Chapter 19

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  Upon returning to Veronica's apartment that same morning, Regina remained lounged on the couchand she did so all the way through the morning. Her time was mostly spent flicking through thechannels on Veronica's old television.The Daily Bugle was running a scoop on Zoe's new approaches and response to the OsCorpattacks, there was also an increasing warning for the quartet, especially Frenzy and her recentendeavours. But beyond that, there was nothing of note.Veronica went about her business calmly, going from room to room, surprisingly, tidying areas ofthe apartment and clearing essentials out of the apartment. It was probably the presence of Reginaand the understanding that she would be spending more time with her. Occasionally, Veronicawould step outside. One instance was to converse wiFrenzy Origins-2-"What's wrong, Regina, you haven't said a thing." Regina looked up."It's Bryan.""Figured as much," said Veronica in a matter of fact as she sat down next to Regina. "Why areyou worried about him? He was over here yesterday afternoon fretting about you, and now it seemsthe other way round." Regina sighed heavily and rubbed the back of her neck."Uh, I may have pissed him off a bit," Regina whispered with little confidence."And how did you manage that, exactly?" Regina stared blankly at Veronica. Regina wanted toexpress why, but she couldn't. That would result in telling her about the symbiote. Though, giveneverything they'd been through already, would it matter? After all, Regina knew who Veronica wasand she didn't shy away from that fact.Regina could lie; dodge the truth like she had done so well thus far. She wanted to tell Veronicaso much.But how would Veronica react to knowing that Regina was Frenzy? Would it affect theirrelationship? Again and again, Regina continuously considered her secret. It was like a constantvirus, never going away, degrading her at the slightest suggestion."Never mind," Veronica finally said after an awkwardly long silence. She patted Regina's thighreassuringly. "I'm sure you'll figure it out.""I hope so," Regina responded as Veronica got to her feet and disappeared from the lounge. Shewas back alarmingly quick though, cupping her mobile phone and carefully presented it to Regina."I think someone wants to talk," she said as Regina retrieved the phone. The amber backlightrevealed a message, it was from Bryan.Veronica, it said, please, get Regina to call me as soon as you receive this."Just press the green button-""Think I can handle a phone," laughed Regina as she immediately tapped the button and pressedthe receiver against her ear. The steady drones were quickly broken by Bryan on the other end."Regina?" he asked, unsure whether it was her or just Veronica."Yes, it's me Bryan. I'm surprised you're talking to me after this morning's performance,"remarked Regina snidely."Har-har, sis," replied Bryan sarcastically, "I didn't want to discuss the remarks about thismorning. Listen, can you meet me?""Yeah, of course, what's up?""I have some things to tell you and I can't do so over the phone.""What's going on, Bryan?""I said I can't explain over the phone. I hoped you'd come and see me so we can make up too,you know." Regina turned to the on looking Veronica. She couldn't hear Bryan's comments, but shesuspected from Regina's responses and body language that something was wrong. Veronica wasprepared to be ignorant, since she also suspected tension between the siblings. Her input would beunnecessary."Alright, where d'you want to meet?""Cool. There's a pizza place, Joe's, a couple blocks from the apartment. Meet me there inabout...fifteen minutes.""Sure, I'll see you then.""See you soon, sis." Then Bryan hung up. Regina returned the phone to Veronica. Regina couldn'tquite fathom what Bryan wanted to discuss. He did mention that he wanted to make up with Regina.She couldn't reject that, she wanted to as well. They were brother and sister after all. Frenzy Origins-3-"Trouble?" Veronica asked cautiously. Regina looked unsure. Maybe it was all just about makingup. Regina just didn't know."Possibly," Regina replied quietly, "d'you know where Joe's pizza is?""Yes, it's a couple of blocks from here." Veronica pulled out a menu from a kitchen drawer thatillustrated clearly where. "I get a few pizza's from time to time. Best you can get around here."Regina took one glance at the directions on the back. One glance was all it took, the symbiote hadmemorised it for her."Brilliant," Regina smiled, before kissing Veronica gently on the cheek, causing her to blush, "Ishouldn't be long, I promise!"The summer afternoon air tingled Regina's skin as she walked down the street. She maintained asteady pace passed the pedestrians coming and going. Car horns blared as the lunchtime rush was infull effect.Five minutes had gone and Regina still had a bit further to go. A tall woman bumped into her asshe went."Sorry," Regina said politely, but the woman didn't turn to chat. Her short, badly cut, golden hairglistened slightly in the afternoon sun. Regina swore she'd seen her before. The woman's handswere firmly dug into her coat pockets as she marched away.Regina watched the woman for a brief moment, before realising that it was probably herimagination. Eventually, Regina finally saw the pizzeria come into view. The words Joe's Pizzeria wasplastered over the doorway and outside, on one of a few dining tables, sat a familiar face. Bryannoticed Regina over the crowds and vehicles across the road and waved clearly at her.Regina acknowledged with a slight wave.'Hold on,' she thought, 'that woman.' Regina turned back down the street. The golden hair, theuntidy, badly cut hair. How could she have not noticed? Even the symbiote confirmed it with her.Regina recognised that same cut from the television earlier. It could've been coincidence. But shewasn't prepared to chance it.Bryan stood up across the road, watching Regina facing away from him."Regina?!" he tried to yell over the New York rush. He yelled again and again. Suddenly, Reginadarted back the way she came. She didn't approach Bryan. She didn't say anything. Bryan sunk, hecouldn't understand."Why did she go?" he whispered to himself. Regina had to be quick. If that was who she thoughtit was. Then Veronica was in danger.* * *Back at Veronica's apartment, there was a deafening thud at the door. In no particular rush,Veronica made her way towards the door. The knocking continued."Alright, I'm coming," Veronica called out, much to the delight of the visitor. Veronica firmlyplaced her hand on the handle, turned it and pulled the door open. At this point, Veronica normallysaid something, but she couldn't believe who it was. Her mouth gawped wide open."Hello, Veronica," Zoe grinned.Frenzy Origins-4-"Shit," Veronica could only manage as she was punched in the gut before Zoe tugged her hair anddragged herself inside with Veronica in tow. Zoe scornfully looked around the apartment, disgustedat the environment and how untidy it was. She turned and slammed the door shut."Nice place," Zoe sneered and released Veronica. She shrugged her shoulders. "If you just left mealone, you could've had so much better." The vengeful Zoe noticed Veronica crawling along theground to the telephone and stormed over to kick the downed girl in the gut. Veronica winced andcurled up, watching Zoe tear the telephone cord from the wall."Too bad," Zoe continued, "if you let me proceed with your little experiment. You could've beenrich. Well, I could've added you to the fine print." Veronica remained curled up on the floor.'That bitch has a vicious boot,' she thought."I'm even more disappointed that you kept so much from me." Zoe pulled Veronica up by thehair. Veronica screamed slightly, before she was silenced by Zoe, throttling her against the wall. Shebrought her face close to Veronica's. "Show me it," Zoe demanded.Veronica realised exactly what Zoe wanted. She wanted to see the 'Lizard.' Veronica tried tospeak, but her voice was silenced by the pressure of Zoe's fingers crushing her windpipe."I'm sorry, what was that?" Zoe released her grip slightly."Go to hell, bitch.""Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear," Zoe sighed heavily. She shrugged her free hand and punchedVeronica flat in the face."You're going to die if you don't, Veronica. Show me it!" Zoe bellowed. She wound up her armagain, ready to strike a second time, but was stopped by a sharp pain on her ankle. Zoe screamed,releasing Veronica. Iggy, Veronica's iguana, had dug it's fangs into Zoe. Unimpressed, Zoe booted thereptile away and turned back to Veronica."I see a family resemblance," Zoe laughed, noticing that some scales had formed on Veronica'sown face."I won't let you ruin more lives-" Veronica hissed before being silenced."Like you've ruined mine?! When I deal with you, I'll take care of your pet.""Don't harm Iggy," Veronica begged, her childhood pet was the only other thing she really caredabout, besides her love for Regina."That thing?!" Zoe laughed hysterically, cackling like a crazed hyena. Veronica was confused."Don't you remember? That purple freak, Frenzy, she saved you at OsCorp, when I could've andshould've killed you."'What?!'"Then she goes and kills my husband."'No not Regina! No!' Veronica knew. She knew now. The suspicions were there, but that settledit."When I'm done with you, I'm going to enjoy killing her.""No!" Veronica hissed loudly, her body burned and her muscles grew. "I will not let you harmher!"Zoe was in awe of the changes occurring before her. Veronica's transformation was beautiful toher."That's more like it." An instant shock of electricity shot through Veronica's body though,stopping her from changing. "Too bad you have to concentrate, dear." She released the enlargedVeronica and left her limp body on the floor. Veronica twitched slightly as she quickly regainedconscious. Frenzy Origins-5-"Since you destroyed all of the original samples, Veronica, I cannot replicate your...unique talentsperfectly. But I have some people who can try. I wish you could see my new vision for your work..."Zoe removed one grenade from her coat, the same grenade she used as the Hobgoblin. Veronicalooked up, terrified as her features started to look more human than reptile."But you won't be privy to such an event." Zoe jostled the bomb in her hand. "Consider this yourseverance pay, one of my fire and brimstone pumpkin bombs," Zoe cackled as she flung the bombagainst the furthest wall. It sparked brightly and unleashed a napalm firestorm down the corridor.Quickly, the fire spread and rushed into the bathroom and bedroom, incinerating everything in itspath.The oxygenated atmosphere intensified the combustion. All the plants and the musty air musthave caused a chain reaction."Toodles, Veronica," Zoe said cheekily, waving her fingers like a flirty mistress. Trying to get toher feet, Veronica spluttered and coughed as black smoke started to fill the apartment. Iggy huddledclosely to Veronica as Zoe left the building, slammed the door behind and bust the lock.There was no opening the door now, Zoe was certain. She quickly made herself scarce before theentire building was ablaze. Like a hoodlum, Zoe pulled a balaclava over her head, so then nobodyelse knew she was there and made her way back down the street."I've got to get out of here," Veronica coughed.Regina was hurrying in the opposite direction and stormed right past Zoe without her noticing.Frenzy was scaling the buildings to make time. But she was too late. Not far off was theunmistakable black smoke, surely, towering from the apartment ablaze.Without hesitation, Frenzy burst into the burning apartment via the same window she enteredpreviously. Smoke choked Frenzy as the fire got larger and larger."Veronica!" Regina coughed through the symbiote's maw. There was no response. A swellinggroan from above gave way to an immediate crash as the ceiling collapsed."Veronica!!!" Regina yelled over the inferno again. She felt even more uncomfortable, she was ina burning building after all. But it seemed that the symbiote was even more agitated."Get your girlfriend and let's get out of here!" Regina couldn't agree more. For every momentthat passed, the inferno intensified.'Where are you, Veronica?!'"Veronica!" she yelled again, sobbing slightly, "where are you?!" A low, intense grumble loomedoverhead. The entire ceiling was giving way. Regina was out of time."Out, now!" the symbiote demanded and, rather than wait for Regina to retaliate, manipulatedher body as it had done previously and swung out of the apartment."No!" Regina cried. The whole ceiling collapsed as they dropped out the window into the alleybehind. Frenzy moved away from the building. Flames danced around the rubble of Veronica's topfloor apartment and began to spread downwards to the base. Not far away, wailing sirensapproached.Regina gazed upon the burning rubble. Plumes danced around atop brick and masonry. Thegentle wind guided the cinders beyond the inferno, trying to spread its terror. Regina, Frenzy,should've remained to assist the incoming services.However, her mind was clouded with anger and sorrow. Heroics were not her priority currently.She knew who caused this. Regina knew who attacked Veronica: Zoe King. There was no doubt in hermind.Frenzy Origins-6-How did I miss her? She thought. If she were more alert, if Frenzy were more alert, she couldhave prevented this. Prevented Veronica she wouldn't believe it. Veronica was smart. Shewould have gotten out. She must have. Regina would not accept anything less.Regina's mind focused on one single person. Just one target: Zoe King. She was going to pay. Asliver of doubt was quickly extinguished and Regina morphed. Frenzy scaled the alley walls, launchedout onto the streets and swung down the streets, heading towards Zoe's penthouse.Regina had never been there before, but the publicity surrounding Zoe made it easy for her tolocate her home.* * *Perched across from the penthouse, Frenzy noticed the limo below."She's inside, surely," she quizzed, firing a tendril across the avenue. It stuck fast to the balcony leadinginto Zoe's penthouse. Frenzy tugged herself towards the building and peeked over the balcony rail,getting a clear look into the study.Frenzy grinned delightfully, revealing razor teeth. Zoe was inside, completely unaware. She musthave only just gotten back, as she had tossed a balaclava on the desk and began undressing.Frenzy followed Zoe's hands to the desk and noticed a mostly full bottle of whiskey. She growled,and serpentine tongue protruded with glee. Tendrils flailed in frenzied excitement. The symbiotewas tantalised by Regina's imagination.Slowly, Frenzy crawled over the balcony and over the concrete floor up to the glass doors. Frenzystood upright. Zoe's back was still turned. Talons elongated as Frenzy pushed the door open gently.The breeze started to seep through and Zoe noticed. She froze instantly.No sense in keeping it quiet now, Regina thought.Swiftly, she glided over the wooden floor, swiped the whiskey bottle and shattered it aroundZoe's face just as she turned around. Zoe screamed aloud as glass embedded into her cheek andeyelid. Most of her face was saturated in alcohol."Drink up!" Frenzy yelled playfully. Zoe retaliated, planting a powerful punch on Frenzy's chest.Regina felt that and couldn't help but grab her breast. Frenzy's tendrils reacted by launching frombehind like a scorpion tail.Zoe flipped away and the mass pounded the ground. In one acrobatic motion, Zoe removed hercoat, revealing her golden Goblin gear underneath. One bomb was missing from the bandolier andher gauntlets looked different than the last time they met."I was wondering when I'd be seeing you again," Zoe grinned under her whiskey drenched face. Alow electronic hum emanated from Zoe's gauntlets. "You shouldn't have come." The hum gotlouder. Zoe aimed one at Frenzy. Regina's eyes widened as she noticed Zoe's arm spark to life. Thehum grew to a crackle and a bolt shot past Frenzy as she dodged the blast."New toys already? What? Not woman enough to handle me?" Frenzy joked from the wall above the open, litfireplace."I'm going to wipe that smile from your face!" Zoe cried."Touché," Frenzy retorted, dodging another bolt. Before Zoe could fire a third shot, Frenzy lashedtowards her with outstretched arms and rammed her into the wall behind. Zoe grunted as Frenzystarted to tear into her. Frenzy Origins-7-The talons gradually shredded the Kevlar on her suit. Soon they were digging into her flesh.Frenzy lurched down and tried taking a huge chunk out of Zoe's flank like a crazed lion. Zoescreamed loudly.A loud crackle sparked from both of Zoe's gauntlets and she placed both hands firmly on thecreature's back.Frenzy, both Regina and the symbiote wailed in agony. Stunned, Regina could do nothing. Zoethrew her knee up, stabbing Frenzy's gut, winding her badly.Come on, come on, Regina demanded, determined to recover herself. While she staggered infront of Zoe, it gave her the perfect opportunity to plant another well placed haymaker on Frenzy'sface.Frenzy skid along the wooden floor on her back."Come on!" Regina yelled in her own voice. Zoe approached the helpless body before her, handsup, sparking wildly, and ready to fry the beast. "We do this my way." Zoe's approach was punctuatedby her sadistic laughter. Her wide brimmed grin glowed with the flicker of blue electric.The purple creature rose, arching her back before standing upright. Regina retained full control ofthe symbiote and her body. Symbiotic mass crawled off of Regina's face, revealing her to Zoe.Strands webbed from the corner of her eyes and mouth.Still soaked with whiskey, Zoe continued her psychotic grinning. "I'm going to enjoy ripping thatpretty face from your body," she growled deeply. Regina didn't flinch, or react. She stoodunwavering before the crazed businesswoman. Only the tendrils behind her showed any movement."Likewise," Regina replied coldly, putting her foot forward. The pair started to circle. Both waitedfor the other to make the first move. Regina knew that it would be Zoe though. Without thesymbiote's influence, Regina could better control her actions. However, her following acts would sayotherwise.Zoe lunged at Regina wildly, firing one streak of lightning in her direction. Regina dodged itcasually by leaning aside. Zoe tried to take her down, but Regina stopped her immediately. Purpletalons wrapped around Zoe's tender throat, crushing and digging into it.She tried to whip her free gauntlet onto Regina's flesh. But Regina was level to it. Her spare clawseffortlessly halted Zoe's swipe.Regina's blank expression was eerily determined. No joking around. She groaned as she lifted Zoehigher, throttling her.Regina's grip tightened on the gauntlet, crushing it. Zoe screamed hoarsely as her wrist crumbledunder the wreck of the equipment.Regina eyed the open fireplace ahead of her and smirked, bringing Zoe closer to her face. Zoe'sface warped as she struggled for breath and actual fear. This woman's cold, emotionless face wasmore terrifying than any Raptor or Lizard.Those hazel eyes, the cute little nose and mouth. This was Frenzy. Regina flung Zoe backwardslike a doll. Zoe fumbled around at the base of the fireplace, gagging for air.She tried to get words out. But it was Regina who did so. "You like playing with fire," she statedcoldly. Regina squatted down besides Zoe and gripped her head tightly by the hair.Zoe was in actual panic, the most she had been since becoming the Hobgoblin. Her face wasshown the fireplace, the burning, dancing plumes, just inches from her face."You shouldn't have come after my friends." Regina flung Zoe face into the fireplace. Zoe couldonly manage to turn her head enough so her cheek braised against the burning wood.Frenzy Origins-8-What began as a slight groan quickly became a full barrage of screams and shrieks as Zoe's facestarted to burn. The alcohol ignited, covering most of Zoe's head in flames.Regina ensured Zoe's head stayed engulfed for longer than necessary. But a human side of hermoved her foot back so then Zoe could retract her head from the plumes.At least half of Zoe's head was covered in flames. Her flesh boiled and burned. Clumps of her hairscorched from the roots and vanished in the flames. Regina just watched, amused.Zoe was in exceptional pain. Yet she managed to face Regina and snarled through her burningface. "You!" There was a loud beeping ping as Zoe unshackled her bandolier. "You and that girlfriendof yours can go to hell!"The fiery Zoe chucked the entire bandolier and it's payload towards Regina. Shrapnel launchedfrom the canisters as they detonated in a fiery rainbow of orange and green. Zoe was blown backand much of the room was ruined from the explosion. The wall where the fireplace stood wascrackled and ruined.At least the blast managed to extinguish a part of Zoe's face. But some chunks of metalpunctured the vulnerable spots of her suit. Dust and debris littered the study. But, Regina wasnowhere to be seen.Zoe had got her. She smiled a bloody grin and sniggered hoarsely. Even after noticing the familiarfigure emerging from the dust. Zoe's skin was red and charred from the fire, there was still a fewareas burning. That was soon reduced to nothing as she was splashed with water, fresh clean water.Regina salvaged a nearby plant and chucked it's nutrition on her adversary. As she drew closer,she could feel nothing but pity. It was a sorry sight: her needless grinning. And that sniggering ashenface."You gonna kill me too?" Zoe cackled. Regina hesitated. She couldn't bring herself to do it. "Goon! Kill me already! You've done enough already!" Regina could feel nothing but sorrow for thiswreck of a woman. She was not worth it now. Veronica wouldn't want her to. Bryan wouldn't wanther to."Kill me, bitch!" Zoe bellowed. "So I can be with him again." Regina swallowed hard and breatheddeeply. The charred remains of the study and the burned flesh wretched her stomach. Regina triedto maintain her cold demeanour.Finally she spoke. "You're not worth it." Regina walked away; leaving Zoe slumped against theruined study wall. She reformed her face, hanging her head low. On the balcony she shot a tendril onthe opposite building. Before she managed to leave, she heard Zoe yell: "You're making a bigmistake! I will find you! And I will kill you!"As she swung out onto the city skyline, Zoe's cackling rang in Regina's ears. Had she really made abig mistake in sparing her?  

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