Chapter 11

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  Nightmarish visions clawed at Regina's skull. A growing darkness enveloped and ensnared her verybeing. Suddenly her mind awoke. She was still in the bed, Veronica beside her in deep sleep. Sweatglistened in the silver moonlight. Her usually tidy hair was messy from excessive thrashing. Sat in thebed, Regina felt uncomfortable. An unusual feeling surrounded her. Everything felt unreal."Regina," Veronica said as she awoke. A strange echo bounced around Regina's ears. "Are youalright?"Regina couldn't speak."Can't sleep?" A growing fear escalated. Regina clenched the bed sheets tight. She dangled herarm over the bedside in anticipation of the symbiote clutching to her. A bare Veronica swivelled outof the sheets and mounted Regina. Golden blonde hair veiled Veronica's features. An alarmingdarkness beneath golden streaks unsettled Regina. Then the familiar sounFrenzy Origins-2-"I'm coming!" Veronica yelled. Regina heard the door open slightly then clunk against the doorchain. "Bryan, you here for Regina?""So she is here," Bryan responded. He tried forcing his way in before Veronica calmly removedthe chain and allowed the worried figure inside."She's not 'decent,'" Veronica said assertively as Bryan made his way towards the bedroom."Oh," Bryan replied quietly. Regina heard everything and she slowly slipped out of the bed, as hersoles hit the floor, the symbiote instantly reformed clothing, covering Regina's bare body."You were here the whole time," she whispered furiously."It's the only way you'll be prepared," The symbiote had feigned it's detachment from Regina. Instead onlya chunk had left Regina."Regina, are you 'decent?'" Bryan asked from beyond the bedroom wall."Yeah," answered Regina as she turned to the doorway. Bryan stepped in, he wasn't followed byVeronica. Anger and fear combined to create a visage Regina hadn't witnessed before. Bryanapproached Regina."Have you been hanging around Veronica this whole time?!" Bryan whispered angrily. In theother room Veronica had begun making some breakfast. "I was worried, you don't answer yourphone, and you leave without a word." Regina was ready to reply but Bryan kept on talking. "I knowyou want to change and I appreciate you taking the effort to do so. But please, don't forget yourbrother worries, 'kay?""I'm fine, you don't need to worry about me," Regina finally replied. As Regina walked out of thebedroom, Bryan stopped her by the wrist."No, I don't think you are, maybe...coming here was a bad idea.""Well, I disagree." Regina forcefully freed herself."What's happened to you? What's happened this past week that's made you so confident?""I met someone special; does that satisfy your questioning?""Veronica? I think you should stay away from her. She's got problems of her own." Theatmosphere was getting increasingly hostile between the siblings. Regina's tone was noticeablymore aggressive. Bryan feared her insanity was taking hold."Maybe you should be looking out for yourself and stop worrying about me." Regina went toe totoe with Bryan."You can't seriously expect me to just let you go about as you please with your 'issues,' I wasworried.""Well don't! We don't need you," Regina said sternly. Bryan was stunned silent. For a moment hethought Regina might actually punch his face in. The look in Regina's face was of pure rage."Alright," said Bryan quietly. He began walking out. "I'll leave you two be then." Bryan walkedpast Veronica sat on the rotten couch with paper in hand, and prepared to walk out the door. "Iknow you've got your own problems," said Bryan to Veronica, "but please look after her.""Of course," Veronica responded. Bryan vanished out of the apartment. Regina leant on thebedroom door frame as he left. "Regina, what the hell was that?" She looked at Regina astonished."I don't need his pity; he needs to stop concerning himself with me." Slowly, Regina drifted overto the couch and took a seat. Veronica shuffled across to her, glancing between the closed door andRegina."He's still your brother, think how he must feel." Veronica put down the paper and prepped herfingers. Gently, she pressed her digits against Regina's neck and onto her shoulders, below the shirt. Frenzy Origins-3-"I wish I had a brother like him, someone looking out for me." Her hands glided over Regina'sshoulders as she carefully massaged them. Regina felt alleviated and started to become relaxed."I didn't know you had any family.""You didn't ask, and no I don't. I never knew my parents, or if I have any siblings. As far as I canremember, there was just me and the world." Regina could sympathise with Veronica to an extent.But ultimately, Regina knew who her parents were. A luxury Veronica didn't have and never would.However, whatever Veronica was doing, it was having a remarkable effect on Regina."She's good," purred the symbiote."That's nice," Regina said, ensuring the symbiote's feelings were heard. "What was that?""Just a little trick I picked up on my travels. Not so stressed now, are we?" Veronica removed herfingers from Regina. For a moment Regina thought that she was referring to her and the other. In asecond she realised this was not the case and smiled. "I don't know about you, but I'm hungry."Veronica got up and made her way to the kitchen to finish preparing some breakfast."Her? Hungry?" jest the symbiote. Regina took no notice and reached out for the paper strewn on thetable before her.'Frenzy at OsCorp tower,' read the headline. Regina took a slight intrigue at the story and readthrough it. Vague details indicated that Veronica was there, or rather the 'Lizard,' as the Bugle calledher.A tally of bodies rested on her conscience, Regina was uncertain if Veronica was aware of this.She refused to believe it. Regina felt vile, having to deal with one dead on her conscience wasenough. Yet, that was different, she had no other choice. Quietly, Regina hoped that Veronica didn'tknow."I hoped you wouldn't read that," said Veronica as she peeked over Regina's shoulder.'Does she always sneak up like that?' Regina thought, recalling yesterday when she confrontedVeronica about the paperwork on the desk."Have you read it?" she responded."I don't need to, I was there," admitted Veronica. She conceded that Regina knew, afteryesterday, it was unnecessary denying it."What happened?" asked Regina, face straight as a post. "I want to hear your version, more so,"Regina paused to look at the paper a moment, pretending to take a keen interest as an uninitiated."What's it like being that thing?""Frenzy," whispered the symbiote. Regina ignored it."It's unpleasant as you may gather, Regina." Veronica then began indulging Regina with the starkdetails, "Imagine having your body torn from the inside out, bones snapping and shifting to form anew being. And imagine your muscles exploding to accommodate such a radical change. Worst of all,it's always there; even now...I can feel it, screaming in the back of my mind, screaming to be free.""Oh I can't imagine," joked the symbiote."I-I can't imagine," Regina dictated the symbiote's words and got up with the paper still in hand.Unlike Veronica, Regina's secret was still secure. She wouldn't surrender it quite as easily asVeronica. "You must be very strong to go through such a thing.""No," replied Veronica, "I'm not strong enough. I'm not strong enough to stop Zoe andthat...thing." Distain endowed Veronica's face. Of course, she was referring to Regina's other."Thing?" asked Regina, acting purposely naïve."This thing." Veronica forced the paper from Regina's hands. A few shreds ripped from the twograsping the sheets. "This...'Frenzy.'"Frenzy Origins-4-"Frenzy?""I know it's just a word, but don't you think it seems fitting, given the chaos?" Regina ponderedfor a moment.'Frenzy,' she thought. Something about that word just clicked, like it were a seal of approval fromthe symbiote."Yes, it does seem very fitting. I like it!" the symbiote agreed. Regina was too self-absorbed to noticeVeronica sifting through her collection of OsCorp diagrams. Below the pile though there weredifferent files, much more distinct than simple diagrams. Formulas, equations and senseless writingsthat, to the untrained eye, meant nothing, but to Veronica, meant everything."Zoe and that thing are in cahoots," stated Veronica. "Her pet minion. Another of her 'scienceexperiments' I wager.""Science experiment? Me?! I'll show her science experiment!" raged the symbiote. A tense surge slithered aroundRegina's body. It caught her by complete surprise and in a moment, she lost control. She tried tospeak, but her lips wouldn't move, she tried to walk, but her legs would not go. She was a prisonerinside her own body. The symbiote was now the puppet master, Regina's body was now it's."NO!" Regina cried out from her prison."I don't think so," said the Regina-imposter."No, those aren't my words!" Regina screamed. Her voice just echoed in an empty space, likeyelling into a large, empty metallic chamber."The Bugle might say otherwise, but I just know it. I feel it," Veronica responded unbeknownst toRegina's sudden change. Her stride was more confident, full of vigour. A stance, unlike any Reginahad displayed prior. Insidious strings had moved Regina closer to Veronica and she reached out."What are you doing?!" Regina watched on as her palm was manipulated onto Veronica'sshoulder."Can you feel this?" Regina's palms gently glided over Veronica's clothing, the symbiote couldfeel the fabric through its host's senses. This was an experience unlike either had encounteredbefore."Yes," Veronica responded, not quite sure how to react."Oh." The palm went underneath Veronica's clothing, brushing a surprisingly rough texture. Thesymbiote noticed that Veronica's wound had worsened. Rather than just simple moss colouredveins, scales began forming around the injection point. Regina foresaw what was about to happen."Don't!""How about...this!" A bellowing scream followed as the symbiote dug Regina's nails intoVeronica's scaled skin. Veronica was caught off guard and something inside was growing, her mindbecame hazy. Blackness filled her memory. The beast was trying to take hold.Regina's symbiotic tendrils weeded and threaded around Veronica's body. It was encouraging aforced evolution of Veronica's mutated cells."Enough!" Regina tried to regain control. Her body jerked as pieces of her humanity returned.The symbiote wasn't prepared to allow her, not without a fight. It sought something in particular.Regina could feel it what this request was, but refrained, determined to force the symbiote's tendrilstrings off of her.Veronica was in agonising pain. Her transformation was not materialising. The symbiote's holdprevented it. Her body was being altered by the invasion of more cells. The DNA of the reptiles werebeing spliced and enhanced. Frenzy Origins-5-"Stop it," said the Regina-imposter, it could feel the human side vying for control. "You've hadyour fun, now it's my turn." Regina could no longer bear the sight of Veronica wincing in agony."Will you stop?! Please!" Regina begged."Oh, but we're enjoying this.""No, I'm not!""That didn't seem the case last night, what's different?" quizzed the symbiote. It prodded at theclear brutality Regina displayed towards the Lizard at OsCorp tower. Though, the symbiote wouldgladly admit that its influence ultimately bred her relentless nature. But, mostly, it wasn't. Reginahad become absorbed by the strength the symbiote wielded that her 'insane side' took hold."But this is Veronica, not the Lizard.""They are one in the same, just like us," stated the symbiote."No. I'm Regina...I'm-" Regina hesitated. There was no denying what she had become under theinfluence of this being. And clearly, it wasn't going to be swayed until she muttered that distinctword."Accept it. This is who we are.""We're crazy, I am crazy, mad, destructive. We're...we're...""Yes?""FRENZY!!!" Regina yelled, finally conceding to the symbiote's childish game. And, as if on cue,she was instantly reunited with her body and retracted away from Veronica. She collapsed to thefloor. Regina dropped to catch her. Veronica had blacked out, yet she stirred in Regina's arms."We're Frenzy," Regina whispered."See, it wasn't that hard," a stoic demeanour from the symbiote aggravated Regina."I swear, if you-""Good, we like you angry. Oh, it's delicious." The symbiote savoured Regina's hate. It would satisfy it for atleast a short while."Regina?" Veronica's eyes opened, "Whoa, I must have blacked out for a sec." Regina just playedalong, calmly."Are you alright? You just collapsed all of a sudden." The lying was painful. But she just had toaccept that the less people knew about her alter-ego the better. Regina helped Veronica back to herfeet."Did I? I feel strange." Despite Regina retracting her symbiotic mass, a sliver of purple slippedgently into Veronica's body. The bonding had done something to her, yet the effect was unknown."Maybe I should just take it easy," Veronica said as she went about her normal morning routine.Regina watched on with fondness as did the symbiote."We should catch a movie later, give us a chance to spend some time," said Regina gladly."I hear there's a new film showing tonight. Got a pretty good write-up," Veronica replied.'What exactly did you do?' scoured through Regina's mind. The symbiote acknowledged thethought and simply responded."We've improved her, 'Frenzy'..." Regina feared exactly what that meant...* * *Frenzy Origins-6-Ellis awoke, alone. Tapestries on the wall hung low and an amber glow crept through the crack in thedoor. An empty space on the king-sized bed beside Ellis did not go unnoticed."Zoe," said Ellis. The door leading to the study was ajar, but the bathroom door was wide open. Atowel lay discarded by the doorway as slight droplets of water lead towards the study. Ellis crawledout of bed and pulled his dressing gown on. He walked out into the study where Zoe was stood infront of the window. The angelic rays of light shone down on her.Ellis sighed and Zoe looked at him sternly."Hey sweetie," Zoe said calmy before Ellis could say anything himself."Don't tell me you've been there all night," Ellis finally replied."Of course not, I just got up early." Zoe made her way towards Ellis, wrapped her arms around hisneck and kissed him. Ellis reacted sheepishly."You seem awfully happy.""Well, last night did me some good I suppose." Zoe plucked a biscuit from a tray a servant hadlaid out earlier. "I want to speak with the board.""You know that's not your strong suit, Zoe. Please, let me handle them.""No, I think we need to take this company in a different direction. Create something muchgrander than what they want." Zoe took a hefty chunk out of the doughy snack. It crumbled in hermouth."That's not wise. The projects convention is in a few days and right now I've got the board right inmy pocket. Besides, we've stuck with them until now. Why the sudden desire to switch it up?""Ambition. Something they lack, Ellis." Ellis made steady steps towards Zoe. "I know you helpedconvince them to take on the bid for OsCorp. Ever since then they've been too timid and reluctant topursue grander ventures.""But, you said before-""I know what I said," boomed Zoe, "But this is now. And now, I say we break the mould." Zoe wasgrinning hysterically at Ellis. He noticed something in her eye, quite literally. They were increasinglybloodshot."No," Ellis said assertively, "You're not well. Ever since you came here you've not been the same.Secret projects, clients and now this whole 'Lizard' fiasco." This time, it was Ellis reaching for thewhiskey bottle. He took a slight swig from the bottle. "Is it this? Because if it damn well is then youneed help!" Zoe forced herself upon Ellis. Fire was in her eyes, wide and devilish with a grin tomatch."You don't control me; stop telling me what to do! I can handle this," Zoe answered with amenacing, gravelly voice."No, you cannot and this proves it." Ellis carefully removed Zoe as she relieved herself. "Theboard is my concern now. Everything will be fine. Give me a few days, at least until the projectsconvention. Have few days to yourself, then see how you feel.""I'm going to hold you to that," Zoe replied devilishly, "But, if I'm going to spend some 'timealone,' then we should have some time together beforehand." Zoe boldly placed her hand againstEllis' chest and ran it down to his waist. With her other hand she began unbuttoning her gown."Okay," Ellis conceded. He lifted Zoe up and carried her back to the bedroom, "I promise, thingswill change, you'll see."'Yes, they will...'Frenzy Origins-7-* * *"Who the hell does she think she is!" yelled Bryan as he slammed the door behind him. From insidehis apartment, Bryan looked out the window across the street. 'Oh, I can take care of myself,' Bryansaid girlishly imitating Regina. He sighed heavily. "Now I am reduced to...spying on her from adistance. Why won't she talk to me properly?"Bryan mused for a few minutes. That girl was not the Regina he knew. She was someone else. ButBryan could accept, in some way, that was a good thing. Yet, her attitude reminded him too much ofan insane girl from the past. Even in the period between her college exclusion to a week ago she hadimproved. She seemed more open. Now, she'd gone back into her hole.Regina would share everything with him. Any trouble, any torment she would converse withBryan for words of reassurance.Now she would confide with that other 'insane' woman, Veronica. She was reckless and a risktaker. Bryan figured, perhaps, Regina liked that sort of thing – Regina possibly wished to emulatethat attitude. But even then, Veronica had some compassion. She was honest and open to Bryan andDr Connors' inquisition. Regina was not so much open, as it seemed.A knock alerted Bryan. He quickly went to the door and pulled it open slightly."Dr Connors," he said. Connors was stood with briefcase in hand, dressed in suit and trousers.Not a lab coat like before."Bryan, can I come in?" asked Connors. Bryan opened the door swiftly and beckoned the doctorin. He closed the door behind him. Glancing around, the doctor didn't seem all that focused."I've not heard from you for a week, doctor. Is everything okay?""Yeah. I'm fine, but I need your opinion on this." Connors fished around in his case and removedthe vial of green ooze – Veronica's serum."That's Veronica's serum," Bryan stated, "I thought everything was destroyed from the lab.""You'd be right, but I scrounged this together with the remaining notes on Veronica's research.For all intents and purposes, this is the same sample she used that night, minus one element.""The symbiote.""Right. But now look at this." Dr Connors removed a second vial, this time containing a bloodsample. It appeared normal at first, but then it started to morph and change colour, purple andgreen tints swirled around. "That's weird. It's never done that before.""Huh," said Bryan dimly."It's never been active. All week it's been idle...fascinating.""That's Veronica's blood I take it?""Yes, but I've never seen it like this. Something seems to have it agitated.""It's still got the symbiote cells, so that must be why it's reacting so." Bryan took the vial fromConnors' hand and examined it briefly. Then he was passed the other vial, Bryan claimed that too."Is this why you're here, for me to examine them?""I'm a physicist, Bryan, not a biologist. I've done as much testing as I can.""Okay, I get why you brought me the blood sample, but why Veronica's serum?""As I said, I've done what I can. Those two elements directly affected Veronica. I'd like to knowwhat you see." Bryan turned away and placed the two vials on a table. "Now I must go, I've got somematters to attend to. Please give Veronica and Regina my regards." Dr Connors helped himself outand stopped just outside. "Let me know if I can help in any way."Frenzy Origins-8-"You done enough already doctor, but yes I will." Bryan shut the door slowly and glanced back atthe desk. "What the." Strangely, the blood sample was moving, literally moving the vial along thedesk towards the bedrooms. It almost fell off the table before Bryan seized it."You're certainly an active specimen aren't you? But why are you so interested in what's downthere." Bryan used the vial like a compass and walked down the corridor, carefully observing thedirection in which the blood sample was jostling. The direction changed, now it was freneticallylurching itself towards Regina's room. Enthralled, Bryan stepped inside. Then the blood went berserkand turned a disgusting darkened red.Something about this room agitated the creature. 'But what?' Bryan thought. He placed the vialon Regina's bed and started to scrounge around. Considering that Regina had been living here for aweek, she had hardly done anything with her personal effects. Still there were clothes strewn aboutthe place.'I hope Regina doesn't catch me doing this,' he thought to himself. Obviously, Bryan was veryuncomfortable clawing around Regina's clothes. Jackets and shirts, he didn't have a problem with, itwas more her under garments he was concerned about. Regina didn't wear any of that fancy glitzystuff, as she put it. Instead, she just wore what was functional: cargo trousers, t-shirts and jackets forthe most part.As Bryan rustled through a pair of trainers he noticed something."Hello," Bryan said, intrigued.On the sole of one trainer was a stain. It was black, for a second Bryan thought I could just bemuck or oil. But, he swore it moved slightly. Bryan touched it and scraped it off the shoe. Thesubstance was rather sludgy and lifeless, but a small glimmer clung to it.On Bryan's index finger the goo began to slip off. He pinched it and took it to his room, removingthe vial from Regina's room in the process. A microscope under a large lamp was setup in his room.Bryan took the mass vised between his fingers, placed it under the scope and peered in.It took Bryan a few minutes to adjust the scope but was finally able to see the mass in detail.Nothing appeared out of the ordinary. If anything, it was just a smudge stain or some gum. Bryanpersevered, but nothing good came of it."Fuck sake," Bryan said in defeat, "I swore it was alive." He got up and ventured back into theliving room, leaving the vial in his bedroom. Inside the kitchen fridge Bryan removed a cold beer andcracked it open, the hiss quickly subsided as he took a sip. He returned to his new duty of Reginaspying and looked out the window. As he did, Regina and Veronica were just leaving the apartment.Bryan watched them. Again, he felt like a stalker, but he was adamant to determine what hadhappened to Regina. He couldn't accept that this sudden change was natural. Also, he would notallow Regina to hurt anybody.Bryan decided to ghost them. He took a deep swig and left the beer bottle on the side. He brisklyacquired a coat and glided out the door, locking it behind him.  

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