Chapter 5

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  Electronic bells echoed in darkness. Megan grunted and groaned with an outstretched arm. A sharpyelp escaped her lungs as her body fell off the side of the bed."Ow," she groaned, reaching for the culprit of the noise. Her phone was ringing. They stoppedonce Megan pressed the call button. She didn't even check the caller ID. It was breaking into dawnoutside, so her family was likely still asleep. Regardless, she didn't know who was calling her at sucha time."Whoever this is, you better have a good reason 'cos I just busted my ass gett-" Megan sighedgroggily wiping the sleep from her eyes. She was interrupted before she could finish her sentence."Megan," said the voice on the other end."Who's this?" Megan didn't recognise the voice. She had just woken up after all. Her brain didn'trealise."It's me, Veronica..."* * *A new sun crawled over the horiFrenzy Origins-2-Uncertain as to how Regina managed to obtain such bruising; Bryan just closed the door behind himas he walked towards the apartment's living area.Bryan walked into the small kitchen space and pulled an orange juice carton from the fridge.Slumping into a second-hand couch, Bryan reached out for the television remote before turning onthe TV itself. Bryan squirmed around in the couch, trying to get comfortable. He remained uneasy,uneasy from seeing bruises on Regina's back.Bryan continuously tried to recollect a logical point in time, when did she get those bruises? Hethought. The problem was that the bruising seemed fresh. Bryan began to take a sip from the cartonwhen the television caught his attention.'New Freak City,' in big bold letters on a Bugle News report, Bryan cranked the volume up untilthe on-screen reporters words were legible."-night, causing thousands of dollars worth of damage. Eyewitness reports claim that one, and Iquote, 'looked like some giant, lizard thing-" Bryan pondered and took a sip from the carton. Morefreaks in New York City he thought. Fully aware of the history the city has had in past years. Thenews reporter continued, "-and roughly eight to nine feet tall.' One eyewitness who happened tocapture a segment of the pair battling made this statement regarding the second figure: 'It was hardto see at first, but that giant lizard was fighting some chick in purple, all purple. I first thought itmight have been Spiderman, when I got a better look I knew it wasn't. She kept slinging the lizardinto the buildings around me-'"Regina yawned loudly. Bryan turned back quickly in surprise, almost choking on the juice. Reginastood in the corridor, looking a little worse for wear. Her hair was messy and she looked absolutelyexhausted, wearing nothing more than a loose t-shirt that hung over her torso and hips."Sorry," Regina said, "didn't mean to scare you." She yawned slightly again and itched her back,making her way into the kitchen area. Bryan turned back to the TV, though still traced Regina'smovements behind him. "D'you have anything decent to eat here?" Regina asked, peering into thefridge, scratching her back again."Uh, there should be some pop-tarts on the side there." Bryan turned round, gesturing towardsthe tabletop next to the fridge. Regina sneered."I mean proper food." Bryan was surprised, he turned round fully and Regina slammed the fridgeshut."I thought you liked pop-tarts?" That was beyond the truth. Regina loved pop-tarts, regardless ofthe time of day: Morning, afternoon, evening and everything in between."Uh, yeah, I do," Regina said, reassuringly. She placed two tarts into the nearby, aging toaster.Bryan looked on as Regina placed a hand to her scalp."Did you sleep well?" Bryan pried. He was testing Regina. Maybe she would say something aboutthe bruising."Not sure. I feel like shit to be honest," Regina said, snatching the orange juice carton from Bryan."Feels like I've been dragged through hell. My head kills and my back-" Regina grunted."Whoa, take it easy." Bryan got up to tend to his sister. "I noticed you've got some nasty bruiseson your back.""Where abouts?" Regina asked stunned, abandoning her meal and lifted her shirt up to Bryan'sembarrassment.Bryan just focused on her back. Up close, he could see the severity of the injuries. Gently herubbed his fingers over the blotches. Regina winced at the touch.Frenzy Origins-3-"Sorry." Bryan was no doctor. Even Dr Connors wouldn't be able to help. Despite his concerns,Bryan figured that Regina would be alright. Already the blotches seemed to be disappearing. "You'vegot a few marks on your back here, but they look to be healing nicely. Does anything feel broken?""Just aches like hell," Regina answered, dropping her shirt to Bryan's relief. She returned toprepping her meal and Bryan to the couch."Alright, just don't do anything reckless.""Since when am I reckless?" Regina jested. Bryan didn't answer.Chattering continued from the news reporter onscreen."We have this very special footage to show you." Two figures appeared fighting on screen, barelyin focus due to some shaky camera work. Bryan scoffed at the screen."Look at these two. They'll most likely kill each other," Bryan said. Click and two pop-tarts jumpfrom the toaster; Regina swiftly removed them, placing them onto a plate."What's that?" Regina asked taking a bite into a boiling tart, scalding her mouth. Oddly the paindidn't bother her. Chewing on the tart she faced the television. Sudden throbbing in Regina's headcaused her to feel it again."These jokers," Bryan paused a moment to take another sip of juice, slurping it down, "they're acancer to this city. It's been going on for a few years now." Regina didn't say anything, she continuedeating her pastries. Something unsettling brewed inside Regina as she watched the television, astrong sense of familiarity. Ringing filled the room causing Regina to jolt. Bryan leant over the couch,reaching a cordless telephone lying on a side table."Hello?" Bryan said into the receiver, "whoa, Dr. Connors." Regina paused for a moment to listen."What? Wait; slow down a second...huh? When?" Bryan began to stammer, "what about Veronica?O-o-o-k, uh, I'll be there as soon as I can!" He threw the phone onto the couch, launched to his feetand darted into his bedroom without saying anything. Regina watched perplexed, still eating.Moments later Bryan appeared, he'd slung a jacket on."Uhm," Regina swallowed, "what's going on?""There's been an accident at the lab. I've gotta go." Bryan frenetically pat himself down, placedhis hand into a jacket pocket and removed a set of keys. He took one key from the ring and placedon a surface table. "That's the door key." Turning quickly, Bryan stormed out the door, slamming itshut, "I'll be as quick as I can! Promise."Regina stood motionless in the living area. The television still bleated away in the background.Those noises gradually disintegrated to a muffle as something wormed into Regina's mind. Thewhole room seemed to grow. Something slithered in her periphery. When she turned, there wasnothing there. She couldn't hear anything.Weakness and helplessness seeped from her brain and infected her body. Unable to move,Regina started to whimper. Strange voices reverberated around her skull like a deathly choir. Flashesof unknown experiences pounded through her mind. Her skin crawled abnormally. Aliens slitheredthrough her veins ready to erupt. These strange sensations caused her will to wilt away, until a lowscratching inside her developed into words; an eerie, venomous voice whispered her name."Regina..."* * *Frenzy Origins-4-Time passed. Dr. Connors continued pacing around the grounds of Empire State University campus.Bryan only just pulled into the parking lot. A scene unlike the night before, numerous fire crews andpolice officers littered the campus in the dawning light.Bystanders gawked at the spectacle, hovering around the perimeter of where the lab should be.Bryan scoured the boundaries of the crowd to locate Dr. Connors. A smell of burning lingered in theair, a smouldering ruin lay where Connors' lab once stood. Bryan shook his head in disbelief."Bryan!" Dr. Connors waved towards Bryan and he approached."What happened!?" Bryan asked as he turned back to the ruin."Not sure. Fire fighters and police are still trying to establish what started it.""What about..." Bryan paused; Connors' glanced at him, "the thing?""I don't know its likely ash by now." Bryan hung his head, dreading the words, "I'm sorry." Bitinghis fist, Bryan cried restrained frustration. He calmed himself and removed his fist from his teeth."What now?" Bryan asked."I'd like to know the answer to that as well." Someone said from behind the pair. They bothturned to face a woman, golden blonde hair and wearing a navy blue suit."Oh dear," Dr. Connors said under his breath. The woman turned to face him."Do I get the impression I'm unwanted here, Curt?" she said venomously."Not at all," Dr. Connors replied. Bryan looked on with interest. The woman turned to face him."Are you going to introduce me to your friend?" She asked with a false smile."Bryan Cain this is-""I know who you are," Bryan cut in, "Zoe King." He produced a hand, "it's a pleasure to meetyou." Zoe hesitated, grinning she shook Bryan's hand."Trust me. It isn't," Zoe replied. Bryan's eyes wandered between Dr. Connors and the imposingZoe. Trying to understand what reason someone of her importance would be doing at the scene."I assume you're here for something more interesting than this, uh, spectacle?" Bryan asked,gesturing towards the rubble. Zoe looked on and cut a path between the two, crossing her armsthen turned back to face the pair. Her expression, displeased."You are quite perceptive, Mr Cain. Curt, your associate, who happened to work here, promisedme something particular," Zoe answered with minimal emotion. Curt knew what Zoe was talkingabout, or rather who."Wait, you can't mean-" Bryan started."I'll let Curt explain the details to you," Zoe interrupted, turning back to the rubble, "I was hopingto speak with her, we have business to discuss. Where is she?" Zoe began to walk away from the pairback to where she arrived from."We don't know yet Zoe," Dr. Connors replied sharply, determined that Veronica was not in thelab. Zoe peered over her shoulder."Pity, I'll be waiting then." Zoe responded coldly as she walked out of view into a waiting Rollswhich swiftly drove away."Wait, you didn't?" Bryan stammered, fearful that Dr. Connors may have sold out to her too. Heshook his head."She knows nothing about the symbiote. It was never in her best interests, she'll poach, but ifthere's no profit, she won't bite." The two were interrupted again as a police officer approachedthem."Excuse me Dr. Connors. We've had a brief sweep of the rubble, we managed to find these." Theofficer produced some tattered shreds of clothing, shards of glass, broken leg brace, a lighter and a Frenzy Origins-5-scarred Dictaphone. Both Dr. Connors and Bryan gasped in horror. Safe for the glass, the pairrecognized the effects of Veronica."Have they found a body?" Dr. Connors asked with desperation. The officer replied immediately."No traces of a body, nothing suggests that there was anybody here. Fire's torched everything,safe for those items.""Any idea on how it started?" Bryan asked."If I was to give an opinion, I'd say this," the officer lifted the lighter from Veronica's possessions,"it was open when we found it, plus it's empty. Given the contents of the building a possiblechemical fire.""Thank you," Dr. Connors responded, appreciating the officer's input."That glass," Bryan turned to Connors, highlighting the once occupied container, "That's-""I know," Dr. Connors replied, accepting that the same glass once contained the organism. "But,"he continued, pausing momentarily, "the damage to the casing. This was dropped. There's noscarring tissue from burns-""Are you suggesting that it was broken before the fire started?!" Bryan asked. In the back of hismind, Bryan pictured that Veronica had broken the capsule prior to the fire. He didn't, howeverknow how that happened."Now, let's not be hasty. The best we can do is to find Veronica and ask her what happened.There is no way she would deliberately do this." Dr. Connors walked away from a concerned Bryan."What was Veronica working on doctor?! What did Zoe want?!" Bryan called out as he followed.Something about this endeavour that Zoe had entrusted with Veronica had him intrigued. Was thiswhat had caused the fire? Some sort of weapon? An experiment gone wrong?"One thing at a time. Let's find Veronica first and you can ask her personally." They reached theparking lot; Bryan directed Curt over to his car and helped him inside before getting in himself."We'll try her place. She's got an apartment a few blocks from here, uh, above a place called'Stanley's Comics.'" Bryan started up the engine."That's just across from where I live," Bryan said surprised as he manoeuvred out of the parkinglot and onto the road. A sudden realization came to Bryan. "Hold on." He reached into his pocket asthe car stood motionless on the street, produced his phone and pressed down firmly on the speeddial for his apartment. Bryan reckoned that Regina could just walk across the street and get therebefore him. The phone kept dialling...And dialling..."Pickup Regina!" Bryan sighed to himself.* * *Back at the apartment, Regina was frigid with fear.Was there really someone else inside the apartment? Not possible, she'd only awoken a shortwhile ago. Bryan had only been gone a few minutes, it seemed. No one else had been through.Regina was certain. Nobody had even knocked on the door in the time.That voice, it sounded so familiar. It sounded like Regina...but not Regina, rather a malformedinterpretation of her own voice. Every sound seemed to be amplified tenfold, though it perhaps was Frenzy Origins-6-just Regina's mental fragilities. Her bare feet against the floor made creepy creaks as she adjustedher footing, shifting her body around trying to settle her anxiety.Had she lost the means of differentiating what was real and what was not? How was she to knowwhether this was, what she would call, normal? Or had she finally lost it and that this was hertorture?Perhaps she was in a padded cell somewhere and, was her mind's interpretation ofthe reality. Regina dropped her plate as sudden shock shuddered up her spine. The plate shatteredas it hit the flooring and crumbs flew around before reaching the ground."I-" Regina struggled to even speak, she was in unbelievable pain. Her head felt like it was abouther explode, like her brain was pulsing at the edges of her skull. She tried to make sense ofeverything, where she was, what was happening to her.Something was inside her, desperately trying to influence Regina's fragile mind. It felt like it wasgorging on her soul, feasting on every negative thought and emotion she experienced. 'Ridiculous,'Regina thought, but nothing could explain it. Nothing compared, her physical and mental being wassuffering, not from fatigue, or body pain, something unexplainable."Oh-hoho. Delicious." It spoke, finally. Regina whelped and collapsed to her knees."What? What are you?!" Regina squealed, pressing her fists firmly against her head in agony."We're you!""We?!" Regina squirmed, "no, I know what we- me- I am!" Monstrous laughter echoed inRegina's mind."Hehe, we only want to help.""You say 'we' like you're more than one?""Yes, we are you!" the voice mocking Regina purposely."You're not me though!" Regina yelled out. Regina could not anticipate what followed."I am Regina Cain." Rather than speaking through her mind, this thing had manipulated Reginainto speaking. "What? No, no, I didn't just say""We said that." this time speaking in Regina's mind. "Oh, I'm sorry; shall we just refer each otheras you and I?""I just want you out!" Regina began to raise her voice. If Bryan was witnessing this, he'd most likehave her committed. She was arguing with herself.This supposed figment of Regina's imagination was, very much, acting like a child, a tormentor.The mannerisms or perhaps it was manifesting in such a way that would drive Regina totally insane."I can't believe I'm having an argument with myself." Regina scoffed, the pain subsidedsubstantially and she got to her feet."You're not." The voice said bluntly."So, what are you?" A long silence followed, Regina looked around the living area, expectant of areply from herself. Regina began pacing around until she stood in a more open space between theapartment door and the ragged couch."I'll show you," said the voice sharply, a sudden discomfort shuddered all over Regina's skin.Purple mass erupted from the pores of her skin and wrapped around her forearms, tightly encasingthem in a living purple mass. The shock made Regina scream violently."No!" she gargled.Tendrils dove into her gaping mouth muffling her for a moment. Regina couldn't breathe, shetried to gag a response, a plea for help, but it didn't come. She only mustered a low stifled moan.Frenzy Origins-7-Her mouth and teeth warped as the creature added ferocious fangs to a gaping maw. Regina shuther eyes tightly, trying to hold back the pain and tears that began to well up.'Someone, please, help me,' she begged silently in her mind."No one's going to help you!" said the malicious voice in her head. Regina tried hard to block outthe voice, but it was useless. It was in her mind, in her body, everywhere. She was trapped by thisbeast's assault on her body. The mass weaved in and around Regina's skin like thread on a needle,puncturing her flesh, masking her beautiful body as it went.Regina crashed to the floor as she vainly tugged at one of her forearms with the other, disgusting,purple hand."Off! Get off of me! Let me go!" she managed to wail, stifled, through her new mouth. Pulling onthe mass was like tearing her skin from the bone, the mass was tightly stuck to her skin, both warmand sticky. As a result, she was literally trying to shred her own skin. The creature was not pleasedwith this and sought to rectify it.Suddenly, Regina's fingers elongated. More mass on her digits expanded to create terrible talons,sickling from the knuckles. Regina could no longer tear the purple flesh off now. Not only was itstuck to her, but clawing at her arms would surely do more damage.Regardless, she tried anyway."I want you off!" The creature was amused. Regina's efforts fuelled the creature's desires evenmore through her acts of aggression and desperation. As she dug claws into the purple flesh, Reginacould feel the pain spark. This was no longer an alien; it was a part of her. She was actually shreddingher own skin now.More of the purple mass expanded from her forearms and up her bicep, creeping underneath herloose shirt. Regina futilely tried to prevent the expansion by rubbing the mass off her purple arms.Everything she tried was useless now, but that didn't stop her terrified self. She wanted it off.However, Regina still failed to understand that the purple skin was her own now. Each time sheplaced her hand on the mass to remove it was like rubbing her own naked skin.Even though the mass had crept under Regina's shirt, some clumps latched onto the clothing. Itwas memorising the structure of the material, understanding how to replicate the molecules with itsown genetics.Once it was satisfied, the shirt seemed to disintegrate. The creature was absorbing the materialin order to retain the knowledge it had acquired. Soon, Regina's shirt vanished completely, revealingthe remainder of her bare body. Her arms were completely covered in purple, her mouth, jaw andneck also.Strands webbed from her shoulders slowly down her naked chest and sharp threads speared herhead, latching tightly to her ears and hair. Regina was exposed and absolutely terrified, she justwanted the ground to open up and swallow her.In one final act of desperation, Regina staggered to her feet and stumbled towards the phone.'Bryan, help me!' she thought. More of the mass crawled over her skin, covering her back andrear before tightening around her waist and hips. Regina reached out for the phone after her legswould move no more. Behind her lay a trail of tendrils. Each one, coming from her back, latched tothe floorboards and walls behind her."Let me go!" Regina growled. The voice was not her own. But she didn't notice. The floorboardscreaked as a new found strength almost tore them up from their foundations. Suddenly, the tendrilssnapped from their anchors and Regina flew forwards, collapsing right on her chest. Frenzy Origins-8-The tendrils lay limp over her body as Regina coughed from wind. Rage built up inside, rageagainst this creature. The emotion excited the creature more. It savoured the host's negativeemotions. All the anger, the uncertainty, the fear, it lapped it all up.By now, Regina's lower body was wrapped in the creature's embrace. The last of her toes werecovered. Regina looked down, disappointed somehow."Allow me," said the voice. And, just like her claws, her toes elongated like the talons of an eagle."Excellent," Regina concurred, surprisingly. Her mind must have given up and accepted fate. Sherealised that this creature couldn't be all that bad. Fear turned to intrigue. No doubt the creaturehad influenced her. However, pain still remained, but Regina contained it as best as she humanlycould.The mass crawled down the remains of her torso and up her belly like a dozen spiders to meet.Her bare breasts were tightly encased and her cute belly was covered.Finally, the world went dark as the last bulk clawed over her eyes, stinging her slightly. Soon hervision returned as a goggle like membrane emerged from the darkness, enlarging, bringing the worldback into focus. Regina shook her head wildly like a lion adjusting its mane and released a relievedsigh."Much better," she sighed gleefully, still failing to notice her new voice. Now she didn't want tocall Bryan. Regina was in awe at what she had become.She gazed at her claws and ran them over her face. This was her new face. She could feel theslimy skin of the creature, her skin. She ran her hands over her head, feeling the clump of tendrilsthat had become her hair. She was interested in seeing how she looked. What warped being had thecreature turned Regina into?Back in her room a tall second hand mirror stood upright in the corner. Shards were missing and afew cracks splayed from the frame.Regina gazed upon her reflection covered head to toe in skin tight purple. The mass ultimatelyhad thickness to it, as Regina appeared slightly bulkier than she recalled. Tendrils sprouted from herhead forming living 'hair' and more appeared behind her, flailing from her back."This is me, I-I'm-" Regina paused a moment, " voice!" Finally, she realised the creaturehad warped her vocal cords, she now sounded exactly like the voice inside her head."You're voice is too soft," Regina immediately noticed her own voice, "I figured we could swap.Don't worry I'll give it back.""You'd better," Regina replied angrily as she walked back out into the living area. Everymannerism of this being aggravated Regina; it was very much the opposite of her. "Do you doanything? Apart from aggravating me of course.""I have some imprints from my memories that might help." With a sudden jerk, Regina's right armflung upwards and launched a tendril onto the ceiling. Crumbs of plaster fell onto an increasinglyaggravated Regina. "Oops," said the voice."Nice," Regina replied sarcastically, "how about letting me drive a bit?" Regina retracted thetendril so it formed back into her hand. Regina began practising forming and slinging the tendrilaround, trying one hand and then the other. This went on for a while before Regina decided to tryand practise the remaining imprints the creature had bestowed upon her. "Why not try somethingdifferent?" Regina suggested."Such as?""You've got all these tendrils growing out my back and arms. Why not use them to make me'bigger?'" The creature seemed to agree, as Regina felt the trailing mass absorb into her body, she Frenzy Origins-9-could feel herself getting taller. Just before her head reached the ceiling, Regina looked at her handsto see they'd increased in size. "Not bad." Regina said amused, putting her fists up and throwingmock jabs. Suddenly the phone began to ring.The sound caused Regina to flinch, like the sound was hurting her slightly. "Shit," Regina said,"you'd better put my proper voice back." She approached the phone and manipulated the creatureinto opening its maw so Regina's face became visible between its jaws. Picking up the phonebetween her large index finger and thumb, Regina spoke: "Hello?"* * *"Keyes? It's Zoe King. Can you compile all the recorded data from Dr. Pyke's project?" Zoe askedsternly down her phone, the man on the opposite end was her most trusted employee, BenjaminKeyes. Benny, as he preferred to be named."Sure, but why?" Benny replied, abandoning his work before beginning to access OsCorp's secretprojects database."A hunch, I think she found something just last night.""You know I don't like your hunches, ma'am." Benny adjusted his glasses and scoured throughthe database quickly. Files and documents popped up on the holographic display as Bennyuncovered Veronica's research. Her contract at OsCorp required her to provide mandatory reportson her findings. Benny had no problems locating the appropriate files."Deal with it...have you got anything?" Zoe held her forehead, suffering from a slight hangover."Uh, yeah, seems Dr. Pyke had all her Dictaphone messages wirelessly forwarded to herworkspace, as well as a number of documentations that detail her research process and techniques.""Anything conclusive?" There was a short silence as Zoe allowed Benny to browse thedocuments."Um, nothing of the sort, there's an awful lot of theorem in here, but nothing conclusive. If shedid discover something, she's hidden it well.""Alright, forward all the data to my private server. I will look over the data myself." Zoe pulledout an OzBerry Tablet, placed it on her lap before running her finger across."Sure thing, ma'am," Benny replied casually as he rapidly typed on the computer keyboard,switching between one screen and another. "Ok. I've forwarded everything recorded onto yourserver. You should be able to access them with any valid terminal ma'am.""Thank you, Benny.""My pleasure, ma'am." Zoe grinned as she accessed the quickly appearing data on her tablet. Zoeclicked off the phone and placed it into her jacket pocket. 'Password' appeared onscreen as Zoeaccessed her server. Zoe gently typed in 'Edvin Rebane,' her father's name. More and more filesappeared onscreen as Benny continued forwarding as much data possible to Zoe's server. One filelabelled 'Audio Files' caught Zoe's eyes immediately.Without hesitation Zoe opened it and, one after the other, many audio clips appeared inchronological order."Let's see what you found out," Zoe whispered to herself, "what happened last night?" Sheskipped straight to the most recent file and played it back. Veronica's voice replayed through thetablet's tinny speakers.Frenzy Origins-10-"I have exhausted almost every option. Every technique I know has failed. I only have one finaloption, something that modern science has never recorded. I will detail my findings and full testprocedure in my subsequent audio log."Much to Zoe's disappointment, the recording was not in fact, the last of Veronica's records. Theaforementioned audio log was missing, possible destroyed, or was not uploaded to Veronica'sworkspace. Frustrated, Zoe scoured the audio logs, each with a unique date and time stamp, barone. A file that had been manually renamed, it read 'Test Procedure.' It wasn't dated, Zoe decided toplay it and once again, Veronica's tones came from the tablet."This is the Test Procedure Audio Log of Veronica Pyke. OsCorp have failed to agree to mydemands for suitable test subjects, without any mammals my research is pointless." Zoe recalled thetime that Veronica had contacted her personally to request more lab rats so that she could performsuitable tests. Zoe declined due to time constraints and lack of subjects to spare. The recordingcontinued."I have therefore taken it upon myself to..." There was a long pause, "perform the necessarytesting on myself." Zoe became suddenly enthralled. "Every altered supplement will be injecteddirectly into my left arm. This has been established as the most suited point to maximise efficiencyof the serum. Too close to vital organs could be fatal and injection too close to the relevant woundcould prove disastrous, if simulations prove to be true. I will record my subsequent findings in theseaudio logs as personal reference. Until results are conclusive, it would be best if Zoe King did notknow about this." Zoe began to grin."So...that's what you've been up to. Then what exactly happened to you?" The audio logsuddenly cut out. As if the file was corrupt or unfinished. Zoe became determined to discover whatVeronica had come upon, but the only way that was going to happen was if she went and asked thewoman herself.Reluctant to do so presently, Zoe opted to keep the files stored within her server and dialled herphone again to call Benny once again. "Keyes, it's me again. Listen, how long will it take to create asample of Dr. Pyke's serum?""Shouldn't take too long with her findings, why?""Something's missing. She must've figured it out. In the meantime, see if you can come up withany solutions and make sure the data is masked...  

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