a monument of glass windows and steel."A giant lizard, eh?" His skin crawled. "How long have they been in there?""Uh, twenty minutes, half an hour maybe. We've not heard a thing since they took an elevatorup.""Right..." Mike pondered for a minute as more officers arrived at the scene. Rebecca stoodanxiously, gently caressing her slung revolver. "...Fuck it. Give me your weapon officer." Mikeproduced his hand to the officer, who held a shotgun firmly. Reluctantly the officer handed hisfirearm over."You can't just walk in there, we've orders to stay put and await further instructions. We stillhaven't heard from the response team." Mike didn't pay attention; he scrounged together someloose shells from the officer's squad car and shovelled them into his pocket."They're in danger officer; the longer we wait the more likely they'll be dead," argued Mike as hestrapped on a Kevlar jacket, Rebecca followed suit."Captain Stacy said-""Captain Stacy is not here, I must act.""You know he's not gonna like this," the officer protested."Well, he'll just have to arrest me then," Mike grinned. He gestured towards Rebecca and shefollowed.'Better them then me I guess,' the officer thought as he watched Mike and Rebecca approach thebuilding."Fear not, we'll handle this," Rebecca yelled back to the officer. The pair charged into thedesolate lobby, safe for the corpses of the two security personnel. Nothing more than a lifeless,mangled pulp of flesh stewing in their own juices remained. Rebecca gasped, close to hurling bilefrom her gut. Mike groaned in disgust. Mutilated corpses always got under his skin, naturally. Hefeared those responsible for such acts. Fearing what could happen to his little girl should these'sickos' remain.Mike gazed up to the ceiling, picturing what was crawling around the ventilation, the giantreptile. "Come on. We've gotta go up." Despite keeping his composure, the sight of a beheadedcorpse even sickened him. Realistically, Mike was terrified; he scanned every corner and every angle Frenzy Origins-4-as he climbed the stairs to the upper lobby. The shotgun dug into his shoulder as he held it tight,ready to pump buckshot into the nearest threat. Eerie silence filled the lobby, even the fountain hadbeen shut off. There was nothing. A loud scream over radio static ruptured the silence, accompaniedby the sound of gunfire."Shit, we must hurry!" Rebecca yelled, the two dashed towards the elevators and franticallybashed the pads. Incoherent radio chatter started flooding the pair's ears, filled with pleas and alertsfrom the first response squad."Too fas...whe...e is it?""HEL-""ARRRG-""Come on, come on!" Mike whispered as the gunfire continued, now being punctuated by evenmore screaming."Ne...ackup...81st floor...abs!" Finally the elevator pinged and the doors slid open. Both Mike andRebecca got inside and bashed the '81' button. The elevator shut firmly and climbed the tower.Radio chatter had ceased. Only the sound of the elevator motor could be heard."Bridge? Do you read?" it was Captain Stacy calling over the radio."Yes sir!" Mike acknowledged."Note that while I do not appreciate your decision to ignore a direct order, we need you to scoutthat floor out.""Yes sir.""Good, we also understand that civilians are still trapped inside.""I thought they all got out," Mike responded surprised."Not all, some are still coming out as we speak but one high priority target is still inside." Mikehad a good feeling on who, "Zoe King, the OsCorp CEO is still inside.""Understood sir, where should we be looking?""Her offices are on the 82nd floor, one floor up from first response team. Keep this channel openand keep us updated.""Yes Captain Stacy." The elevator dinged at the 81st floor and the doors slid open. Mike andRebecca aimed their firearms into the outstretched corridor. There were no voices, no screams andno gunfire. Either the response team took down their target or had ceased to be."We're on the 81st sign of the response team," Mike reported. The captain heard, butdid not reply.The pair took slow deliberate steps down the corridor, scanning cross sections leading to otherpassages. In this maze of offices one wrong turn, one misstep and they could be lost."Stay close Mike," Rebecca said. Mike didn't respond but detected the slight fear in her voice.The unsettling silence began unnerving the pair, "Gah, fuck this. Where's first response?!""Don't panic, stay calm," Mike replied. Rebecca was panicking and now her hands began totremble. A sudden low droning sound alerted the pair. The lights began to fade into total darkness.Rebecca wailed in surprise at the sudden void. She breathed low and fast. Low growling could beheard."Mike?" Rebecca asked. No reply. She paced around in the darkness reaching out for a solidsurface. With no torch, Rebecca could only use her lighter as a visual aid in the blackness. Only herimmediate vicinity was visible. A narrow corridor before her, one passage that way and same theother. Mike was nowhere to be seen. A terrifying growling sound could be heard not too far away. Frenzy Origins-5-"MIKE?!" Rebecca yelled into the darkness. Emergency lighting managed to quell Rebecca's fearsmomentarily. She could at least see her surroundings better but still no sign of Mike. A sound frombehind her attracted her attention.Revolver ready, Rebecca aimed down the dim hallway, her hands still trembled. To counter thisRebecca removed her capsule loaded with pills; she pooped the lid and tipped a load in swallowingthem straight down. Her hands settled as her mind lifted. Still focused on the job, Rebecca exploredthe corridors, seeking both her partner and the missing police team. The low growling seemed toshadow her. It was everywhere."Where the fuck are you, Mike?"* * *Earlier, Zoe had been making plans. She could not allow Veronica to get her, nor could she allowherself to be associated with her. Any evidence could ruin her. True, it would reveal Veronica forwho she is, but where did the creature come from: OsCorp tech and scientists."Mrs King we must get out of here!" Benny yelled as he barged into Zoe's office."I can't, I've some things I must do," she replied calmly and cold."You can't be serious? There's a dangerous animal in the building, we have to evacuate now!"This did not impress Zoe. She stood tall before Benny, imposing her authority upon the subordinate."You're going to help me with something Benny.""What?! You can't be serious?!""I'm deadly serious. All the secret projects data we've accumulated need to be backed up. Thenthe remaining evidence needs to be destroyed. If either this...creature, or the police gets a hold of it,we're all out of a job."Benny did not like the sound of that. He needed the money. Nor did he fancy a lifelong stay onRyker's Island. "Okay, so why do you need me?""I trust you, I expect you to assist me with this endeavour." Zoe removed a pistol from her deskdrawer and presented it to Benny. Now Benny was even more surprised. He'd seen some of theguards carrying firearms, but never expected the CEO to keep one."Whoa! I've never used a gun before. Do I really need this?" Benny asked cradling the gun."Yes." Zoe said bluntly"Alright, what are you planning? What do I need to do?"Zoe activated her desk terminal, displaying a layout between the 80th and 85th floors, "I wantyou to go down to the lab and login to your terminal. I'm heading up to the server room to wipe allthe data regarding our 'anonymous' projects," Zoe illustrated where she was headed on theholographic map, "When I release the failsafe's for data security, there will be a short sixty secondwindow in which you must activate the emergency backup procedure. All the data will beredistributed to a secure databank in my possession. There they will remain until further notice. Allthe data here will be destroyed." Zoe finished and the hologram vaporised."This is all a bit drastic. I mean, why all the secrecy?" Benny asked shrugging his shoulders. Zoeshot him a deadly stare. A glare that meant he should not ask so many questions."To protect myself...and you, Benny. If you want to keep your job, and your neck, then do as Isay!"Frenzy Origins-6-"All to prevent a grand inquisition, eh? Fine I can get down with that, but what if the window ismissed? For the failsafe.""Then all the data will be eliminated and years of research gone. It is imperative that you activatethe backup procedure from your lab station before that failsafe expires.""And the gun?" Benny asked holding the gun up."In case that monster shows up. Which I'm almost sure it will." Those words did not fill Bennywith any confidence. It seemed a certainty at least one of them would come face to face with thisbeast. Benny hoped that it wasn't him. However, given that he was heading into the lab where allthe samples were stored, Zoe knew that the creature would most likely encounter Benny first.Benny had the simple task of just pressing a button once called upon. 'How hard can it be?' Hethought to himself. As he approached his laboratory he heard the low droning of the power cuttingout."This is a bad idea," he said aloud, "That woman is crazy. Next time, she can do this her-fuckingself."The emergency lighting kicked in and Benny stepped into his lab. It was quiet, an unfamiliaritythat made him uncomfortable. Normally half of the machinery would be functional, synthesisingformulas and chemicals for the secret projects. Benny had a simple understanding of the server failsafes, he was orientated on them briefly following his employment but never quite expected toutilise them so early in his OsCorp career."Login...password..." Benny said under his breath as he typed away on the keyboard. Shakyfingers tapped the incorrect keys, causing him to loss focus and concentration. He cursed and beganto sweat. After taking a deep, soothing breath, he eventually succeeded.Suddenly a crash came from the adjacent room. From Paige's workshop a vent grate had beendislodged from the ceiling and was now on the floor. In its place was a scaly tail, poking out from theduct. Benny gasped and dived into cover.Beyond the glass he could hear the muffled impacts of feet colliding with the solid surface. Asteady rhythm of steps grew into a rapid dash and the creature launched itself through the dividingglass. Shards rained down onto the ground around Benny's lab.He could hear deep sniffing close by. Benny feared it would smell him and that'd be the end of it.He held his gun tightly, anticipating the creature to poke its head round the corner. However, itdidn't reveal itself to Benny. Instead the creature proceeded to destroy the lab. It grasped vials ofchemicals and smashed them to the ground; it swung its tail into cabinets and machinery.Benny took a peek at the beast since it was too occupied to notice him. It was a tall lizard-likecreature, it appeared more human than animal. Sometimes it was crawling around on all fours,flailing its tail around. Otherwise it was standing upright on hind legs, grasping clutches of vials andbeakers before flinging them around Benny's lab."Fuck, fuck, fuck," Benny panicked. The dim emergency lighting didn't alleviate any of his fears. Ifanything the red lights created a malevolent atmosphere. Shadows on the beast made it appeardemonic in the blood illumination.Veronica stopped; she had smashed the lab and now noticed the active terminal. Text scrolledand prompts pinged. A whirring drive beeped and scratched within the large computer. Veronicaskulked over to the terminal and managed to make vague sense of the terminal. The lights piquedthe reptile side of her mind rather than her human reasoning.Sudden judders and a beaker fell from a nearby desk. Veronica cocked her head and body roundlike a serpent. Crawling on all fours in slithering, irregular movements, Veronica scouted the Frenzy Origins-7-circumference of the long rectangular desk. Stench of human sweat and fear excited Veronica'ssenses. Her expression, even as a lizard showed the emotion of delight.Benny cooped himself inside one of the desks cabinets. Slowly, he pulled back on the handgun'sbarrel. It cocked into place and Benny took deliberate deep breaths. Beyond, he could hear the pawsof the lizard clashing with the marble floor.It snorted loudly, like a vacuum or a giant fan. The creature was sniffing him out...* * *Regina was rapidly scaling the buildings of New York like an obstacle course. Swinging from rooftop to rooftop, mounting flagpoles and launching into the sky, Regina was desperate to reachOsCorp tower. Off in the distance a couple helicopters were circling the tower.'Fuck,' Regina thought as she continued her approach. 'I shouldn't have left her alone.' Reginaknew exactly what she was heading into. Veronica was in the tower. What for, Regina didn't knowexactly. Either way, she was dedicated to protect her. One final strand of symbiotic mass latchedonto the skyscraper and Regina, comfortably, connected with the building. She was about halfwayup the tower."Which floor do you think?" Regina asked her other as she looked down towards the crowd ofblue uniforms. Unwillingly, Regina's hand was forced against the wall of the building. With herfingers splayed, the symbiote latched its ever-growing mass into the wall, like veins. Regina couldfeel a buzzing sensation and steady pulses through the building. She didn't realise it, but thesymbiote was feeling the vibrations of those inside. Judging the force and strength of the vibrationsit could sense which Veronica was."Your girlfriend's on 82nd," it responded. Regina accelerated her climb."She's not my girlfriend," she stated."Well, your 'not-girlfriend' is up there. And I'm itching for a fight." Regina didn't respond, she wastoo focused on reaching Veronica. "Here," the symbiote said. Regina stopped and looked into thebuilding. Red lights shone through the weaves of corridors. She took her head and snarled loudly asshe smashed her skull through the window pane. She poked her head in and quickly scanned thecorridor, her tongue slithering out her excited maw."Can you sense anything?" Regina asked herself as she slipped through the smashed window.Using her attuned senses, she felt out the environment as she went."She's here," the symbiote replied with elation, "Four others. Two of them is perhapsof varying mental degree. One...nerdy boy, scruffy, needs to bathe more...""How d'you know?""I can feel them, their emotions...just like how I found you.""Where's Veronica?" Regina demanded. She continued down the corridor as she patientlyawaited the creature's response."Not far..."* * *Frenzy Origins-8-A loud warning signal erupted from Benny's terminal. Veronica snarled in surprise and Bennydarted from cover and bashed the keypad. He was now in plain sight of the creature, it grinned athim."Shit," Benny said feebly as he pointed the gun at the seven foot creature. He squeezed thetrigger. One round flew from the muzzle barely scathing Veronica. It bled. But the pain barelyregistered. She sniggered with low tones, revelling in the boy's pathetic attempt. Benny waspetrified, he couldn't fire another shot. After what he'd seen, why bother?Veronica firmly grasped him by the neck and throttled him several feet off the ground. She pulledher snout forward and licked Benny's face, lathering him with saliva. He almost gagged at the bloodstench oozing from her maw. Her tongue returned to her mouth and snarled."Where is Zoe?" she spluttered out."Fuck," Benny replied in horror. He couldn't believe it, thinking it was just a brainless animal.Veronica screeched loudly at Benny before repeating."Where is Zoe?!" Veronica began squeezing her grip; talons started digging into Benny's throat.Suddenly a louder, much monstrous screech echoed through the lab as the lizard was launchedfrom her feet. Benny was released and collapsed onto the floor. He glanced at the new gaping holein the lab wall where the lizard had disappeared."Benny?" Zoe's voice was coming from the terminal. Benny pulled himself up to the desk to seeZoe's face animated onscreen."You do it?""Yes ma'am, but uh...we've got a pr-problem."Regina and Veronica tussled in the corridors, both exchanged blows with one another. A viciousballet of brute force between two unnatural beings ensued. Plaster was smashed out of thestructure as bodies collided."This wasn't the best idea was it?" the symbiote mocked.'Shut it,' Regina thought. She was much too occupied with the seven foot problem before her.Veronica was biting rapidly and wildly at Regina. Scales scraped alien flesh and window panesshattered as Veronica flailed her tail around her body like a whip. Each miss enraged her more andmore. Her banshee screams pierced Regina like a bullet."Fuck, that really hurts," Regina groaned. A barrage of shrieks was substantially more painfulthan a spike to the gut. The frequencies of Veronica's screams weakened the symbiote."The noise, make it stop!"Regina launched herself towards Veronica, bulking her mass and tackling the lizard into theground."Veronica, stop this!" Regina yelled. Veronica didn't respond, she wrapped her tail aroundRegina's torso and flung her aside. While still within her coils, Veronica catapulted Regina throughthe ground and into the corridor below.Regina grunted in pain as Veronica scuttled through the hole and onto the ceiling."She's stronger than I remember," the symbiote mused."Mind giving me a hand then?" Regina asked as she got to her feet slowly. Amusingly, thesymbiote morphed an extra limb on Regina and presented a palm before her."You know..." Regina suddenly got whisked from her feet and dragged along the floor as Veronicapinned her. "...that isn't helping."Frenzy Origins-9-Veronica's bestial instincts had taken over. Red mist descended as the image of this creaturetormented her before. She had no desire greater than to end this beast. By manipulating her mass,Regina was able to create a clump of tendrils that launched Veronica over her and down thecorridor. Veronica disappeared out of sight."Let's change this up a bit," Regina grunted as she pounded her way through into the nearestchamber. Mechanical arms, tipped with what appeared to be lasers decorated the laboratory. Handgrenades with distinct pumpkin like expressions loaded on belts and lines. This was a manufacturingline for OsCorp weapons. Regina morphed down to normal size. She knew too well that in thisenvironment, speed and agility would benefit her most.Dark thoughts began circulating around Regina's mind, not an influence of the symbiote, naturalthoughts. The plant, if active, could prove to be a worthy assistance against the reptilian Veronica.A loud crash came from the plant ceiling. Regina sunk into the wall, her mass merged with thepaint, camouflaging her.From the ceiling, Veronica emerged, scuttling around on the ceiling like a spider. Her talonsdigging into the plaster work. Regina casually observed from the corner as Veronica skulked aroundthe plant. She sniffed and sniffed. Veronica knew that her opponent was in here, she could senseher. Slowly, Regina slunk to the floor and started crawling stealthily around, trying to locate thecontrols.Veronica continued poaching the laboratory, even starting to damage equipment to uncoverRegina.Suddenly, the plant erupted into life. Laser beams activated and terminals beeped. Regina hadactivated the production line. Veronica snarled and Regina burst out of nowhere and speared intoVeronica, knocking her back against a rack of grenades. Regina slung a few towards her and thesymbiote clasped them tight to her forearm. Swiftly, Regina shot to the ceiling as Veronica got herbalance and shrieked. By now the production line was in full swing. Mechanical whirs and clunksproduced more and more of the pumpkin grenades.Veronica lunged at Regina, and with that momentum, Regina swung her towards the laser beams.A loud sizzling burn and a brutal thud followed. Veronica slowly got back up; however, her tail hadbeen cut clean. It was a few feet away, twitching violently. This did not amuse Veronica. But beforeshe could even retaliate a grenade was flung towards her. The detonation blew her backwards.Shrapnel pierced her skin and scarred her reptilian body.Veronica tried to recover from the sudden shock, but Regina was on her in a moment. The reptilewas stunned and could not react as a grimacing maw formed upon the purple creature's face. Itgrinned at her, just like before.Regina placed a firm hand on one of the mechanical arms and twisted it round to face Veronica.The laser was still active."I'm going to kill you, Veronica," Regina snarled. It wasn't her.With a swift motion, Regina lopped off Veronica's left forearm. The lizard wailed in a contortedjumble of beast and human pain.Green lights shone bright from Regina's grenade as she activated it."Don't move!" Regina turned to face a woman, aiming a rather large revolver at her. It wasRebecca Vickers. "Put the...weapon on the ground." Regina turned and mockingly put her hands upwith the grenade held aloft. "Drop it I said!""If you insist," Regina replied and threw the grenade in Rebecca's direction.Frenzy Origins-10-"Whoa!" Rebecca dived backwards away from the grenade as it blew a few feet in front of her.More of the assembly line was damaged by the explosion. Rebecca coughed and gradually got to herfeet. After the smoke thinned, she could see the figure standing there, laughing hysterically."I'll give you something to laugh at," Rebecca said furiously. She aimed her revolver and pulledthe trigger. Regina acknowledged the click of the hammer and bolted away from Rebecca's sights.The bullet ricocheted off the far wall. Rebecca traced Regina around the room and out into thecorridor.She managed to squeeze off a couple more rounds, not one impacted the sleek, purple menace."Mike, are you there? The lizard and that purple bitch are here," Rebecca said hopefully into herradio, "I'm in pursuit of one now. God, I hope you're getting this." She blindly charged out into thecorridor aiming wildly in all directions.Unknown to Rebecca and Regina, Lizard had managed to relocate. Within the safety of theventilation system she began working her magic.Flesh renewed itself. Bones, muscle and scales grew back and her arm was just like new. Her tailregenerated like nothing happened. The rapid process proved that Veronica's experiment was aphenomenal success. Perhaps not quite how she intended though.She still sought her ultimate prey: Zoe King. Veronica slowly crawled through the vents, sniffingout her location."Come out!" Rebecca yelled down the halls. "You haven't a chance!" Regina just giggled from hercorner, gleefully. She glided around the shadows, growling and giggling."What are you going to do?" Regina began. Rebecca spun round to face only darkness. "Arrestme?" She giggled at the pathetic prospect. "Nah, it's you who doesn't have a chance."Hyperventilating, Rebecca continuously waved her aim around the corridors, taking blind steps indisjointed patterns. The case of drugs she kept sagged in her pocket, Rebecca pulled the case out.Immediately, Regina launched the case from Rebecca's sweating palm. A small glance wasenough for Rebecca to pinpoint her foes location and fired a quick shot from her revolver. Again,another giggle from the darkness and Regina quickly analysed the case. She snapped her tongueagainst her teeth, making a clicking sound of disappointment."An officer with a drug problem," Regina mocked. Rebecca, infuriated, fired another round. Oneround left in the chamber."Come out and face me bitch!" Rebecca screamed, sounding more confident than she actuallywas."You really need to calm that temper of yours, or...ah I get it! This helps? Well, where are mymanners?" With that Regina sarcastically flung the case out into the light. The impact immediatelycaught Rebecca's attention. Sweat was pouring out of her like water trickling out of a faucet. Shesteadily approached the case, weapon still raised.Purple talons struck out from the darkness and gripped the barrel of Rebecca's gun. From thedarkness, Regina's devilish face emerged. Rebecca reacted instantly and squeezed the trigger.Regina's head flung backwards. The chamber rotated and continued clicking as Rebecca kept tryingto fire another round. It was empty.Regina's face returned to face Rebecca, now horrified. Beyond gritted, grizzly teeth, a singlerevolver shell was caught neatly inside by Regina's tongue."Now, that's just not nice," Regina said gripping the metallic frame tightly and swung the barreland her fist directly into Rebecca's nose, sending her back some distance. Rebecca cowered on thefloor, scrounging around her pockets for ammunition. Regina spat the spent casing onto Rebecca. Frenzy Origins-11-"I'll get you!" Rebecca said defiantly. A speed loader brushed her fingers. She revealed it, butRegina reacted quickly by striking the loader from her hands. Rebecca hit a window, she couldn't goany further. Regina relentlessly approached, her skin flailing to and fro. Above Rebecca, Reginacrouched down and grasped Rebecca firmly by the throat. Rebecca gagged. Air was being crushedfrom her as the beast gripped tighter."Let's get some air, shall we?" Regina grinned. A confused look on Rebecca's drained face wasreplaced by terror as Regina threw her victim through the window, still firmly within grip. Reginagradually released her grip and Rebecca wailed and screamed as air returned. The night breezerushed past her head as Regina seemed to be reminiscing, taking a peek down to the street."I wonder if one can hear their own bone's crush as they fall from a great height."Rebecca tried to get words out, but only splutters of fear and panic escaped her windpipe. "I'm sokeen to find out. Aren't you?" Symbiotic mass began shifting around Regina's face. She wanted to trysomething, give her foe one last gratifying look of the woman who would kill them."Get one last look..." she began. Teeth began rising to reveal Regina's mouth."Drop her!" Mike said cocking his shotgun."You really should be careful what you wish for!" Regina joked, her jaw speaking through thepartially open maw."You 'drop' her and I'll drop you. Now, carefully bring her back inside.""If you kill me, every cop in New York will be after you!" Rebecca spluttered under crushedthroat. Regina gritted her teeth in anger, she really wanted to kill."Let them try!" she screamed. Regina was ready to release Rebecca and test her theory.. In all theaction, the adrenaline had become a drug. The perfect climax would've been the demise of thispolice officer. Her own urges wanted to hurt the officer. To avoid being public enemy number one,Regina, reluctantly pulled Rebecca back into the building.Thinking she was safe, Rebecca eased. However, out of sheer anger and frustration, Regina flunginto the wall parallel to the window. Rebecca grunted and yelped as Regina didn't let up; she bit intothe officer's arm with menacing fangs."Stop!" Mike yelled and fired a shell into Regina's shoulder. She remembered the stinging painfrom before and did as Mike said. Keeping Rebecca pinned, she retracted her head slowly."Good, now turn to face me." Regina turned to face him. Something struck her when she sawMike. She seemed calmer."Family reunion?" the symbiote noted off-handily. Regina released her captive and shoved hertowards him."Mike," Rebecca said relieved, her arm limp down by her side.Mike gazed, confused at the purple beast. "Now, you're coming with me," Mike declareduncomfortably to it. Regina paused and gazed like a deer in headlamps."No chance," she replied sharply. Noting Mike's attempts to aim his gun, Regina shot a quick globof purple which staggered him. And Regina darted acrobatically away."Stop!" Mike yelled hopelessly. He wanted to pursue it. However, Rebecca needed immediateattention and he also knew that if the Lizard was still in the tower, then perhaps that creature wasthe only thing that could stop it.* * *Frenzy Origins-12-Veronica emerged from the ventilation system. Her claws rattled and scratched along the floor asshe crawled. Zoe King was close, Veronica wanted to approach quietly, but her rational thinking wasdissolved beneath the reptilian hunger. Anything close by was potential prey now, not just Zoe whowas finishing her covert task. A heavy sigh of relief escaped her throat when she realised everythingshe required was safely stored from prying eyes. Now, only she had access to the secretive projectssurrounding Veronica and her own pursuits.Server towers and terminals surrounded her. Rows several yards long all guided back to theentrance and back out into the corridor where Zoe feared Veronica would be waiting.Before she made her way to the server banks, Zoe did acquire some protection. She had givenBenny a firearm, but Zoe had something else in mind for herself. A cast steel gauntlet surroundedher entire arm. It flexed with her joints and creaked with prototype tones. A low hum coming fromthe tips of her fingers disturbed the silent corridors. They also served as a beacon: a dinner bell.As Zoe made her way to the elevators to escape, Veronica followed. Zoe had noticed this andkept quiet. The dragging tail over the floor gave her away, and the tap of claws against marble keptZoe alert. Calmly, Zoe called for an elevator. A ding was followed quickly by a low growl. Veronicawas here. Before Zoe could react, Veronica leapt from the darkness and clattered Zoe to the ground.Searing pain shot through Zoe's shoulders as claws dug deep. Quickly, Zoe launched her armouredfist into the giant Lizard.Electricity shot through and around Veronica. Her scream was deafening. Zoe pummelledVeronica, each strike sending shocks through her bones. One more punch knocked the beast asideand Zoe could regain her composure."Oh, Veronica, Veronica," Zoe said menacingly, "what have you done to yourself, hmm?"Veronica, after squirming on the floor for a few seconds got up on all fours and circled her prey. Sheknew to be careful – the reptile side did at least. This was not an easy kill. Zoe was perfectly poised,always keeping Veronica in front of her, always in sight.It was an uneasy game of cat and mouse. Zoe took steps forward and Veronica retreated, fearingthe pain of the weapon. Only a window out onto the street prevented her from going back evenfurther. There was nowhere for Veronica to go. Beyond the glass, both heard the unmistakablerotors of a helicopter."Sorry it has to end this way, Veronica." Zoe primed her fist; it whirred with an aura of bluelightning. "But you should have just left well alone." She struck the Lizard hard. Its bulk cracked thewindow to the verge of shattering. Before Zoe could land the killer blow, she was knocked aside. Analien screech erupted from the shadows and her gauntlet arm was glued to the floor. Croucheddown, so very close her face was a purple clad woman with the nastiest teeth she'd ever seen. Itscreeched into Zoe's face, spitting and slathering her with saliva."She's mine," it stated. Zoe kept trying to free her arm – like lifting iron girders. She was notstrong enough. Web tendrils dug in and the gauntlet strained with each excruciating effort. Suddenlythe purple creature was wrapped. Veronica grappled the creature and pulled it off of Zoe. Bothwrestled, while Zoe tried breaking free. The creature's voices of resistance soon degenerated intoalien screeches and wails. She used her tendrils and mass to knock Veronica around. She staggeredclose to the window."I'm going to kill you, Veronica!" the creature screamed and forced the two of them into thecracked pane. Shards rained out as the two followed after, Veronica still tightly wrapping Regina.Veronica's weight forced her underneath – she would hit the ground first.Frenzy Origins-13-Only a few stories down, a police helicopter was hovering. The sheer bulk of Veronica collidedwith the rotors, damaging them – Regina was freed from the grasp and her momentary trance.Screams filled the night's sky as onlookers saw the mangled lizard corpse tumble beyond thehelicopter. It lost control, the rotors were badly damaged and the pilot could not rein in the aerialstallion.The helicopter was still spiralling down. A blaze was gradually forming on the tail and the pilotinside was stuck. He could not get free. Regina latched onto the craft and could see the pilotfrantically trying to get loose from his harness. Heat from the tank was seeping towards the cabin.Regina tried to grab the metal frame of the door, but the heat caused the symbiote mass to retract,revealing her bare hands."Dammit," she shouted. Inside the pilot was literally pleading to Regina to get him out. "I can'tget the door open!" She yelled in vain. Through the windows, she could see the sidewalk graduallyapproaching. Police below urged the crowd to disperse and they duly obliged with screams andpanic. Veronica crashed into the ground with a thud, cracking a slab."One life or a few dozen, your choice." The symbiote taunted. If Regina didn't stop the craft fromcrashing, then the few dozen, hundreds, below would be killed or injured. Regina looked again at thehelpless pilot, still desperately trying to free himself. Latching mass onto the hull, Regina steadiedherself for the stupidest thing ever. With another mass of strands she latched onto the OsCorptower. She tried to get more strands attached, but there was no time! In any second the craft wouldcrash onto the sidewalk in a big ball of fire.As the helicopter plummeted beyond and away from Regina she could see the pilot inside makinghis final cry for help. It was for naught. With Regina acting as a pivot, she swung the helicopter intothe mid-lower levels of the OsCorp tower, narrowly avoiding any critical structural weaknesses andthe streets below. A glorious fireball blew from a hole in the building and the burning wreckage waswell lodged into the structure.A few shards of debris rained down from the impact point, but fortunately enough people haddispersed to avoid the pieces. Regina looked on relieved yet remorseful. She had saved dozens ofpeople from dying, but at the cost of one. She cursed herself that she could've saved the pilot. If shehad more time to get a few more tendrils attached, she could've safely lowered it down. Doubtbecame a feast for the symbiote. Negative emotions fuelled it and Regina was a smorgasbord togorge upon.Onlookers pointed and gazed in amazement at the creature and the splayed Lizard corpse on thesidewalk. A police helicopter shone its spotlight at Regina. She held her hand up to protect her eyes.Escape was the only option now. But she would not leave Veronica. As a group of armed officersapproached the Lizard, Regina swung down and blocked their approach, she snarled, bearing hergiant maw and fangs, like a fierce lion protecting its kill. Camera flashes dazzled Regina's vision, soshe quickly whipped up Veronica and swung away.Regina eluded the police, losing them a few blocks down from the tower, and hunkered down inVeronica's apartment. Mass lifted Veronica over Regina and she cradled her into her bedroom. Iggywas waiting patiently for the return of its master. Veronica was still unconscious and she had notchanged back yet. Lying on the bed was a giant, humanoid lizard, battered and beaten, the right legmissing."I shouldn't have left you, I could've stopped you," Regina said remorsefully.Frenzy Origins-14-Suddenly, the leg began to reform, Regina watched on in startled amazement. Bone, muscle andflesh knit itself. Within seconds, Veronica's leg was completely regenerated. The scars incurred bythe helicopter rotors were minimalized too. Veronica's body began to shrink as her featuresreturned to normal. Her trench coat glided over her curves.Regina thought it best to let her rest; she carefully removed Veronica's clothes. Utilising hersymbiote fully, Regina was able to cover Veronica's bare body with her bed sheets. Veronica stirredcalmly."Regina," she said. Her eyes were still firmly shut. Regina hushed her, but didn't say anything.After the night's ordeal, she wasn't sure what to say. Hopefully, her silence would protect theiridentities. Regina was not sure how much of the night Veronica remembered and she didn't want tochance that yet. Instead she walked out the room, leaving Veronica to rest.Regina didn't want to leave her. She was unsure how Veronica would be for the rest of the night.There was always the risk she would turn. Regina was determined to control the situation should itcome to that. So she would stay for what remained of the night.  

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