Chapter 15

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  The increasing confidence within Regina meant she wanted to do this. She also sought a means toimprove her condition, between her and the symbiote, this was a win-win situation. Regina scouredthe bad ends of New York looking for such a place as this – an underground fight club.Even though it was early afternoon, the mood was certainly dark. A battered and worn sign Frenzy Origins-2-"That's him back there right?" Regina nodded her head towards the same man the desk clerk waslooking at. He nodded, confirming Regina's query. "You might wanna tell him to watch me, I'mdangerous." Regina started skulking around the hall. She left the cash where it was, so the clerkknew that this woman was up to something. He was intrigued and duly contacted the owner via aphone.Regina analysed the sweaty juggernauts. Each varied in physique, some were rippled and otherswere bulky like a brick house. One even looked just a tad overweight. Each and every one of themwere watching Regina closely. She was not worried, both she and the symbiote had a plan. Thesemen would whimper should their egos become scarred.And these men would surely put bets against the cub when the alphas could, supposedly, easilytopple her."Beauty parlour's other side of town, kid," said the ringleader angrily. His arms were crossed overhis beefed chest. Regina chuckled."Funny, I could've sworn this was it," Regina continued, she stared at the giant in the centre ofthe ring. "After all, you look an absolute darling, dear." Regina's taunt tried the guy's patience, buthis principles prevented him from an unnecessary outburst.The reaction to Regina's jest was met with mixed response from the crowd. A few were laughingto themselves quietly, others whispered among each other. The guy nearest to the ringleader lookedon unimpressed. He whispered something in his friend's ear."I have a better idea," Regina said above the incoherent chatter. She clenched her fists andwrapped some loose tape around them. "Why don't I give one of you a makeover?" She waved herfinger around the room, only to be bombarded with laughter from the majority. The owner waswatching carefully from his office. Regina could detect his gaze beyond her periphery. The hystericchoir was tiresome; Regina needed to get drastic to really anger one of them. She lashed her fist outat the nearest bruiser and planted her fist firmly against his nose. Regina's hook followed throughand launched the guy a couple feet backwards and onto his rear. Suddenly, the hall was quiet, safefor the humiliated man."My nose!" he yelled, "that bitch, I-I think she's broke my nose!" A couple rushed over to aid him.The owner smirked."You think you're a hard case, eh?" said the ringleader, he made his way to edge of the ring andgestured to Regina. "I say you need some schooling, kid!" He yelled, enticing her into the ring.Regina sighed heavily at his pathetic taunt and made her way unchallenged towards the ring."I suppose it's too much to ask for a scintillating taunt from gorillas like you." Regina hurdled overthe rope perimeter effortlessly."I wouldn't hit a girl, but you're pushing it!""That's too bad." Regina lunged at him, head-butting him firmly, "because I would!" He staggeredaround on his feet before poising himself to strike."You!" Swiftly he hooked a fist towards the approaching Regina. She ducked and countered byknocking his chin. A sharp, straight jab followed. This staggered him again. Already he was regrettinggetting into this. Every swing he took impacted the stale, sweaty, pungent air. This wasn't a balancedbout, but rather a humiliation of extreme proportions. For every ounce of effort he put into hisswings, Regina only had to apply a fraction just to put her opponent off balance.The owner had now taken a keen interest in this new contender. Regina had been effortlesslytoying with the thug for a couple of minutes before she finally launched a devastating right hook.The force spun the man round comically and collapsed to the floor with a satisfying thud. Everyone Frenzy Origins-3-inside the club was stunned silent. Even the owner was silent, but his expression was clearlyimpressed. He could see an opportunity in this woman."Bravo!" he said finally, clapping his hands slowly echoing around the dilapidated walls. The otherfighters weren't sure how to react, join in, or not?Regina now got a clear look at the owner: a crooked looking fellow along with an equally crookedgrin just visible below a slick black moustache and hair to match. "You're pretty good, kid. Not manypeople can down a guy like Bludger Bob," he continued with his gravelly, slimy tongue."You must be the guy who runs this place." Regina made her way to the edge of the ring,unravelling the tape around her fists."Blackie Gaxton, but most just call me Blackie," introduced Blackie, "don't get many girls wantingto fight. You'd be the first.""What would I have to do to get in on this?" Regina bent over the rope barrier to lurch towardsBlackie. This gave the slick crook a 'gorgeous view.'"You just beating Bludger-""Get her, lads!" Bludger Bob bellowed.'Fuck sake, these guys are asking for it.' Regina sighed and roundhouse kicked one of theoncoming fighters. He was down and out instantly. Two others started making blows, surprisingly coordinatedand not random. Regina perched atop the barrier and launched the soles of her feet in aforked formation towards both men. The entirety of her left arm managed to maintain her balanceas her feet connected with the jaws.Both men recoiled from the hit, though they were both up within a flash. The third man was notgetting up at all. He was well and truly out. Bludger was watching in frustration. His bruised facewasn't his biggest worry; it was his scarred pride, being beaten by a cocky, hoppy 'little' girl and nota blubbering ape.Regina was deploying as many acrobatic attacks she could muster, much to the amazement ofthe onlookers who'd never seen such style in the club. However, Regina's brutal approach workedjust as effectively against such amateurs, at least by her standards. Regina swept away one's legsbefore flipping herself over and dropping her bare feet against his genitals.The other, scared of suffering the same consequences and just put his hands up."Okay, okay, you win." He backed away with his hands still up, his dignity still intact. Regina didn'tbother attacking him again, he wasn't worth it anymore. In a moment he turned coward and fled.Bludger angrily charged at Regina. Amazingly, Regina was caught off-guard and Bludger laid a wellplacedhaymaker across Regina's face, knocking her around and collapsing against the ringperimeter. She wasn't bothered, but the symbiote was angered. Regina could feel it trying to controlher ego.'No, don't go 'Frenzy' on him,' she thought."You think you can walk in here like you own the place, kid? You- You have no idea what you'regetting yourself into." Bludger gripped Regina by the hair and pulled her away from the barrier.Regina staggered from being forced up by the hair and reacted unfavourably. A loud crunching blowfollowed as Regina swivelled round and pounded Bludger in the gut with a clenched fist.He lurched over, Regina followed up instantly with a high knee against the bridge of his nose. Ashis mass flung upwards from the impact, blood splattered from his face onto Regina's trousers.Regina smirked, "fuck you!" One final coup de grace would knock Bludger flat. Regina imitatedthe same technique he used. A single, powerful haymaker and Bludger was down, claret seeping outof a fine gash on his nose. Regina actually flicked her wrist, the punch actually hurt her.Frenzy Origins-4-"I've never seen anyone fight quite like that, let alone a woman. Didn't catch your name," said ahighly impressed Blackie. Regina made her way towards him as a pair of the crowd came to removeBludger from the ring."Uh, name's Regina, Blackie.""Regina, eh? Well, Regina, how'd you like to make some money as one of my fighters? In fact..."Blackie sifted around his overcoat for some loose notes, "here's a hundred, for such an entertainingshow." Blackie handed the note up towards Regina, she accepted it without hesitation. Regina felt asense of accomplishment, she enjoyed it too, and smashing those guys' faces in was surprisinglysatisfying. Darker urges and impulses were beginning to surface, impulses which Regina almostforgot about. Ones that Bryan hoped would remain supressed.Blackie welcomed Regina into her office. "I know a winner when I see one, Regina. And you'repainted all gold. Let's talk business."* * *A secret room within Zoe King's penthouse hid the location of her new equipment. It was concealedbehind a large mirror when the King's moved in, now it was concealed by one of her fancy drinkcabinets. Somehow, Ellis didn't know about it. Zoe stumbled upon it by accident and kept it quiet.Now, it served a similar purpose as its previous owner. Zoe had brought Paige over to overseesome changes to her gear."Those transmitter's inside the ears worked a charm, Paige. However, I've a few concernsregarding the glider. Controls were not as responsive as I would like and I'd say some armaments area must for it to be more effective." Zoe scrutinised the equipment. Most of it was base functionsfrom what Paige had implemented during the development process, but everything thereafter wasZoe's own input. The transmitter built into the helmet, for example was added later."I can add some auto-cannons and could squeeze a rocket salvo in there," Paige answered goingover the holo-schematics of the glider. "If I adjust the power dispersal during horizontal flight, I canalso make it faster.""Do it," Zoe replied smacking the glider with her palm. There was an uneasy silence. Paige waseager to discuss the return of her R.A.P.T.O.R. prototype, but Zoe was only concerned withconfronting Veronica currently. Reclaiming the suit would be an added bonus."Are you going to destroy it?" Paige asked."If I have to, yes, yes I will," Zoe answered agitated. "But if I get a chance to recover it, then Iwill.""And if Ellis finds out what you're doing?""He doesn't have to know. But, he probably knows anyway," Zoe admitted, her attitude of latewas very suspicious and Ellis wasn't stupid. He most likely would have put two and two together bynow and realised who the Hobgoblin was. For now though, Zoe wasn't taking chances. She playedalong and during her 'rehab' period, she would work on the equipment before attacking Veronica.Ellis had to deal with the consequences of Zoe's actions at the convention centre. So for the day,he was at OsCorp, straightening things out."So why bother hiding this? If he knows-"Frenzy Origins-5-"I said he probably knows, if he doesn't, then I should maintain this charade. This is none of hisbusiness anyway. He's done nothing wrong and doesn't need to get involved. It's just me, andVeronica."Beyond the secret room there came a chime. Someone was summoning Zoe."Stay here Paige. I'll see what's up." The chime continued rattling on and on. "I'm coming!" Zoeyelled. She finally answered the chamber door and was greeted by one of the servants. "What isit?!""I'm sorry to interrupt ma'am, but I'm afraid there's been an, um, accident..."* * *"Big fights most nights, and at least a thousand dollars per victory. That's a sweet deal. Should be a piece of cake," Frenzy dictatedto herself as she swung around the city skyscrapers, looking for trouble. "Not to mention, Blackie'sgiven me free roam of the club, eh, facilities.""I'm surprised you didn't throttle him, or bite his tongue out like you normally do," the symbiotereplied."He offered us a job didn't he? We can improve and sate a need for violence." Just below them an armoured convoyappeared to be in trouble. A few well organised criminals were hijacking the trucks one by one."Speaking of which." Frenzy leapt into action. She landed on the last truck. Ahead, men were diving intoeach compartment, relieving the convoy guards and drivers of their duties. Frenzy crawled over theroof and to the windscreen to see the first criminal."Hello, sexy!" She screamed with a fanged expression. The unmasked crook swerved the car left andright, desperately trying to shake Frenzy loose, but it was no good. The crawling, slithering creatureslinked into the driver's cabin after smashing through one of the door windows. Frenzy cocoonedthe driver and forcibly ejected him out the driver's side door. Swiftly, she latched the trailing goon tothe van and ripped up the handbrake viciously, halting the truck and causing the mummified crookto smash into the rear bumper. Frenzy moved onto the next truck.Her presence was being monitored by a familiar foe. Above the convoy, the Raptor watchedFrenzy as she subdued the driver. Three more trucks remained."Time to intervene." The Raptor swooped down onto the second vehicle ahead of Frenzy. Theclank on the roof scared the driver, but the Raptor assured him over the radio. "Keep going." Frenzycrouched down, three limbs on the truck roof, her right arm primed for attack. She snarled."Just you and me, bird brain.""If you continue this, then you leave me no choice but to destroy you," replied the Raptor,unmoved by Frenzy's pathetic attempt at humour. "But, if you were to help me. I can make you veryrich, and powerful." The Raptor cradled an intimidating gatling gun mounted to its right arm. "Youmay have stopped two already, but there's more than a few million left in these three-" Frenzyignored the Raptor and quickly disabled the third truck."Ooops," Frenzy said childishly."Fine, the choice is made." The Raptor primed his weapon as the third truck trailed away. Frenzyswung towards the remaining two trucks. Raptor's weapon rotated and unloaded a hailstorm of hotlead. With its feet firmly grasped on the truck, Raptor was affected by minimal recoil. However thismeant it couldn't move from its position. Frenzy Origins-6-Navigating the stream of bullets proved a challenge for Frenzy. While she could avoid most byscaling along the buildings either side of the avenue, she would have one or two rounds impactingthe symbiote's flesh. For the most part the symbiote could cope. But Regina could feel the tingle ofheat building up on her own skin.The trucks were not fast, so the gap was rapidly closed. Frenzy dove into the Raptor and knockedit against the truck roof and through into the trailer. Piles of cash were disturbed and floated aroundthe pair. Frenzy bashed her clenched fists against the Raptor's head, but her efforts were like tryingto crack a tough nut.Suddenly, Frenzy became weightless as she was levitated off of the Raptor. Some kind of devicefrom the Raptor's palm created an anti-gravity field. The Raptor quickly got up and launched Frenzyout of the trailer with an unbelievable, almost other-worldly force. Frenzy tumbled along theasphalt; the bumps started tearing parts of the symbiote off, exposing Regina's flesh.One slender tendril latched itself upwards, allowing Frenzy to counter the relentless tumble.Within moments, Frenzy was on the pursuit again, her flesh reformed and felt renewed. The Raptorentrenched itself at the trailer's edge, giving it a narrow area to fire out of. Frenzy took advantage ofthis and could avoid the gunfire much easier. She tried swinging parallel to the trailer.Though what seemed like a clever idea quickly degraded into a foolish move. The driver noticedFrenzy in his side mirror and sharply jerked the vehicle towards her. Metal viciously whacked Frenzyaside causing her to lose her aerial poise. Her body was plastered on the trailer. Raptor's claws shredthrough the small amount of metal and ripped Frenzy inside."You're out of your league, kid." Just like before, Raptor engaged its gravity pulse and launchedFrenzy through the ceiling and into the sky. She drifted out of Raptor's view. There was no quickretaliation, no immediate response. The Raptor had nullified Frenzy."Frenzy is dealt with, continue to the rendezvous," said the Raptor confidently over the radio toits comrades."Affirmative," the lead driver responded. The convoy had only gone a few more metres beforeone of the drivers was quickly on the radio."Uh, boss, we got a problem." The Raptor flew onto the driver's cabin, ahead, the lead truck waswavering. It was no longer being driven by the Raptor's cronies. Frenzy vacated the cabin and wasnow controlling the vehicle. Regina retracted the symbiote face so she could see clearly."This is a bad idea," Regina strained as she twisted the steering wheel around sharply, causingthe truck to jack-knife. As the cabin turned Regina could see the Raptor down the avenue, perchedatop the trailing truck."You're seriously pissing me off now," Raptor whispered to itself. It flew from the perch andtargeted Frenzy's truck. "See how you handle this!" A storm of missiles spiralled and streaked fromthe flying platform heading for the truck. Regina's truck began to topple, it crashed through parkedcabs and sedans as half of the wheels faced the sky. Desperately, Regina scrambled from the cabinonly to witness the oncoming aerial assault.In a split second, she leapt from the tumbling eighteen-wheeler, narrowly escaping the successiveexplosion. Raptor bellowed in frustration as more dollar notes vaporised. More frustratingly, thewreckage wasn't completely clear for the last remaining truck. The driver frantically applied pressureto the accelerator. The engine rumbled and smoke bellowed from the exhaust. Bravely, the driverrammed the wreckage clear. Inside the suit, the R.A.P.T.O.R. pilot grinned."I'll get to the rendezvous, you handle Frenzy," ordered the driver over the radio. Frenzymanaged to latch herself onto the Raptor's back, her face was now covered again.Frenzy Origins-7-"Aww, I hoped that would work," she pouted."There's more than enough money in that truck alone to fulfil my employer's immediate needs.""Oh, who might that be, pray tell?"The Raptor didn't respond, instead it gripped Frenzy, flipped her over and hugged her tightlyagainst its chest. Suddenly, the two were rocketing along the New York skyline."I don't think that's your immediate concern, girl. You should be more concerned as to whereyour body will be in about thirty seconds." Pedestrians watched the two zoom overhead. Raptor wasleading Frenzy wherever it went. A familiar skyscraper came into view; OsCorp tower.'Not here again,' Regina thought. "This is where I get off," she said sharply. Raptor took a second tolook at Frenzy, only to be blinded by goo launched from her mouth."Doesn't matter, you'll be knee deep in eighty stories of concrete soon enough." Being blinddidn't dissuade Raptor from its course. It knew where the skyscraper was and both were headingstraight for it. Frenzy got drastic and stupid. Positioning her hands outwards, Frenzy proceeded towrap herself and the Raptor in a cocoon of tendrils."You fool!" the Raptor bellowed, its flight power was failing and gravity pulled them towards thestreets. Frenzy managed to rip free and reseal the cocoon quickly. The Raptor however was introuble. Though not completely. Jets would not ignite, they were clogged with alien mass and armswere bound together with the same substance.There was one final saving grace, the gravity pulse. Frenzy watched the cocoon steadily plummet,hoping for it to collide with the asphalt in a satisfying concoction of metal and blood. A blindingburst of energy from within the cocoon freed the Raptor."Oh come on!" Frenzy anticipated that the Raptor was vulnerable and wouldn't see her coming.Wrong. Her body was engulfed in the same gravity field she had been in twice already. Even theRaptor saw her coming."Oh come on! That's not fair!" The Raptor didn't respond, it was so aggravated with its prey that itcouldn't muster the words of hatred. Instead it elevated the paralysed Frenzy upwards, to the topfloors of OsCorp tower."You know, we've only just met, but already I'm starting to hate you and your childish games.""They are childish," said the symbiote.'Not helping! Do something!' Regina begged to her better half."Fine." And, just like before, the symbiote took control of Regina's body. A more vicious sidecame alive, her expression deepened to devilish depths. Rows of sharp teeth formed a terrible grin,she screamed at the Raptor. Tendrils flew everywhere. Clumps of alien mass latched to the Raptorand flung it into the tower.The entire platform went through glass panes and plaster walls. Staff cleared the immediatevicinity and tried to escape, but from what was about to occur, there was no escaping.Raptor steadied itself and dashed forwards into Frenzy's view. Amazingly Frenzy was aerial.Though not like before, rather than utilising tendrils as swinging implements, her back had sproutedfour wings. Each acted independently, one flexing after another like a co-ordinated function. Reginawas amazed, observing that she was literally flying. But she couldn't get words out as the Raptor wasmaking its move.A grand burst of rockets launched from its back. They were no problem for Frenzy. With theexcess mass, the symbiote consumed the rockets and through a mysterious force, catapulted themback towards the Raptor. Frenzy's distribution was wilder than the Raptor's and it suddenly dawnedon Regina what was happening.Frenzy Origins-8-Each rocket detonated around the floor. Volatile chemicals were disturbed as each successive hitdetonated more and more of the tower. The grand explosion took out the entire floor. The Raptorcould not be seen. However, an overwhelming sense of guilt overtook Regina. She noticed thepeople trying to get away. The symbiote wouldn't allow Regina to dwell on it and flew her awayfrom the scene. As the final detonation subsided and the smoke cleared, only husks of the officesremained. Charred corpses caught in the explosion lay in agonised silence. Among them the Raptorstood, unscathed."You're doing well so far. Now, Zoe has an incentive to kill you." Buried among the corpses werethe remains of an office. One previously occupied by Ellis King.* * *The remaining truck pulled into an undisclosed location. A small crew greeted the remaining driver."Where's the rest?" asked one sternly."Frenzy got 'em," replied the driver, slamming the door. "Phase 1 is complete, we're moving ontothe next order of business for the boss.""And the Raptor?" The driver removed her balaclava revealing herself to the cronies. It was awoman, roughly mid-twenties, tall and black hair. Most knew her best as Rebecca Vickers, lieutenantin the NYPD."Inbound," replied Rebecca. "Now, I'll take my payment, I've another appointment to keep." Thecrony presented Rebecca a small bag of supplements to keep her going. "I hope this stuff is as goodas the last." Rebecca examined the drug unit between her fingers before placing it back in the bag."Key's in the ignition, send the big man my regards." In line with her duties, Rebecca left quietly inorder to return to her other work.* * *Regina returned to the apartment, shocked at what exactly happened. She stormed in through herbedroom balcony."Why d'you do that?!" she strained as her body morphed back to normal."It's what you wanted, besides, we did it!" argued the symbiote."Stop twisting words! I did nothing! Wh-why those people, they-they did nothing,"insistedRegina."Nobody's innocent Regina, they wanted to harm your girlfriend, remember.""Yes, yes, but that was Zoe, not those people specifically! I should've known this would happen-""Regina? You home?" Bryan called from the other room."He's not going to like you for this.""He's not going to know-"No. This." The symbiote revealed a pouch attached to Regina's back and from it, horded cashspilled out onto the floor. There was more than the hundred that Blackie gave them earlier."That's, that's money from the truck!" Frenzy Origins-9-"It was going to burn anyway,"Regina strained and refrained cursing the childish half of her ego. She rapidly bundled it up andattached it to the back of the tall, cracked mirror. Bryan was making his way into the room. Reginareacted quickly and pushed against the door, leaving a small gap for her brother to peer inside."Regina, have you been in there all day?!" Bryan had been out much of the day, and assumedthat when he was leaving Regina was still asleep. Regina played along."Y-Yeah, I've been a bit tired today.""Oh, who were you talking to in there?" Bryan tried to get a better look inside."No one.""I heard you talking in there Regina, will you let me in?!" Bryan tried to force his way in butRegina stood firm."No, no, I'm not decent Bryan, plus I'm feeling a bit under the weather, so best you leave me be.""Okay, but you're acting weirder than usual Regina, anything you want to tell me?""Um..." Regina feigned thought, "nope, nothing at all." And she slammed the door fiercely.Regina sighed heavily and Bryan returned to the television."Breaking news! It's another poor day for OsCorp industries and their prized New Yorkheadquarters as, once again, it was the target of an attack. The top floor of their research anddevelopment facilities was attacked by two assailants. Both have been identified as Frenzy and theRaptor. The death toll has so far been confirmed at thirty and rising. Vice-CEO Ellis King is reportedamong the deceased  

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