Chapter 17

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  Blackie's fight club was rapidly filling up. Many unsavoury types were clamouring for the night'supcoming feature. The proprietor had been keeping Regina's ability under wraps. So, many would beexpecting a one sided show when she took to the ring.Splatter Rick was notorious for being a vicious, no holds barred savage. His record spoke for itself.Over forty consecutive matches and each ended badly for the opposition. Shattered ribs, brokenlegs, spines, nobody was safe.Anybody else would be quivering like a leaf. But Regina's focus meant she couldn't see thedanger. Not that it mattered much to someone with RegiFrenzy Origins-2-punch. No bets, then no money. Even Regina realised this. The relationship was double-edged, theyneeded each other. Just like a symbiote.One punch was more than enough to remove Regina's opponents; it would even work againstRick. Blackie was putting an awful lot of faith in someone he barely knew.* * *Street lamps flickered along the sidewalk as Bryan made his way to Blackie's fight club. He feltuncomfortable in the surroundings. A few homeless were slumped aside the buildings, others werestanding, drinking. Bryan didn't take much notice of them. He just kept going until he reached hisdestination.Outside Blackie's, Bryan saw a group of men congregated beneath the club's fluorescent red sign.A few of them were accompanied by women, their conquests, their trophies. With these kinds ofpeople, the women were nothing more than some badge of achievement, something to show justhow much a 'man' they were. Bryan chose to ignore their chatter and smoke cloud. He had muchmore immediate concerns, finding Regina.One more obstacle prevented him from entering though. At the door stood two large menshoulder to shoulder, barring the entrance. Bryan knew the name of the game. If films had taughthim anything, it was how to handle the bouncers."Members only, sir," one said presenting his giant, open palm."Here," Bryan began as he rifled through his pockets and pulled out two fifty dollar bills. "I thinkyou'll find this sufficient." Bryan presented the bribe to the men. Both of them stared blankly at eachother before the left one nodded."Thank you, sir; this seems to be in order." Upon taking the money from Bryan's hand, thebouncer's allowed him in. Immediately, Bryan was overwhelmed by the sheer number of patronsinside the club. There was just enough movement for Bryan to manoeuvre. There was no chance ofhim reaching the ring itself; there were just too many people surrounding the barriers.The best Bryan could do was scooting around the congregation and mounting some of theequipment stowed by the walls. Bryan managed to get a good view of the ring from atop the storedkit. There was a pair rumbling in the ring already. Neither of them were Regina. One of them wasgetting the better of his opponent, slamming him into the ground and pummelling him when theopportunity arose.The crowd jeered based on the outcome. When one was on the front foot, the crowd reactedaccordingly. If one of them did something special, such as jumping off the flexible rope ring, then thecrowd cheered even louder.Eventually the fight was over. One man emerged the victor and the other was dragged off thestage, apparently, still alive. Bryan couldn't tell from his position, but the referee insisted thechallenger was still breathing.Once the contenders were evicted from the ring, Blackie took the stage with microphone in handand addressed the patrons."Gentlemen and ladies! It's time for the main event of the evening. I give you, Splatter Rick!"From the shadows of the dimly lit aisle leading to the ring, a big, burly, monster of a man emerged. Frenzy Origins-3-He was big, must have been at least six-nine tall, arms like bazookas and cannonball fists. His nameseemed to be well earned."And now his opponent. This little minx is something special ladies and gentlemen; I present toyou, Regina the Ravager!""What?!" Bryan cried, but was muffled instantly by the jeers of the crowd."Frenzy's still a better name," Regina whispered before making her way out into the golden lightsof the arena.From the darkness, Regina emerged. Her shorter figure was humorous in comparison to Rick's.Bryan wasn't even considering the chances she stood against such a large foe. He was more shockedthat Regina was even here to begin with. Deep down though, he did contemplate exactly what shecould do to this guy.No amount of jeers and quips discouraged Regina as she approached the ring. Her mind wassolely focused on winning. The symbiote sensed the familiar presence of Bryan. But nothing wassaid. Regina knew he was in the crowd somewhere. As she crossed the rope barriers she managed toshoot a glance at Bryan over the gangs of hoodlums and crooks.Bryan now knew that Regina was aware of his presence. He could feel her glare, even for amoment. Even deeper down, a more familiar side came though, he wanted her to win. That familybond would never be broken.As Regina and Rick sized each other up, Bryan whispered, "come on, Regina." Blackie drew thepair into the center of the ring."Rick, Regina, you know what to do," he announced on the microphone. He took a step back andthe bell chimed to indicate the start of the match.Rick already shifted his body to land a jab in Regina's gut. Her bellow could be heard over theentire crowd, all of which reacted accordingly."Get up!" Rick taunted as he encircled the downed Regina."Come on, Regina. Get up!" Bryan yelled as loudly as he could, "Get up!" Regina got up slowly.Rick noticed her attempt and went to boot her. A quick move by Regina ensured that he fell to theground. She swivelled her downed body around and swept away Rick's legs. This was instantlyfollowed up by a single drop kick onto Rick's chest.He groaned and grabbed the girl's leg. With his strength, it was all too easy for Rick to slamRegina onto the ground again. Regina wasn't getting anywhere and the crowd were constantlychanting Rick's name."Splatter Rick, Splatter Rick!" He got to his feet with Regina's ankle still held firmly. Expressivehand signals egged on the crowd to feed Rick's ego even further. Theatrics was something Rickclearly relished."Go on, kid, get up an' hit him already!" Blackie grumbled quietly as he watched with a vein ofanxiety and anger. Regina waited patiently for Rick to get closer. Once he did, Regina had the perfectopportunity to cripple his manhood. Rick tried to grapple her, but Regina managed to plant her freeleg into Rick's groin.It was dirty, but anything went in these fights, manhood or no. The tactic worked, Rick releasedRegina's ankle and staggered slightly as the sharp pain shuddered around his nether regions. Thistime, Regina got to her feet quickly. Whilst Rick was still staggered, she managed to land a few wellplacedpunches that started to make him sweat.Though despite Rick's disadvantage, he managed to parry one of Regina's blows. The force fromhis punch left a mark on Regina's face. Even her nose started to bleed. Rick didn't relent; he duly Frenzy Origins-4-punished Regina. More brutal punches followed. Most of the crowd were enjoying it, cheeringappropriately. However, two were not.Blackie was in disarray, and Bryan was crushed seeing the punishment Regina was enduring. Rickpaused for a moment though to entice the crowd."You should've stayed home! Little...girl." He wound up a punch and launched it towards Regina.Bryan prepared to turn away. Miraculously, Regina stopped Rick's punch just before he hit her faceone last time. Her entire arm was feeling the sheer force this brute was putting in to that singlepunch. Both Regina and Rick were stuck in a tug of war scenario. Regina was determined to get thebetter of him.Rick was putting all his might into one arm. Yet Regina held on. The combined strength of herselfand the symbiote managed to block Rick. As Rick continued to force himself, Regina saw theopening. By employing Rick's momentum, she managed to swing Rick's fist back into his face, similarto how she managed to turn Rebecca's own fist against her.The advantage had now shifted in Regina's favour. Even though Rick was stunned for a meremoment, it was a big enough window for Regina to get herself away from the rope barrier andunleash fury upon him.One straight jab to the gut caused Rick to bend over forwards. Next, a left hook around the headknocked him to the side. Rick tried to counter by pivoting his rotating body back. Regina justmanaged to guide his wildly swinging arm beyond her and smash another timely jab into his leftcheekbone. Rick stumbled back and Regina pursued.Everything was in Regina's favour now. She leapt into the air towards Rick and launched her feetinto his jaw. Rick staggered and collapsed on the rope barrier behind him. Tiring, Rick tried to lifthimself up. The hoppy little girl was beating him, and she wasn't done yet. Taking Rick's legs firmly,Regina proceeded to hurl his body over the barrier and onto the splintered boards of the club floor.Rick fell, face first and groaned in agony. The crowd was jeering Regina as she taunted them.Beyond the crowd, Bryan managed to sneak in a slight smile."Go on, Regina," he whispered. Rick tried to get to up, but Regina wasn't going to allow him thatprivilege. From the rope barrier, Regina perched herself. Below lay Rick, fumbling around, trying tostand. He managed to turn his body over to face up at Regina, prepared to dive onto him. Reginagrinned."Get one last look, Rick! I hope it was worth it!" Regina jumped with shins primed. The impactcrushed Rick's guts before the floorboards creaked and crumbled beneath him. Splinters of woodpunctured the flesh of his back. And one poorly placed pipe beneath the boards struck his spine. Rickwailed in hellish agony as his body crumbled under the immense pressure. Something broke.When Rick's babbling had subsided the entire crowd were vocal in their disgust of Regina'ssuccess. A majority made their immediate exit, disappointed and angry that a veteran such as Rickwas bested by a novice."Well done, sis," Bryan whispered quietly as he made his way out. But he didn't leave thebuilding's vicinity; he had a few questions for the victor.* * *Frenzy Origins-5-About twenty minutes later, Regina emerged from the back entrance to the club, a hefty pile ofgreen gold in her hands. Blackie came through with his agreement and Regina reaped the benefits.Before she could walk another step, an all too familiar voice called out to her."Regina!" Bryan yelled as he approached Regina slowly."Bryan, come to cheer me on," Regina stated. She barely had enough time to stow away herwinnings before Bryan barked at her again."What are you doing? This isn't like you.""Veronica told you I was here, didn't she?" Regina deflected."Yes, she's worried about you, as am I! I thought we were over this, but it seems I cannot take myeyes off of you for a moment! Look at your damn face, sis. Do you even know what you look like?"Bryan despaired; his fear and anxiety had revealed itself. Regina bared the bruises she sustainedfrom the fight. Though she wore them as a trophy, Bryan was distressed at the sight of them.Regina started to walk away, "Bryan, I'm not a child; you've got to trust me, allow me to do whatI want without having you track me at every turn.""Regina, I cannot just ignore you. You're unpredictable." Bryan paused momentarily. Reginacontinuously defied him. However, she was not concerned at all and continued to walk away. Bryanhad enough. Reaching out, he firmly clasped Regina's bicep."Enough, you're coming home, now!" he said sternly, attempting to guide Regina away like aterrible toddler. Regina was not going to accept that."Get the fuck off me!" she replied fiercely and slipped her arm free. Enraged, she struck herforearm against Bryan's neck, crushing his throat between herself at the club wall. Bryan, shockedand surprised, could only gag as Regina applied more pressure. Her eyes went deathly white; herpupil's vanished as something deadly breached the surface.Bryan could not focus; his vision was stifled by an increasing lack of oxygen."Re-" he gasped. Finally something got through to Regina. Her sense came back. The expressionturned from rage to realisation and then regret as she retracted her arm swiftly. Bryan gasped andwheezed as his body inhaled the alley stank.Regina couldn't muster any words. She felt bitter and didn't have the words. Rather than face it,Regina fled, leaving Bryan to recover by himself."Reg-" coughed Bryan, "Regina!"From the shadows a trio of thugs watched. It was Bludger Bob and his motley crew. As Bryan madehis way home, the three emerged from the shadows, blocking his path. The large physique ofBludger Bob was unmistakable. He just found a chance to get back at Regina.He warned her, but Regina wasn't afraid of him, or his foolish friends. However, Bryan wasn't asdaring or gutsy as Regina seemed to be."You little girlfriend there owes me money," Bob grumbled, rocking a military grade knife in onehand. His posse had two baseball bats between them."You're mistaken, she's my sister.""Oh? Even better," Bob snarled as he grabbed Bryan's shoulder. "Tinkerbelle!" he yelled downthe alley, "I've got your brother here!"This instantly got the otherwise uninterested Regina's attention."Bob..." said Frenzy."Looks like she's abandoning you, chum." Bob grinned as he primed his knife to strike. Suddenlyhe was struck from above as a purple tendril lashed him away from Bryan. The two confused Frenzy Origins-6-henchman stared stupefied at one another for a moment, before actually realising what wasattacking them.Frenzy didn't allow them the chance to speak as they too were whisked away. Like pendulums,the two cronies hung and swung into each other.Bryan managed to catch a glimpse of the purple figure skittering along the walls."You should leave, kid, this might get messy," said Frenzy as she ventured into the light. Bryan wasn't surehow to react. Part confused, part amazed but most of all grateful."Thanks!" was all Bryan could reply with as he disappeared down and out the alley."See you soon, Bryan. Now, as for you three..." Frenzy descended onto the ground. "What shall we do to your posse,Bob?" Frenzy asked the large man cowering in the corner, below a lone flickering lamp. Vainly, he heldthe knife ahead of him, hoping to keep the beast away.A salvo of tendrils sprouted from Frenzy's back. She took one glance at the two goons cocoonedabove her."I think some bodywork is in order," giggled Frenzy. Razors sprouted from the tips of every tendril andFrenzy lanced each and every one into the goons dangling above. Like a bullet riddled barrel, bloodspurt out of the still living bodies, showering Frenzy, Bob and the walls around. Frenzy dancedaround sadistically like she was in a fairy tale. Bob bumbled and his hand shook more and more."You see, Bob, I've been ripping tongues out all week and now, you took it one step too far. So I figured, why not diversify mymethods?" Bob couldn't respond. He was stunned with fear. "Not talking...Tinkerbelle?" Regina revealedher full face to Bob.Even despite the reveal, he couldn't react."No response, Bob? No witty quip? No 'Oi, Tinkerbelle!?' Shame." The blood kept pouring downon them. Regina tired of the slow pace and thought of something new.More implements sprouted from the tendrils, forming scything spines. Both of the overhangingcorpses were crushed and ground up, providing little to no resistance of Regina's torture. Anexplosion of red splattered over the scene."Ta-da!" exclaimed Regina, theatrically spanning her arms wide under the cascade of blood. Shelooked at Bob disappointingly. This man was catatonic; nothing was going to move him. Forcing thesituation, Regina willed her loose tendrils to wrench the knife from Bob's firm grasp and snapped itin two.Next, Regina drew closer and closer, her blood drenched face did not alleviate any of Bob's fears."Get one last look, I hope it was worth it." With that, Regina's face was engulfed by the symbiotemass and razor sharp teeth lunged for Bob's face. Finally, he screamed his last, as his skull wascrushed between the vice. Blood trailed down Frenzy's incisors and onto the floor, amassing apaddling pool of crimson red. Bob's lifeless body lay slumped against the wall, both sides of his head,bored by Frenzy's tools.Frenzy returned to her previous stance completely unharmed, and whistled delightfully as sheswung away."That felt good."* * *Frenzy Origins-7-Zoe was adamant to get the better of her foes. For the remainder of the night she was slaving awayat the gear she had. A new shipment of equipment had arrived upon her request. Paige wasn't tooimpressed."This Latverian junk is no good," objected Paige. One of Zoe's colleagues overseas, a crazed manwho ran the Latveria branch and close friend, Victor von Doom, provided Zoe with some newtechnologies that would rival the Raptor's own armaments."Stop moaning Paige, I specifically requested these calibrations, which, you yourself could notdo," Zoe responded, adjusting the modified gauntlet around her forearm. "With theseenhancements, I can project the electricity, without having to touch someone." A strike of lightningshot out of Zoe's fingertips, igniting some discarded rags across the chamber. Paige glanced over theother items in Zoe's new inventory and noticed some blueprints for a new suit."What's wrong with the current design?" asked Paige, aggravated that Zoe seemed to be makingher work redundant."To be honest, Paige, the Goblin gear, as flashy as it is, does not provide enough protection.Victor is fabricating me that new one based on his own versatile armour designs. But I still need yourexpertise to implement your breakthroughs." Paige smiled slightly, but still felt offended that Zoewas wanting away with the original goblin design so soon after approving it. A buzz came through ofPaige's phone."Sorry, ma'am, but I have to leave." Hastily, she made her way out of the chamber. Zoe raised aneyebrow."Why's that?""Urgent family matter, I'll be back later." Paige wandered out of sight, leaving Zoe to tinker withher equipment even more. Suddenly, she realised something."I didn't know Paige still had family..."* * *Bryan was surprised to be 'saved' by Frenzy. His body only just managed to settle down as he gotback home. To calm his nerves, he pulled a tall, cool beer from the fridge and downed it quickly. Butit was not only for that reason, but to also calm down from Regina's reaction."Why did she do that?" he asked himself, "maybe my actions bring out the worst in her. Perhaps Ishould just leave her be." All alone, Bryan continued to suckle the last drops of foam from the amberbottle before him.* * *Later, Regina arrived back at Veronica's apartment, after what happened with Bryan; she was notkeen in the slightest to stay at his. She landed outside the apartment door and opened it with herkey, reforming her appearance as she entered. Blood was wiped from her face by the mass andabsorbed as sustenance for the being within.Frenzy Origins-8-Just inside the apartment, Veronica was waiting; she was lounging on the sofa, reading the latestDaily Bugle edition."Regina how was it?" Veronica asked just as Regina shut and locked the door behind her."You told him where I was." Regina turned to glance at Veronica."Yes, because I'm worried about yo-" even Veronica noticed the vague bruising on Regina's face.Regina dismissed herself as quickly as possible to avoid Veronica's worries. "Your face, Gina! Whathappened?" Veronica lurched from the sofa and followed Regina to the kitchenette; she wasgrabbing a soda from the fridge."Just a small problem afterwards, nothing to worry about," Regina answered calmly. She crackedopen the soda and took a heavy sip. "I've dealt with it."Again, she deflected Veronica, blocked her out and went straight back into the lounge andslumped herself over the sofa. Without thought or concern, Regina removed her jacket and slung itonto the floor, just as she'd been accustomed to.Veronica followed, but paused before approaching the sofa."Do you even care what others think, Regina? Do you ever stop to think what might happen ifyou continue like this?!" Veronica got up the courage to approach Regina. "I know you don't talkmuch, but think about those that care about you. You might think it's smart to constantly ignore us,but what if you do something you'll regret and you..." Veronica began to cry.Regina was confused. She stopped drinking for a moment. Veronica had a point. Regina had beenneglecting both Veronica and Bryan. She was so wrapped up in keeping her own secret safe that shedidn't consider her ignorance. And how it was harming those same people she wanted to protect inan entirely different way.More so, Regina came to realise how much Veronica cared about her. How did she not see itsooner? Perhaps she chose to ignore it, just like everything else since. Before all this chaos, thisfrenzy, Regina looked to be getting along with Veronica.Veronica had never said it to Regina yet. She worried that her words would be hollow. She wasprepared to make herself look like a fool to this crazy, attractive girl."Regina, I love you!" Veronica announced with the tears still in her eyes. Regina was shellshocked.Even the symbiote could not produce a clever quip. Maybe it did, but Regina chose toignore it for once.Instead, her own human instincts and emotions took control."Veronica," said Regina. She sat upright and firmly cradled Veronica's cheeks in her hands.Veronica anticipated it and primed her lips. Passionately, Regina kissed Veronica. Veronica's sobturned to delight as she smiled. Regina pulled away for a moment."Call it a cliché," Regina giggled shyly, "but I've always loved you, Veronica, from the firstmoment I saw you." Just like from the movies, Regina thought she was making a fool of herself."Then come here, Regina." Slowly, Veronica got up from the sofa and lifted Regina with her."Whoa," Regina giggled in surprise as she was lifted into the bedroom.Regina hesitated before reaching up and pecking Veronica on the cheek. Gently and carefully,Veronica placed Regina onto the large bed."I've never done this before," Regina admitted out of embarrassment. Veronica smirked andcrawled up Regina's legs."Neither have I, Regina." Both girls found comfort in their own inexperience.With both hands, Veronica undid Regina's trousers and slid them off. Veronica too removed hertrousers and top before returning to Regina. Veronica's luscious breasts were angelic in the dimly Frenzy Origins-9-lighting of the bed chamber. Regina felt slightly uncomfortable with Veronica's mostly bare framelooming over her.However, Regina felt relieved. For once she found happiness. Even if it was only for the night,Regina wanted nothing more than to be with Veronica."Where do you want to start?" Veronica asked as she lowered her body against Regina's. Thesoft, silky flesh brushed against Regina's purple top and around her naked legs.Never did Regina once consider that this would happen to her. Inside, both girls desired eachother."How about here." Veronica's sweet lips caressed Regina's own. The romantic exchange becamemore vigorous as they fumbled together, tussling over the bed sheets. Veronica's breathingaccelerated as her longing for Regina could no longer be contained. She helped remove her lover'stop briskly and caressed Regina's beautiful breasts, feeling the smoothness of the unloved flesh,before teasing her blossoming nipples."You're so beautiful, Regina."'Beautiful,' she said. Regina felt the earnestness in Veronica's voice that she really meant it."Stay there," said Veronica cheekily. Regina bit her lip as Veronica continued to explore thefurthest reaches of her body. Slowly, Veronica removed Regina's panties with her teeth, smirkinghopelessly as she did."Be gentle," Regina smirked with Veronica as she made her way back up to her waist andcarefully took a careful grip of Regina's hips, running her silky palms up, down and around herposterior.The dampness of her tongue brought about new sensations that Regina had never felt before.Exploring every inch of Regina's tender flesh sent shivers through her body. Her soft tones changedwith every little motion. This sensation was beyond anything Regina imagined. Nothing compared.Her heart raced. This alien act had her blushing and squeaking. More and more, Veronica's touchexcited her.The pair exchanged positions allowing Regina to pleasure Veronica herself.'I love you, Veronica,' continually ran through Regina's mind as she ran her digits and tongueover the curvatures of Veronica's figure, all the way down to her thighs."Watch where you put that," whispered Veronica cheekily. Regina smiled as she allowed hertongue to arouse Veronica. Veronica gripped the bed sheets tightly as she futilely tried to keep herpassions from flowing."R-Regina," she panted.But Regina paused, retracting her head and wormed up Veronica's body, bringing the bed sheetsalong with her, covering her back. Regina brought her face closer to Veronica, twisting and weavingher tongue around Veronica's own, exchanging their sensations.Muffled groans emanated from locked lips as Regina persisted in grinding tightly up against herpartner. Veronica tried to squeal, but could only let out a low muffled groan. Her nails dug intoRegina's back. She winced slightly as the sharp pain shuddered down her spine. Though, not even fora moment did Regina fear that Veronica was going 'Lizard.'As Regina's movements hastened, she arched her body and head back as the act was reaching itspinnacle. Regina thrust her hips against Veronica with severe, desperate motions."V-Veron-Veronica," Regina managed to stammer as her entire body throbbed and quivered,resulting in her first satisfying climax. The close allowed Regina to retrieve her stamina and hung Frenzy Origins-10-over Veronica for a moment. She laughed. Dealing with the likes of New York's most wanted wasn'tas exhausting as this.Regina lowered her over-arching back and snuggled up to Veronica. Their breasts pressed upfirmly against each other and they kissed once more. Regina smiled."Not bad for a first time," she grinned and slid to the side, so she could lie in the bed next toVeronica.They both gazed into one another's enticed eyes. Together they read their feelings for eachother. Though, Veronica felt one final urge."Let me feel it too, Regina, I want to know how it feels.""Come here then." Regina drew her body even closer and Regina weaved her fingers aroundVeronica beneath the duvet.Regina felt embarrassed to be the first to finish. So she felt it fair to allow Veronica the chance toclose the act with a bang. Veronica blushed and bit her lip hard as Regina thrust her fingers back andforth.Deep pleasure surged through Veronica's body. Her entire body twitched and squirmed as herown longing came to its end."Regina!" she wailed and collapsed against Regina's bare chest, kissing the valley between.Regina brushed her free hand through Veronica's long hair, keeping it clear of her face. Frombetween her breasts, Veronica looked up and smiled like an excited child. Her figure straightenedand Regina wrapped her arms around Veronica and whispered in her ear."I'm glad I found you  

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