Chapter 3

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  The dial tones kept ringing, ringing and ringing, a repetitious, repulsive sound that grinded Zoe'ssoul. Eventually the ringing stopped and a recorded message followed: 'Hi, you've reached thevoicemail of Veronica Pyke. I'm afraid I can't answer the phone right now, so please leave a messageand I will get back to you as soon as possible.'"Dammit, just answer already," Zoe fumed as she hung up the phone. A hand came from beyondZoe's view and plucked the phone from her. Zoe faced Ellis, grinning."Leave it now. Let's just go into the other room and..." Ellis' tall figure gestured towards an opendoorway leading to the bedroom."Not now, Ellis." Zoe sighed in annoyance at Ellis' 'request.' She slipped Ellis' hand from hershoulder and retrieved her phone before pressing redial again. Just as before, she listened to everysingle dreary dial tone followed by the voice message, "Hi, you've reached..." Zoe didn't botherlistening any further and hung up immediately. Zoe fiercely Frenzy Origins-2-tell Zoe. He seemed to be even more distant since the whole Raptor debacle. Even with his calmdemeanour. All Zoe wanted to do was to get a straight answer from Ellis; yet, would the answer giveher any peace? The thought eroded her soul to no end.Bringing the glass to her lips, Zoe took a deep sip, feeling the tingling sensation of strong liquor inher mouth and swallowed, gasping and hunching over the drinks cabinet she glanced around theroom, decorated elaborately with masks, oriental weapons and samurai lore. Zoe's mind became ablur yet she poured herself another drink, her body struggled to cooperate with her mind.Everything seemed to spin and every movement seemed very difficult for her. Zoe was never oneto hold her drink and she became intoxicated with one full glass of strong whiskey, yet she pouredanother. She stumbled with glass in hand over to the large chair and slumped into the throne'sembrace. Zoe swirled the glass, shining its amber complexion in the light, grinned and took a swiftswig."Bastard!" she yelled and threw the glass across the room, shattering on the wall, some traces ofliquor dripped down, staining it. Zoe was convinced that Ellis was seeing someone else. Who, shedidn't know.Zoe took one last glance at her phone, no change; she sneered and tossed it onto the desk. Withlittle strength and cooperation from her body Zoe began to drift off to sleep in the comfort of thelarge chair. A faint sound humming in her ears, a distinct sound of jet engines, Zoe's drunken bodyignored the rumbling and remained still. Though just beyond the windows of the penthouse office, asilhouetted figure flew past...* * *A door creaked open slowly at a Brooklyn household. Locks snapped open as quietly as possible anda figure slinked inside. Under the cover of darkness, she snuck through the kitchen slowly. Beforeheading further, the girl opened the fridge carefully. A clunk popped from the door as it swung open,illuminating the girl's face.She reached for a soda and prized it open. It hissed, quickly forcing the girl to put her mouth overthe can."Megan O'Donovan," a voice said out of her view. Megan knew who it was. The stern tone wasundeniable. "What time do you call this?" the voice asked. Megan shut the fridge door and turned toher mother, Ellen, standing arms crossed before her in darkness.Megan could just make out her furious wrinkles etched on her mother's face."Late. I know," Megan responded with her Irish accent as she pulled her mouth from the frothingcan. "I won't do it again.""You said that yesterday," Ellen countered, turning on the light."Sometimes I'm going to be late back with this new job. You worry too much, mom.""Yes, but you're still my little girl, so I'm allowed to worry. You do this too often. All these latenights..." Megan took another sip from the soda, trying to ignore Ellen's inquisition. "You've beenlike this ever since you met that girl..." Megan knew what was coming. "Is there something you wantto tell me?"Megan was taken aback and sighed heavily out of pure frustration.Frenzy Origins-3-"It's nothing like that, mom." She turned around. "We're just friends. That's it," she asserted.Both Megan and Ellen didn't raise their voices, at the risk of disturbing their family quietly asleepabove. Megan shot a final passing glance as she made her way towards the stairway up."Keep things quiet, pet. Your father's trying to sleep up there." Megan didn't answer she justgestured her hand slightly. Ellen followed her up soon after, once she was certain the household wassecure.Megan locked herself in her room and quickly dressed down to her underwear. Once she wassatisfied that her mother was asleep, she pulled out her laptop and started it up. Her den waslittered with her usual junk, discarded cans and draft reports. Failed draft reports.Ellen demanded Megan to keep her space tidy more often. Apparently, cleaning once a weekwasn't occasional enough for her.Megan's prosperous career at the Daily Bugle was quickly becoming a failure. She was offered awonderful opportunity to as an intern to replace an outgoing staff photographer. However, her ideasfor top journalism were not quite on the same level as her boss, Jameson. He was more concernedon discovering the sudden disappearance of Spiderman.Since the aforementioned photographer left, no one had seen the wall-crawler. Megan tried tofind him, but her efforts turned up zero. Instead, she had to resort to futile alternatives. None ofwhich Jameson wanted to know about.At least Joseph Robertson and Bettie Brant ensured she got paid for her work. Megan wanted tocheck that her latest payment cleared. Her attention was diverted though when she noticed a newemail pinging up on the screen.Megan recognised the sender's address as Veronica Pyke's. The two had been friends for a whileand, while she didn't see her an awful lot because of her work, Megan always sent her the oddemail.This wasn't a reply to one of Megan's messages though. It was sent directly.'Megan, sorry I've not spoken with you in a while. I've just been exceptionally busy.'"Damn right," Megan whispered before reading on.'Remember that thing I told you about? Turns out that I may be on the verge of a majorbreakthrough! I should have some results tonight! So the next time you see me, I may be walkingaround without my brace on.'Megan couldn't believe that Veronica was so close. She was highly doubtful. Last time they spokeabout it, Veronica didn't seem to be anywhere near. Granted, it was about a month ago. Thingschange. And Veronica was determined to mend herself.She never spoke about it often to Megan. Veronica must've been certain if she were to emailMegan. She refrained from replying. The soda effects were wearing off and Megan began to yawn.Shutting the computer down and carefully putting it aside, Megan snuggled into her bed and fellasleep.* * *"It's not much, but it will do for now," Bryan said as he surveyed the interior of the apartment roomthat he and Regina would be staying in. It was as bleak as Regina could've imagined, lifeless colour,fading beige walls and clearly aging carpentry, along with tanned floorboards from clear overuse, or Frenzy Origins-4-lack of care. Regina walked to the center of the smallish living area and scanned around herself,noting every blemish and sordid aspect, she scrunched her face up in disgust."You live here?" Regina asked with lacking enthusiasm, "could be worse I suppose." She turnedback to Bryan, just disappearing out of view, "Oh no you don't!" She called out, knowing full wellwhat Bryan was up to, "I call dibs on the biggest room!" She dashed towards Bryan and bolted intothe nearest room, which happened to be the most spacious.A regular single bed in the middle of the room, a single large balcony window which led out towhat could only be best described as a flower ornament, a narrow perch with some metal railingssurrounding it. As Regina placed her baggage on the bed Bryan poked his head around the cornerand looked in through the doorway."Fine, make yourself comfortable," he grinned and turned back down the corridor to the nextbedroom. "Good night," he called out opening the door to his bedroom. Bryan had good feelings onhow Regina was reacting to this change; he couldn't help but smile. This energetic attitude wasexactly how Bryan remembered Regina before he left for New York prior. Even though it was just abrief moment, it was enough to convince him.His only recent experiences have been that of fear, rejection and seclusion, a true outcast. All thesame, Bryan felt rather cowardly in his decision to run from his past, burying it as quickly as possible.He was desperately trying to move on. Deep down he felt that they should have stayed in Chicagolonger, come to terms with their loss better. Find better help for Regina. However once theopportunity to leave it as far behind as possible arose he took it, dragging his estranged sister in tow.Bryan turned out his case and began unpacking. As things appeared at present, Bryan felt he wasmaking all the right choices...Regina kicked off her trainers and socks; they flew across the room before colliding with the walland hitting the floor boards with a clunk. Regina flung onto her back, lay on the bed and stared up atthe ceiling.She lay there contemplating the possibilities of living in New York, the new start for herself. Whatshe could do. What possibilities lay before her? Perhaps she should get to know Veronica? Sheappeared pleasant enough and she definitely meant well. Just maybe, Regina would warm up to herand others better if she socialised. It would be a challenge, but Regina was prepared to try it for herown sake. Regina curled into her bed sheets and breathed deeply as she began to drift off to sleep.The hours passed and the night began to flourish and as a mild summer's night breeze crept ingently through the gaps in the porch door. Something stirred on the floor boards. Regina's trainerstrembled slightly as a being detached itself from its vessel. The trainers rustled slightly as thecreature, clawed its way along the floor, crawling slowly and intently towards the bed.A low squelching noise came from the symbiote as it gradually crawled towards the sleepingwoman, knowing what it must do, what has to be done to survive. Its organic mass contorted andstretched forming different shapes. The alien scaled the closest leg of the four post bed onto themattress. There lay Regina, slowly breathing in deep sleep, her chest gently elevating anddescending.Nightmare visages ricocheted around her head. Every bad experience Regina witnessed became ameal for the approaching symbiote. It wanted to feast on that negative emotion. It was that whichhad attracted it to Regina.'Try and remember the good times,' she was reminded by the therapist. That was much moredifficult. Regina couldn't recall one. Her mind was drenched with only the recent, terrible, memories. Frenzy Origins-5-Her regret only encouraged the symbiote to approach. It knew that Regina was the one. The massslinked under the sheets and gripped onto Regina's bare foot. She didn't stir. To her, the creaturewas just the added warmth of the duvet.However, her visions became more intense as the creature fed on her, steadily crawling up hercalves."Regina..." echoed a horrid voice. Regina's body started to thrash in the sheets. She could feelanother presence in her head. But she could not wake. Darkness fell. Blobs - ink rising from belowsurrounded her. Streams of darkness closed in on her. There was no escape. Regina was at themercy of whatever lurked.Suddenly, she fell. A deep abyss staring back at her carried on endlessly. Undecipherable wordsand memories merged to form even more jumbled jargon. Screams and pleas – were they allmemories? Regina didn't want to listen. She screamed, but nothing was heard. Her senses werenullified.Then she stopped falling. Webs prevented her descent and hoisted her upright. Finally, theincoherent mutterings transformed into one distinct, detesting voice."...I have tasted your emotions and they are delicious...""What are you?!" Regina managed to say."I am your friend..." The creature continued to slither over Regina's body, melding with her skinas it went. Thighs followed by her waist were engulfed by the alien mass, steadily working its way upher belly."You don't have to be afraid of anything. You just need to let me in...""I don't know what you are though." A slimy visage engraved itself in Regina's mind. A purpleface with misshapen eyes, fangs and a serpentine tongue presented itself."I want to help you, in doing so, you may help me too." Regina's enthralled mind could not ignorethe sight of the disembodied alien face. She still could not wake. By now, the creature had coveredher torso and arms. Next it would cover the hands and head."Let me show you what I can offer..." a cold tendril slapped itself to Regina's head and fed herimages of what she could do with the creature. Regina spied the experiences of the creature –swinging across the city skyline, possessing immense strength and the ability to form anything. Sheonly had to utter the thought.Not that Regina had any choice in the matter, the creature wanted to make her think she had thefreedom. It awaited a response to engulf her."Incredible," Regina uttered. She could not refuse. She had to have it, the chance to dosomething unbelievable."Yes, I want that!" she pleaded."You don't have reason to be afraid anymore, Regina." Symbiotic mass enveloped her skull."Yes..." Regina's dream visage became encased by the monstrous face before her and closed hereyes."Leave it all to me now..."* * *Frenzy Origins-6-"What...ugh." Veronica struggled to get words out, her insides burned with pain, bones felt like theywere tearing apart and her skin feeling like it was constantly being impaled. Something was trying torip through, "What...gahh, is happening?" Veronica tried to understand. But it was obvious; she hadbeen too ambitious and ignored consequences.Desiring nothing more than getting results as quickly as possible, Veronica was rapidly becomingthe stark result of her boldness. How could Veronica ever comprehend what kind of effects the aliensubstance would have on the serum? What it would do to her body? She was about to find out.Veronica never experienced pain quite like it, even breaking her leg paled in comparison to whatshe was experiencing. Veronica clutched her entire body as the pain became increasingly unbearabledisposing her lighter in process, the ignition still alight.A slight tingle in Veronica's arm caused her concern, her arm felt stiff and unusual, her facialexpression warped into terror as her left arm bore the unmistakable appearance of scales! Green,reptilian scales covered the entirety of her arm which appeared to be sprouting from her skin.Veronica took a glance down her tank top and noticed that her torso rapidly became engulfed inscales.Her entire chest firmed up making it difficult for Veronica to breathe. Tearing her top off did notalleviate her terror. Her expression bore real panic and fear. Seeing her chest endowed with greenscales made Veronica's rational thinking rapidly vanished.A sudden lapse in the pain gave Veronica a chance to try collecting her thoughts and conceive away to recover herself, but she struggled.Veronica's mind was being clouded and conflicting, animalistic instincts made it impossible forher to concentrate. "Argh. couldn't be." The urge for hunger kept creeping into her mind, theneed to hunt - an overriding desire to seek fresh meat.Veronica feared that she was indeed becoming the same lizards as she kept, yet something muchmore terrifying. The lizards stared, all in unison at Veronica as she transformed.Scales continuing to congregate over Veronica's body firmed up to a sturdy hide. Now mostlycovered with scales, Veronica's face became a distinct green. Tingling in Veronica's hair made herscratch feverishly at her scalp. She managed to rip out mass clumps of hair. Shocked, Veronicareleased the clumps, each strand descended in unison congregating on the lab's marble flooring.Veronica tried desperately to try and get words out, but found it increasingly difficult - likesomeone was yanking her tongue or choking on her own tonsils. Veronica could only cough andsplutter as she desperately tried to formulate words.More changes occurred, nails snapped as the bones of her fingers sheared through, forming intoclaws. Her body cracked as bones rapidly snapped and reformed almost instantaneously in theserums image. Veronica wailed loudly as her teeth extended into fangs and ribs enlarged to containher growing body. Her tongue lengthened, splitting at the tip to become a forked, reptilian tongue.Monstrous growls were all that Veronica could produce as the pain grew ever increasingly intense.Bulk increased, powerful muscles formed and altered structure made her stand at least a fewinches taller, causing her clothes to tear around her scaly skin. Shreds fell onto the laboratory flooralong with the remains of her hair, slowly smouldering and smoking, frazzling into ash.Veronica tried to move her new body as best as she could; a vain attempt to recover herhumanity. It was all for naught as she collapsed onto all fours and began hissing and wheezing as thelast severe pain came surging through her body.Arching her back, Veronica felt something bursting out from her back. Veronica wailed and hissedloudly as spines punctured out from her back forming a sail; the pain persisted as many more Frenzy Origins-7-erupted from her body. Frills and spines began protruded from her brow and over her skull as the tipof her spine began to extend beyond the physical boundaries of her body. Sprouting out beyond herlower back, Veronica's spine extended several feet, forming a bulky, yet flexible tail, complete with afull length sail.One final coup de grace to Veronica's transformation came in one final pained expression on herface as her entire skull protruded forward into a formidable jaw, cracking and stretching her face,reforming into a beastly visage, complete with rows of razor sharp teeth. Once a beautiful woman inher twenties had now become a monstrous creature of impossible proportions. A lull followed as thecreature adjusted its bulk.Instinct caused this newly born creature to survey the surroundings, something was amiss, asrational thinking repeatedly tried to worm its way into the creature's mind. Veronica was still aware,albeit in the slightest margin. Her thoughts conflicting with the beasts instincts caused massconfusion. Veronica, in a brief lapse of control came to the startling realisation of what she hadbecome.A fearsome roar followed as she stood on all fours. The larger than life reptile, huge in length,flailed her tail around, frustrated and angry. Crashes and smashes followed as desks splintered andstations were destroyed. Chunks of tarnished wood and steel legs flew across the room. Chemicalflasks were flung from one side of the lab to the other, many leaving trails and puddles all around.The rage continued until Veronica's stray clothing shards began to ignite. Soon the chemical trailsunleashed a wall of fire around the lab. Within seconds the entire lab became engulfed in flames,causing distress and panic among the enclosed lizards and the destructive Veronica.On instinct the creature pounced to the enclosures and swung its mighty tail at the glass,shattering many of the enclosures. The lizards that were free began scurrying as quickly as theycould out of their enclosures to best evade the rapidly growing flames. A number of the lizard'slatched onto this She-Lizard; Veronica herself bounded through the flames and out the nearestwindow, growling loudly with relief from escaping the intense heat and flames of the lab.With little understanding of its surroundings, She-Lizard, with companions clinging tightly, roaredloudly in the amber lit night of the city before scurrying onto the rooftops and walls of the EmpireState University to survey a safe-haven for itself...  

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