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  Jets roared as Zoe trailed the figure, leaving Frenzy and Lizard to battle the gang of drones.Something compelled her to follow the doppelganger. Suspicion. Uncertainty. Both wriggled aroundin her mind for a spell as she launched more projectiles at the Raptor.It reacted accordingly, deflecting each attempt with relative ease. No amount of shells was goingto penetrate the armoured hide. Sounds of battle raged behind the pair as they raced further away.Zoe tired of the chase and hurtled her glider towards the winged foe, crashing into its flank."Looks like you've been busy, birdy. Your flock will perish!" Zoe sighted the imminent impact withdecrepit mortar and masonry of an abandoned block. "Starting with you!" A crash and tumblelaunched Zoe from her glider. Sparks flew from the Raptor as it rolled along the floor and bashed thefar wall.It managed to balance itself quickly, but even that wasn't enough. Zoe burst from the hangingdust clouds, gauntlets ignited. One blast forced the Raptor to dodge. But its bulk kept it from movingfast enough. Grounded, the Raptor was at the mercy of a Hobgoblin onslaught. The second gauntletconnected with the Raptor suit, sending electrifying shudders through the systems and mechanisms."You've got to come out sooner or later!" Zoe cackled wildly as the thrill of the moment whiskedaway any human emotions. Eventually the shock subsided as the gauntlets power waned. TheRaptor slumped, barely keeping off the ground. Gears whirred and hissed as the Raptor desperatelytried to compose itself."Had enough?" Zoe grinned. The sucker punch hit her like a freight train. A blast of gravity swiftlyblew Zoe backwards, giving the Raptor a moment to get up. The banshee was on it again in aninstant."That's no way to treat a lady - even a crazy one." Zoe charged. Her entire body was quicklywhacked aside though as a solid thump from the Raptor's forearm sent Zoe away. The force knockedher through to the next derelict room.That smack battered the Goblin helmet. Errors appeared on the visor and the images blinked withinterference. It was useless. Zoe had to remove it. At least then she could see her foe.The Raptor obscured the light from the new hole as Zoe revealed her scarred face and thecrimson blood eyes. They boiled in their sockets, alight with rage.The Raptor remained ever silent, crushing rubble beneath metallic talons. Mechanical hisses andgroans echoed as it steadily approached Zoe, seemingly confident, overly so.The Raptor fell to its front as a solid impact from behind forced him down. Zoe's glider hadreturned. It wasn't much use in the confines of the building. But it allowed an opportunity for Zoe toattack.Frenzy Origins-2-Pounding against the metal exterior proved futile as Zoe was knocked aside once more.Continuous sparks of electricity didn't seem to be as effective as they should either. The Raptor justcontinued its assault until Zoe was battered even further to the brink.One more hit made blood spout from her mouth. Gobs of crimson gushed out when she spatonto the crumbling ground. The Raptor stood above her victoriously. That same confidence - surelyit wouldn't fall for the same trick again."Goodbye, sweetie." The Raptor raised its arm to end it.It was too late for the Raptor to notice the bleeping pumpkin bomb beneath it. The detonationcaused the ground beneath to disintegrate into nothing. The Raptor followed with into the chamberbelow. Rubble fell onto the frame, pinning it to the ground permanently.Mechanisms must have fried inside the suit. It was no longer as agile or mobile as it had been. Anarm was trapped, while the other free one tried to remove the obstacles. It was useless. Crippledand wounded, Zoe spied the trapped prey below and joined it.She circled the struggling fiend with renewed curiosity. Something about what it said unsettledher."Sweetie," Zoe repeated a number of times. Each response increased in severity until she finallyplaced her hands upon the Raptor helmet. Before she could pry it open though, it hissed. It whirredwith mechanical precision, rolling back and revealing the pilot within.Zoe stared intently. She should've been shocked, surprised. No. She was angry. That face. Auburnhair and a crooked grin. It wasn't possible. He should be dead."Ellis." It was more a statement than a question. Zoe took deep angered breaths."Shame you've got to see me like this, sweetie. Would've been easier if you just died." It was ajoke to him. The fact that he had supposedly died himself didn't register once in his response."You died! Yo-you lied to me!" Zoe strained, climbing atop the rubble to stand above Ellis' coffin."I've lied to everyone Zoe. You, Paige..." his voice briefly as Zoe considered how this was possible."All for what, Ellis?!" Zoe leant in closer, forcing her hand upon Ellis' exposed face. "Why thedeception. Why lie to me?!" A human side of Zoe came through, tears started to swell up in hersockets. Genuine tears, not blooded, rage-induced tears. "I thought you loved me.""Look in the mirror yourself sometime. Consider what you've done before you judge me." Ellistried to land a fist onto Zoe's jaw. It failed. Effortlessly, Zoe stopped the blow."What I've done has got nothing to do with this-""Oh it does. It has everything to do with you. Did you for one second consider how we evenacquired OsCorp?" That was easy."We purchased its name, inventory – everything.""And, where do you suppose we got the money, hmm?" Zoe gritted her teeth. She instantly knewwhat Ellis was getting at. At the time she didn't want to believe the rumours, and she was accused ofthem. Her grip around Ellis' throat tightened."You gladly disregarded those as heresy. Your figure was rightly tarnished. And yet nobodysuspected the enigmatic husband," Ellis gagged. Zoe released her grip slightly to hear every word.Each one dove straight into her damaged heart. She couldn't believe what he was saying. But thefact that he was alive meant Zoe had no choice but to trust his word."So, who's your employer then?" It was impossible for Ellis to deflect. He simply couldn't in hispredicament. Zoe figured that someone was pulling Ellis' strings. The takeover and his words whenhe approached her that night, that night he threatened her. Someone was guiding him. Zoe scoffedat the fact that Ellis was following orders.Frenzy Origins-3-In the past it all seemed as though he was his own man - a man who didn't follow orders, or allowanyone to tread over him. It was all a ruse. Did that also mean that their love was a lie? He stillhadn't clarified that."My employer is a fool. He thinks he owns me, but he had another thing coming. If I succeededtonight, then it would've been his last.""But you've failed, sweetie," Zoe replied sarcastically, "So, what happens now?""My assistant takes care of it instead. She's a good girl. She does what she's told, unlike you." Zoewanted to strike him. But she refrained for now. This was not the Ellis she knew."If you hadn't gone after the board then I could've kept you safe. But you had to eavesdrop. I wasgoing to kill them at the convention. You had to get in the way. I could've made all the problems goaway. But you fucked it up. And you have only yourself to blame." Ellis grinned manically."You could've told me.""To be honest, Zoe. I knew you'd go after them. It all worked out perfectly. Paige getting involvedwas just a bonus. She'll bend for the right amount. And when I told her about the drones and theduplicate project, she lapped it up like the obedient pup she is. She made the perfect scapegoat, too,allowing me to continue as I saw fit. She gets arrested. I go free.""I don't believe this," Zoe groaned. The lies, the deceit, everything was happening and she didn'tknow about any of it. She was pawn in a game of chess. Disposable. Worthless."Believe it. If you didn't stick your nose in then my employer wouldn't have wanted your services. Frenzy Origins-4-The memory meant nothing. There was something before, but now, Ellis would not stop. Zoe hadto do it.Ellis' pleas did not register. Vainly, he tried to get the helmet open. He couldn't."The dead don't scream, Ellis. I'm going to correct that." Zoe took hold of the glider and blastedthrough the ceiling and out. Soon after the building exploded, disintegrating Ellis within the Raptorsuit. The blast would catch the attention of Frenzy and would soon investigate.Zoe was not concerned. She had much bigger fish to fry.Her arrival back at OsCorp was a silent one. She could not enter the building from the ground floorwith her gear still on. A damaged helmet didn't help.Instead, she glided into the top floors. Windows had not been fitted since the feigned Raptorattack, so Zoe could enter easily. She deactivated the glider and made her way down a few floors toher undisturbed office.The central computer booted up and Zoe scoured through the top secret archives. Fortunatelyher access hadn't been restricted by Ellis. His mistake. Zoe uncovered Ellis' private documents.Everything that he had worked on in the last few weeks and before was within.Casting a careful eye over the information, Zoe confirmed what Ellis said. The fact that shemurdered him in cold blood didn't concern her. Her cold heart was frozen in the moment. A smallspark of emotion regretted what she had done.It was far from enough to ignite her feelings. She only had one other matter on her mind;discover Ellis' mysterious compatriots. Already, she had discovered the name of his female assistant,and whereabouts.Funny, she thought. And I thought he was having an affair.Strange, funny even, that her misconception lead to something unexpected. Zoe continued herinvestigation, desperate to uncover the location of Ellis' mystery employer.Much of the information indicated Ellis was dealing with a vast New York criminal empire headedby a mysterious figure. Zoe didn't care much for his mysteries. Her only concern was: where?Finally. Tucked away within sloppy encryption, Zoe found an address that meant something.Clearly, Ellis didn't expect anyone else to snoop around his files. Otherwise the documents would'vebeen more secure.She made a mental note and set out.Zoe stormed through the corridors of the organisation's headquarters, a suitably towering structurematching the grandeur of OsCorp. Halls decked in fine architecture and drapes guided Zoe to thetop. The minimal security caused her little trouble. Of course, they weren't expecting a shriekingharpy to come flying through on a wild rocket.Still, Zoe expected more of a challenge. Rather than kill most, she subdued them with minimaljolts of electricity and well placed blows. Some were killed, though; Zoe couldn't help breaking theodd neck or spine. Or enjoy the sight of one's head rolling away from their tumbling corpse.High above, Zoe finally reached the large doors leading to the master's domain. Two goons triedsubduing her, but she twisted both onto their backs, leaving them sprawling around. Zoedismounted and strode towards the doors.She hesitated a moment before forcing the great locks open with all her might. She grunted andgroaned as they wailed open. In a darkened room, Zoe stood, staring at her adversary. He wasn'tfrightened. No fear. He seemed uninterested in Zoe tearing through a few dozen of his entourage. Frenzy Origins-5-Thunderous claps echoed around the room, bounding off the reflective windows."Bravo!" the large gentleman pronounced, "I've been waiting to meet you, Zoe King. I'm glad youdecided to attend, face-to-face." Zoe didn't respond. She stomped along the ray of light towardshim."I had my doubts about Ellis wanting to get you involved. After all, he's always been plotting tooverthrow me." Foul vapours from his cigar wafted around the room. The smell stung Zoe's nostrils.She had to hold her breath for a moment to avoid coughing. Her composed figure just kept drawingnearer.The large man grimaced, trying to hide his fear. Ellis, he was familiar with. Zoe was an unknown.He had no idea what to expect. All he knew was that here she was, steadily approaching him withweight in her strides.Suddenly, strides turned to a rapid motion of a dash. Zoe lunged with her fist primed, her face amonstrous expression of rage in the low light.Crash! There was nothing he could do. Zoe's fist collided with his cheek, sending him off tumblingdown the side. Adjusting his jaw, the portly gentleman spat out a tooth. His giant ape fists correctedhis face."He has failed, fool. I will finish what he started. It's what he would've wanted.""Bastard," he coughed, realising that Ellis did finally betray him. Clearly, Zoe was hurt, there wasno denying it. Now he knew what to expect. He tried to reason with her."You're making a big mistake here, Mrs King." Finally his jaw slotted back into place. "We cancome to an agreement. If we work together-"Zoe punched him again. He stumbled back. Zoe imagined different ways of exploiting his largeframe. Hopefully, he would comically fall over."Your agreement was with Ellis. Not me. " A boulder-fist approached Zoe. She smacked it away,and dodged the subsequent attempt. "And because of you, he turned against me, too!" A viciousheadbutt cracked against the large man's skull. Zoe grunted as he collapsed to the floor, dazed andconfused.Zoe forced her hands onto his collar, lifting him easily. He was at least twice the size of her."Our relationship wouldn't work. So, for both your own benefit, and everyone else's," Zoesnarled with increasing aggression. "You're relieved of your duties. Permanently." With a giantheave, Zoe twisted the giant over her head and out the nearest window. He wailed like a baby as hisbulk tore through the glass and followed it down towards the sidewalk.Zoe grinned as she watched the corpse tumble further away and his wails evaporated intosilence. She had accomplished what Ellis couldn't do in years within a night. Zoe had what Ellisdesired - an empire. Nobody was going to manipulate her again. She could do whatever she wanted.All of the organisation's assets were at her disposal. The goons would fall in line for the rightamount. Even though she had succeeded in overcoming Ellis' betrayal, a few matters still remained:Veronica Pyke and her pet symbiote.Zoe would not be satisfied until she saw them finished. However, she had to thank them for onething; they helped her uncover Ellis. For that, she was, for a moment, grateful. Zoe rotated therequisitioned vial in her hand – Frenzy's blood within. She had a plan.* * *Frenzy Origins-6-After the night's tribulations, Regina wanted nothing more than to crawl into bed with Veronica andenjoy the last breath-taking moments the darkness had. Instead, they had snuck away from policeeyes, reformed their human forms and watched the dwindling flames from the opposite bank of theHudson.Cheap, late-night coffee was on the menu as both girls stared, relaxing. Cup in one hand,Veronica's chilled palm in the other, Regina smiled."Don't know about you, but I've seen enough flaming buildings already."Veronica laughed, "That's just about the norm around here. But I thought you'd be used to it bynow, Frenzy." Veronica purposely emphasised the last word to tease Regina. Not that it mattered.The only other company was too far away to care. Regina was chilled to see that second Raptor suit.She figured there would be more.Her mind wandered. It wasn't just the Raptor. She was also concerned for her brother. Shewanted to call him. However, given the time, she felt it wasn't best. Then there was Zoe. She justvanished without a trace. Regina did figure she had some part in the destruction of the otherbuilding and the second Raptor suit. Where did she go? What was she planning? Maybe she wasgoing to jump out of the bushes and scream; "Ha-ha! I poisoned your drinks, fools!"Despite the absurdity, Regina gazed at her cup oddly."Don't like it?""No, it's good. Just had a weird thought is all." A long awkward silence followed, briefly disruptedby Veronica cooling her drink before taking a loud sip. Veronica looked over a few times. She wasgetting concerned by Regina's brooding. She could understand why. It was obvious.Regina finally spoke again; "So...what happens now? With Zoe, I mean."Veronica sighed heavily, "You say she just disappeared. It wouldn't be such a tragedy if she nevercame back. She destroyed my home.""I know. But I don't think she's gone for good. She found something.""Maybe," Veronica replied dismissively, and took another sip. "It doesn't help me find a newhome though does it?""Maybe," a familiar voice said, making Veronica jump. It was Megan. Veronica had called herafter getting away from the fire, explaining is as vague details what happened."Geez, Megan. I thought you'd gone home.""Nah, not until I get the scoop on you girls," Megan grinned, wrapping her arms around themboth. She noticed the coffee cups and looked disappointed like a sobbing puppy. "Aw, why didn'tyou get me one?""Like I said: I thought you'd gone home." Veronica took one final mocking sip and crushed thecup. Regina selflessly offered hers."Here." Megan swiped it delightfully."Cheers, uh...""Regina," Regina finished."That's it," Megan replied with a delighted smile, "So, Veronica. When were you going tointroduce me to your new friend here?""There wasn't a good time.""It's always 'never a good time' with you. What're you hiding?" The question seemed to bedirected at both. Neither wanted to answer it, Megan gave up after a few seconds. "Fine. Now's nota good time. I get it."Frenzy Origins-7-"Meg," Veronica said with increased agitation that she'd intruded, "Was there a reason youfollowed us out here, beyond coffee and small-talk, of course." Megan gulped down the last drops ofcoffee, raising her finger to try and talk."Because I'm always awesome to you, I wanted you to have this." Megan produced a set of keys."My dad leased this converted warehouse apartment for me. Something about 'being independent,'but I don't really spend much time there. And considering that, well, your flat is flame-broiled; I wantyou to have it instead.""Seriously?" Veronica didn't quite know what else to say."Seriously," Megan asserted, "fully furnished and don't worry about rent either. So long as mydad knows I haven't lent it to a stranger he won't bite."Veronica chuckled, "I'm no stranger to you guys. Thank you, Megan. Really. I can't thank youenough.""And now I'll know where I can find you. Not like when you called me up a few weeks backneeding clothes because you'd gotten pissed up.""Oh?" Regina quizzed."Yeah, she calls me up, saying she can't remember a thing. I find her butt-ass-nak-""Okay, okay, enough." Veronica went bright red. Regina had an idea what Megan was referringto. The first night Veronica became the Lizard. So, Megan didn't know of Veronica's reptiliantendencies yet."We should catch up. Get to know each other better. I know this place we could go one night.""If you insist," Veronica replied begrudgingly, half-hoping that Megan would go on her merryway."Great! I'll, leave you two to it. If mom finds out I'm still out, she'd kill me. Oh, and it's good tomeet ya, Regina.""Better hurry then!" Regina yelled out jokingly. Megan dashed away, waving back as shedeparted.Veronica turned to Regina suggestively, twisting the new key between her fingers."Look, why don't we go home and you can – ahem – do those things to me," Veronica implied,drawing her body closer and wrapping her hand around Regina's waist.The symbiote childishly egged Regina on, "Come on! Anything's better than standing aroundhere." Regina ignored it. It was like having the worst best-friend ever, or a bad sibling. Regina neverthought of having such an experience when she came to New York. Honestly, she thought it'd bespent with a psychiatrist or inside a padded cell. Still, it wasn't too late for that.The symbiote made all the difference. It was a nuisance, yes, but it also gave her awesomepowers and a renewed confidence.But the best thing about the past couple months, was the girl stood beside her. Regina couldn'tbelieve her fortune. Surely this was all a dream, or an elaborate illusion. She wanted to pinch herselfto make sure it was all real. But she accepted that this was what she wanted - real or not. Shewanted it to last forever. If only Zoe and the Raptor could keep their killing tendencies aside.Regina stretched up and kissed Veronica's cheek."Alright, Veronica. I suppose we've earned it. But at some point you've got to tell me more aboutthat Megan girl.""I will. Come on now, I want to see our new home."Regina didn't care. She was already home.  

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